Template language made simple.

NewbieTL is FOSS: legal info is in the 'LICENSE' file.
It is written in ANSI C without dependencies except for C standard library.
NewbieTL is a module, not a library, so it is intended to be changed
as you wish and included directly into code of your project.

Compilation is described in Makefile, however it is mostly about flags,
since the thing is so simple.  Type 'make' to produce working example.

Example sets some data and applies the translator.
Play with input.ntl, passing it to the example as './tl_example < input.ntl'.

Form any data you want in tl_list with tl_new, tl_named_data,
tl_named_list and tl_plain_list and pass the data into tl_translate.
It will substitute any {name} with data of name, and any
@name{body} with body repeatedly translated for each element in list of name,
so the same rules as for whole text are applied for body,
but in context extended with the element named elements.
Also you can screen characters with \, so \@ is @ in output,
however newline character will disapear, you can output it with \n.

Templates can be fun and simple.