[set no [fn [x] [same x []]]] [set outint [fn [n] [if [< n 0] [do [out 45] [outint [neg n]]] [if [< n 10] [out [+ 48 n]] [do [outint [div n 10]] [out [+ 48 [mod n 10]]] ] ] ]]] [set map [fn [f l] [if l [pair [f [head l]] [map f [tail l]]]]]] [set id [fn args args]] [set outstr [fn [str] [if str [do [out [head str]] [outstr [tail str]]]]]] [set newline [fn [] [out 10]]] [set instr [fn [] [set c [in]] [if [no [same c 10]] [pair c [instr]]] ]] [set outints [fn [l] [set outcontent [fn [l] [if l [do [outint [head l]] [out 32] [outcontent [tail l]]]] ]] [out 91] [outcontent l] [out 93] ]] [set rappend [fn [a b] [if a [rappend [tail a] [pair [head a] b]] b]]] [set rev [fn [l] [rappend l []]]] [set append [fn [a b] [rappend [rev a] b]]] [set backwards [sx body [pair 'do [rev body]]]] [outstr "-= loaded =-"] [newline] [outstr "Hello, I am Casey Shawn Exton. What is your name?"] [newline] [outstr "> "] [set name [instr]] [outstr "Nice to meet you, "] [outstr name] [outstr "."] [newline] [outstr "I have to go. Goodbye!"] [newline] [backwards [outstr magic] [set magic [rev "magic"]] ]