diff options
authorAleksey Veresov <aleksey@veresov.pro>2021-02-16 13:11:37 +0300
committerAleksey Veresov <aleksey@veresov.pro>2021-02-16 13:11:37 +0300
commit7f59fd16534fc4fe417640130c415107008a638c (patch)
parent97bbb430e4f1460858b2f1baaffc2ef804c63086 (diff)
Now Machine is in Emulator which is a monad. =)
8 files changed, 31949 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 05610ed..ca9c155 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+-- This module parses config as passed in arguments and runs Emulator.
module Main where
import Options.Applicative
import Suem
inet_socket :: String -> Parser ConfigSocket
inet_socket sock = ConfigInet <$> strOption
( long ("i" ++ sock)
@@ -18,6 +20,7 @@ unix_socket sock = ConfigUnix <$> strOption
socket :: String -> Parser (Maybe ConfigSocket)
socket sock = optional (inet_socket sock <|> unix_socket sock)
config :: Parser Config
config = Config
<$> option auto
diff --git a/package.yaml b/package.yaml
index 73957e0..c14e121 100644
--- a/package.yaml
+++ b/package.yaml
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ license: OtherLicense
-ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -static -optl-static -optl-pthread
+ghc-options: -O2 -static -optl-static -optl-pthread
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- vector
- bytestring
- optparse-applicative
-- lens
+- mtl
source-dirs: src
diff --git a/spec/MC68000UM.txt b/spec/MC68000UM.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1f479a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/MC68000UM.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10789 @@
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ M68000
+ 8-/16-/32-Bit
+ Microprocessors User’s Manual
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Ninth Edition
+ Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding
+ the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and
+ specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters can and do vary in different
+ applications. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Motorola does not
+ convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems
+ intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola
+ product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or
+ unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims,
+ costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such
+ unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and µ are
+ registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
+ ©MOTOROLA INC., 1993
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Paragraph Page
+ Number Title Number
+ Section 1
+ Overview
+ 1.1 MC68000..................................................................................................... 1-1
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 1.2 MC68008..................................................................................................... 1-2
+ 1.3 MC68010..................................................................................................... 1-2
+ 1.4 MC68HC000................................................................................................ 1-2
+ 1.5 MC68HC001................................................................................................ 1-3
+ 1.6 MC68EC000 ................................................................................................ 1-3
+ Section 2
+ Introduction
+ 2.1 Programmer's Model ................................................................................... 2-1
+ 2.1.1 User's Programmer's Model .................................................................... 2-1
+ 2.1.2 Supervisor Programmer's Model ............................................................. 2-2
+ 2.1.3 Status Register ........................................................................................ 2-3
+ 2.2 Data Types and Addressing Modes ............................................................ 2-3
+ 2.3 Data Organization In Registers ................................................................... 2-5
+ 2.3.1 Data Registers ......................................................................................... 2-5
+ 2.3.2 Address Registers ................................................................................... 2-6
+ 2.4 Data Organization In Memory ..................................................................... 2-6
+ 2.5 Instruction Set Summary ............................................................................. 2-8
+ Section 3
+ Signal Description
+ 3.1 Address Bus ................................................................................................ 3-3
+ 3.2 Data Bus...................................................................................................... 3-4
+ 3.3 Asynchronous Bus Control.......................................................................... 3-4
+ 3.4 Bus Arbitration Control ................................................................................ 3-5
+ 3.5 Interrupt Control .......................................................................................... 3-6
+ 3.6 System Control............................................................................................ 3-7
+ 3.7 M6800 Peripheral Control ........................................................................... 3-8
+ 3.8 Processor Function Codes .......................................................................... 3-8
+ 3.9 Clock ........................................................................................................... 3-9
+ 3.10 Power Supply .............................................................................................. 3-9
+ 3.11 Signal Summary ......................................................................................... 3-10
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Paragraph Page
+ Number Title Number
+ Section 4
+ 8-Bit Bus Operations
+ 4.1 Data Transfer Operations............................................................................. 4-1
+ 4.1.1 Read Operations ...................................................................................... 4-1
+ 4.1.2 Write Cycle ............................................................................................... 4-3
+ 4.1.3 Read-Modify-Write Cycle.......................................................................... 4-5
+ 4.2 Other Bus Operations............................................................................... 4-8
+ Section 5
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 16-Bit Bus Operations
+ 5.1 Data Transfer Operations............................................................................ 5-1
+ 5.1.1 Read Operations ..................................................................................... 5-1
+ 5.1.2 Write Cycle .............................................................................................. 5-4
+ 5.1.3 Read-Modify-Write Cycle......................................................................... 5-7
+ 5.1.4 CPU Space Cycle.................................................................................... 5-9
+ 5.2 Bus Arbitration .......................................................................................... 5-11
+ 5.2.1 Requesting The Bus .............................................................................. 5-14
+ 5.2.2 Receiving The Bus Grant ...................................................................... 5-15
+ 5.2.3 Acknowledgment of Mastership (3-Wire Arbitration Only)..................... 5-15
+ 5.3 Bus Arbitration Control .............................................................................. 5-15
+ 5.4 Bus Error and Halt Operation .................................................................... 5-23
+ 5.4.1 Bus Error Operation .............................................................................. 5-24
+ 5.4.2 Retrying The Bus Cycle......................................................................... 5-26
+ 5.4.3 Halt Operation ....................................................................................... 5-27
+ 5.4.4 Double Bus Fault ................................................................................... 5-28
+ 5.5 Reset Operation ........................................................................................ 5-29
+ 5.6 The Relationship of DTACK, BERR, and HALT ......................................... 5-30
+ 5.7 Asynchronous Operation .......................................................................... 5-32
+ 5.8 Synchronous Operation ............................................................................ 5-35
+ Section 6
+ Exception Processing
+ 6.1 Privilege Modes............................................................................................ 6-1
+ 6.1.1 Supervisor Mode ...................................................................................... 6-2
+ 6.1.2 User Mode ................................................................................................ 6-2
+ 6.1.3 Privilege Mode Changes .......................................................................... 6-2
+ 6.1.4 Reference Classification........................................................................... 6-3
+ 6.2 Exception Processing................................................................................... 6-4
+ 6.2.1 Exception Vectors .................................................................................... 6-4
+ 6.2.2 Kinds Of Exceptions ................................................................................. 6-5
+ 6.2.3 Multiple Exceptions................................................................................... 6-8
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Paragraph Page
+ Number Title Number
+ Section 6
+ Exception Processing
+ 6.2.4 Exception Stack Frames.......................................................................... 6-9
+ 6.2.5 Exception Processing Sequence ............................................................ 6-11
+ 6.3 Processing of Specific Exceptions ............................................................. 6-11
+ 6.3.1 Reset ...................................................................................................... 6-11
+ 6.3.2 Interrupts ................................................................................................ 6-12
+ 6.3.3 Uninitialized Interrupt .............................................................................. 6-13
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 6.3.4 Spurious Interrupt ................................................................................... 6-13
+ 6.3.5 Instruction Traps ..................................................................................... 6-13
+ 6.3.6 Illegal and Unimplemented Instructions .................................................. 6-14
+ 6.3.7 Privilege Violations ................................................................................. 6-15
+ 6.3.8 Tracing .................................................................................................... 6-15
+ 6.3.9 Bus Errors ............................................................................................... 6-16
+ Bus Error ............................................................................................. 6-16
+ Bus Error (MC68010) .......................................................................... 6-17
+ 6.3.10 Address Error ......................................................................................... 6-19
+ 6.4 Return From Exception (MC68010) ........................................................... 6-20
+ Section 7
+ 8-Bit Instruction Timing
+ 7.1 Operand Effective Address Calculation Times............................................ 7-1
+ 7.2 Move Instruction Execution Times .............................................................. 7-2
+ 7.3 Standard Instruction Execution Times......................................................... 7-3
+ 7.4 Immediate Instruction Execution Times ...................................................... 7-4
+ 7.5 Single Operand Instruction Execution Times .............................................. 7-5
+ 7.6 Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times .................................................... 7-6
+ 7.7 Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times ............................................. 7-7
+ 7.8 Conditional Instruction Execution Times ..................................................... 7-7
+ 7.9 JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times............... 7-8
+ 7.10 Multiprecision Instruction Execution Times ................................................. 7-8
+ 7.11 Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times ................................................ 7-9
+ 7.12 Exception Processing Instruction Execution Times ................................... 7-10
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Paragraph Page
+ Number Title Number
+ Section 8
+ 16-Bit Instruction Timing
+ 8.1 Operand Effective Address Calculation Times ........................................... 8-1
+ 8.2 Move Instruction Execution Times .............................................................. 8-2
+ 8.3 Standard Instruction Execution Times ........................................................ 8-3
+ 8.4 Immediate Instruction Execution Times ...................................................... 8-4
+ 8.5 Single Operand Instruction Execution Times .............................................. 8-5
+ 8.6 Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times .................................................... 8-6
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 8.7 Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times ............................................. 8-7
+ 8.8 Conditional Instruction Execution Times ..................................................... 8-7
+ 8.9 JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times .............. 8-8
+ 8.10 Multiprecision Instruction Execution Times ................................................. 8-8
+ 8.11 Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times ................................................ 8-9
+ 8.12 Exception Processing Instruction Execution Times .................................. 8-10
+ Section 9
+ MC68010 Instruction Timing
+ 9.1 Operand Effective Address Calculation Times ........................................... 9-2
+ 9.2 Move Instruction Execution Times .............................................................. 9-2
+ 9.3 Standard Instruction Execution Times ........................................................ 9-4
+ 9.4 Immediate Instruction Execution Times ...................................................... 9-6
+ 9.5 Single Operand Instruction Execution Times .............................................. 9-6
+ 9.6 Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times .................................................... 9-8
+ 9.7 Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times ............................................. 9-9
+ 9.8 Conditional Instruction Execution Times ..................................................... 9-9
+ 9.9 JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times ............ 9-10
+ 9.10 Multiprecision Instruction Execution Times ............................................... 9-11
+ 9.11 Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times .............................................. 9-11
+ 9.12 Exception Processing Instruction Execution Times .................................. 9-13
+ Section 10
+ Electrical and Thermal Characteristics
+ 10.1 Maximum Ratings ..................................................................................... 10-1
+ 10.2 Thermal Characteristics ............................................................................ 10-1
+ 10.3 Power Considerations ............................................................................... 10-2
+ 10.4 CMOS Considerations .............................................................................. 10-4
+ 10.5 AC Electrical Specifications Definitions..................................................... 10-5
+ 10.6 MC68000/68008/68010 DC Electrical Characteristics .............................. 10-7
+ 10.7 DC Electrical Characteristics .................................................................... 10-8
+ 10.8 AC Electrical Specifications—Clock Timing .............................................. 10-8
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Paragraph Page
+ Number Title Number
+ Section 10
+ Electrical and Thermal Characteristics
+ 10.9 MC68008 AC Electrical Specifications—Clock Timing ............................. 10-9
+ 10.10 AC Electrical Specifications—Read and Write Cycles ............................ 10-10
+ 10.11 AC Electrical Specifications—MC68000 To M6800 Peripheral............... 10-15
+ 10.12 AC Electrical Specifications—Bus Arbitration .........................................10-17
+ 10.13 MC68EC000 DC Electrical Spec ifications.............................................. 10-23
+ 10.14 MC68EC000 AC Electrical Specifications—Read and Write .................. 10-24
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 10.15 MC68EC000 AC Electrical Specifications—Bus Arbitration .................... 10-28
+ Section 11
+ Ordering Information and Mechanical Data
+ 11.1 Pin Assignments........................................................................................ 11-1
+ 11.2 Package Dimensions ................................................................................ 11-7
+ Appendix A
+ MC68010 Loop Mode Operation
+ Appendix B
+ M6800 Peripheral Interface
+ B.1 Data Transfer Operation............................................................................. B-1
+ B.2 Interrupt Interface Operation ...................................................................... B-4
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Figure Page
+ Number Title Number
+ 2-1 User Programmer's Model ................................................................................... 2-2
+ 2-2 Supervisor Programmer's Model Supplement ..................................................... 2-2
+ 2-3 Supervisor Programmer's Model Supplement (MC68010) .................................. 2-3
+ 2-4 Status Register .................................................................................................... 2-3
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 2-5 Word Organization In Memory ............................................................................. 2-6
+ 2-6 Data Organization In Memory .............................................................................. 2-7
+ 2-7 Memory Data Organization (MC68008) ............................................................... 2-3
+ 3-1 Input and Output Signals (MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68010) .......................... 3-1
+ 3-2 Input and Output Signals ( MC68HC001) ............................................................ 3-2
+ 3-3 Input and Output Signals (MC68EC000) ............................................................. 3-2
+ 3-4 Input and Output Signals (MC68008 48-Pin Version) .......................................... 3-3
+ 3-5 Input and Output Signals (MC68008 52-Pin Version) .......................................... 3-3
+ 4-1 Byte Read-Cycle Flowchart.................................................................................. 4-2
+ 4-2 Read and Write-Cycle Timing Diagram................................................................ 4-2
+ 4-3 Byte Write-Cycle Flowchart .................................................................................. 4-4
+ 4-4 Write-Cycle Timing Diagram ................................................................................ 4-4
+ 4-5 Read-Modify-Write Cycle Flowchart .................................................................... 4-6
+ 4-6 Read-Modify-Write Cycle Timing Diagram........................................................... 4-7
+ 5-1 Word Read-Cycle Flowchart ................................................................................ 5-2
+ 5-2 Byte Read-Cycle Flowchart.................................................................................. 5-2
+ 5-3 Read and Write-Cycle Timing Diagram................................................................ 5-3
+ 5-4 Word and Byte Read-Cycle Timing Diagram ....................................................... 5-3
+ 5-5 Word Write-Cycle Flowchart ................................................................................ 5-5
+ 5-6 Byte Write-Cycle Flowchart .................................................................................. 5-5
+ 5-7 Word and Byte Write-Cycle Timing Diagram ....................................................... 5-6
+ 5-8 Read-Modify-Write Cycle Flowchart .................................................................... 5-7
+ 5-9 Read-Modify-Write Cycle Timing Diagram........................................................... 5-8
+ 5-10 CPU Space Address Encoding ............................................................................ 5-9
+ 5-11 Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Timing Diagram ................................................... 5-10
+ 5-12 Breakpoint Acknowledge Cycle Timing Diagram ............................................... 5-11
+ 5-13 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Flowchart
+ (NA to 48-Pin MC68008 and MC68EC000 ........................................................ 5-12
+ 5-14 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Cycle Flowchart ............................................................. 5-13
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Figure Page
+ Number Title Number
+ 5-15 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram
+ (NA to 48-Pin MC68008 and MC68EC000 ........................................................ 5-13
+ 5-16 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram.............................................................. 5-14
+ 5-17 External Asynchronous Signal Synchronization ................................................. 5-16
+ 5-18 Bus Arbitration Unit State Diagrams................................................................... 5-17
+ 5-19 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Processor Active ...............................5-18
+ 5-20 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Bus Active ......................................... 5-19
+ 5-21 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Special Case ................................ ..... 5-20
+ 5-22 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Processor Active ...............................5-21
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 5-23 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Bus Active ......................................... 5-22
+ 5-24 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Special Case ................................ ..... 5-23
+ 5-25 Bus Error Timing Diagram ..................................................................................5-24
+ 5-26 Delayed Bus Error Timing Diagram (MC68010)................................................. 5-25
+ 5-27 Retry Bus Cycle Timing Diagram ....................................................................... 5-26
+ 5-28 Delayed Retry Bus Cycle Timing Diagram ......................................................... 5-27
+ 5-29 Halt Operation Timing Diagram.......................................................................... 5-28
+ 5-30 Reset Operation Timing Diagram....................................................................... 5-29
+ 5-31 Fully Asynchronous Read Cycle ........................................................................ 5-32
+ 5-32 Fully Asynchronous Write Cycle......................................................................... 5-33
+ 5-33 Pseudo-Asynchronous Read Cycle ................................................................... 5-34
+ 5-34 Pseudo-Asynchronous Write Cycle.................................................................... 5-35
+ 5-35 Synchronous Read Cycle................................................................................... 5-37
+ 5-36 Synchronous Write Cycle ................................................................................... 5-38
+ 5-37 Input Synchronizers ........................................................................................... 5-38
+ 6-1 Exception Vector Format...................................................................................... 6-4
+ 6-2 Peripheral Vector Number Format ....................................................................... 6-5
+ 6-3 Address Translated from 8-Bit Vector Number ................................................... 6-5
+ 6-4 Exception Vector Address Calculation (MC68010) .............................................. 6-5
+ 6-5 Group 1 and 2 Exception Stack Frame .............................................................. 6-10
+ 6-6 MC68010 Stack Frame ...................................................................................... 6-10
+ 6-7 Supervisor Stack Order for Bus or Address Error Exception ............................. 6-17
+ 6-8 Exception Stack Order (Bus and Address Error) ............................................... 6-18
+ 6-9 Special Status Word Format .............................................................................. 6-19
+ 10-1 MC68000 Power Dissipation (P D) vs Ambient Temperature (TA) ..................... 10-3
+ 10-2 Drive Levels and Test Points for AC Specifications ........................................... 10-6
+ 10-3 Clock Input Timing Diagram ............................................................................... 10-9
+ 10-4 Read Cycle Timing Diagram ............................................................................ 10-13
+ 10-5 Write Cycle Timing Diagram............................................................................. 10-14
+ 10-6 MC68000 to M6800 Peripheral Timing Diagram (Best Case) .......................... 10-16
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Figure Page
+ Number Title Number
+ 10-7 Bus Arbitration Timing...................................................................................... 10-18
+ 10-8 Bus Arbitration Timing...................................................................................... 10-19
+ 10-9 Bus Arbitration Timing—Idle Bus Case ............................................................ 10-20
+ 10-10 Bus Arbitration Timing—Active Bus Case........................................................ 10-21
+ 10-11 Bus Arbitration Timing—Multiple Bus Request ................................................ 10-22
+ 10-12 MC68EC000 Read Cycle Timing Diagram ...................................................... 10-26
+ 10-13 MC68EC000 Write Cycle Timing Diagram....................................................... 10-27
+ 10-14 MC68EC000 Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram ................................................. 10-29
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 11-1 64-Pin Dual In Line ............................................................................................ 11-2
+ 11-2 68-Lead Pin Grid Array ...................................................................................... 11-3
+ 11-3 68-Lead Quad Pack ........................................................................................... 11-4
+ 11-4 52-Lead Quad Pack ........................................................................................... 11-5
+ 11-5 48-Pin Dual In Line ............................................................................................ 11-6
+ 11-6 64-Lead Quad Flat Pack .................................................................................... 11-7
+ 11-7 Case 740-03—L Suffix ....................................................................................... 11-8
+ 11-8 Case 767-02—P Suffix ...................................................................................... 11-9
+ 11-9 Case 746-01—LC Suffix .................................................................................. 11-10
+ 11-10 Case — Suffix ...................................................................................................... 11-
+ 11-11 Case 765A-05—RC Suffix ............................................................................... 11-12
+ 11-12 Case 778-02—FN Suffix .................................................................................. 11-13
+ 11-13 Case 779-02—FN Suffix .................................................................................. 11-14
+ 11-14 Case 847-01—FC Suffix .................................................................................. 11-15
+ 11-15 Case 840B-01—FU Suffix................................................................................ 11-16
+ A-1 DBcc Loop Mode Program Example................................................................... A-1
+ B-1 M6800 Data Transfer Flowchart ......................................................................... B-1
+ B-2 Example External VMA Circuit ............................................................................ B-2
+ B-3 External VMA Timing .......................................................................................... B-2
+ B-4 M6800 Peripheral Timing—Best Case................................................................ B-3
+ B-5 M6800 Peripheral Timing—Worst Case ............................................................. B-3
+ B-6 Autovector Operation Timing Diagram................................................................ B-5
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Table Page
+ Number Title Number
+ 2-1 Data Addressing Modes ....................................................................................... 2-4
+ 2-2 Instruction Set Summary .................................................................................... 2-11
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 3-1 Data Strobe Control of Data Bus.......................................................................... 3-5
+ 3-2 Data Strobe Control of Data Bus (MC68008)....................................................... 3-5
+ 3-3 Function Code Output .......................................................................................... 3-9
+ 3-4 Signal Summary ................................................................................................. 3-10
+ 5-1 DTACK, BERR, and HALT Assertion Results ..................................................... 5-31
+ 6-1 Reference Classification....................................................................................... 6-3
+ 6-2 Exception Vector Assignment .............................................................................. 6-7
+ 6-3 Exception Grouping and Priority........................................................................... 6-9
+ 6-4 MC68010 Format Code...................................................................................... 6-11
+ 7-1 Effective Address Calculation Times.................................................................... 7-2
+ 7-2 Move Byte Instruction Execution Times ............................................................... 7-2
+ 7-3 Move Word Instruction Execution Times.............................................................. 7-3
+ 7-4 Move Long Instruction Execution Times .............................................................. 7-3
+ 7-5 Standard Instruction Execution Times.................................................................. 7-4
+ 7-6 Immediate Instruction Execution Times ............................................................... 7-5
+ 7-7 Single Operand Instruction Execution Times ....................................................... 7-6
+ 7-8 Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times ............................................................. 7-6
+ 7-9 Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times ...................................................... 7-7
+ 7-10 Conditional Instruction Execution Times .............................................................. 7-7
+ 7-11 JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times........................ 7-8
+ 7-12 Multiprecision Instruction Execution Times .......................................................... 7-9
+ 7-13 Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times ....................................................... 7-10
+ 7-14 Move Peripheral Instruction Execution Times .................................................... 7-10
+ 7-15 Exception Processing Instruction Execution Times ........................................... 7-11
+ 8-1 Effective Address Calculation Times.................................................................... 8-2
+ 8-2 Move Byte Instruction Execution Times ............................................................... 8-2
+ 8-3 Move Word Instruction Execution Times.............................................................. 8-3
+ 8-4 Move Long Instruction Execution Times .............................................................. 8-3
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ LIST OF TABLES (Concluded)
+ Table Page
+ Number Title Number
+ 8-5 Standard Instruction Execution Times ................................................................. 8-4
+ 8-6 Immediate Instruction Execution Times ............................................................... 8-5
+ 8-7 Single Operand Instruction Execution Times ....................................................... 8-6
+ 8-8 Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times ............................................................. 8-6
+ 8-9 Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times ...................................................... 8-7
+ 8-10 Conditional Instruction Execution Times .............................................................. 8-7
+ 8-11 JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times ....................... 8-8
+ 8-12 Multiprecision Instruction Execution Times .......................................................... 8-9
+ 8-13 Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times ....................................................... 8-10
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 8-14 Move Peripheral Instruction Execution Times.................................................... 8-10
+ 8-15 Exception Processing Instruction Execution Times ........................................... 8-11
+ 9-1 Effective Address Calculation Times ................................................................... 9-2
+ 9-2 Move Byte and Word Instruction Execution Times .............................................. 9-3
+ 9-3 Move Byte and Word Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times ........................... 9-3
+ 9-4 Move Long Instruction Execution Times .............................................................. 9-4
+ 9-5 Move Long Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times ........................................... 9-4
+ 9-6 Standard Instruction Execution Times ................................................................. 9-5
+ 9-7 Standard Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times .............................................. 9-5
+ 9-8 Immediate Instruction Execution Times ............................................................... 9-6
+ 9-9 Single Operand Instruction Execution Times ....................................................... 9-7
+ 9-10 Clear Instruction Execution Times ....................................................................... 9-7
+ 9-11 Single Operand Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times .................................... 9-8
+ 9-12 Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times ............................................................. 9-8
+ 9-13 Shift/Rotate Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times .......................................... 9-9
+ 9-14 Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times ...................................................... 9-9
+ 9-15 Conditional Instruction Execution Times ............................................................ 9-10
+ 9-16 JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times ..................... 9-10
+ 9-17 Multiprecision Instruction Execution Times ........................................................ 9-11
+ 9-18 Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times ....................................................... 9-12
+ 9-19 Exception Processing Instruction Execution Times ........................................... 9-13
+ 10-1 Power Dissipation and Junction Temperature vs Temperature
+ (θJC = θJA) ........................................................................................................ 10-4
+ 10-2 Power Dissipation and Junction Temperature vs Temperature
+ (θJC = θJC ) ........................................................................................................ 10-4
+ A-1 MC68010 Loop Mode Instructions ...................................................................... A-3
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ This manual includes hardware details and programming information for the MC68000,
+ the MC68HC000, the MC68HC001, the MC68008, the MC68010, and the MC68EC000.
+ For ease of reading, the name M68000 MPUs will be used when referring to all
+ processors. Refer to M68000PM/AD, M68000 Programmer's Reference Manual, for
+ detailed information on the MC68000 instruction set.
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ The six microprocessors are very similar. They all contain the following features
+ • 16 32-Bit Data and Address Registers
+ • 16-Mbyte Direct Addressing Range
+ • Program Counter
+ • 6 Powerful Instruction Types
+ • Operations on Five Main Data Types
+ • Memory-Mapped Input/Output (I/O)
+ • 14 Addressing Modes
+ The following processors contain additional features:
+ • MC68010
+ —Virtual Memory/Machine Support
+ —High-Performance Looping Instructions
+ • MC68HC001/MC68EC000
+ —Statically Selectable 8- or 16-Bit Data Bus
+ • MC68HC000/MC68EC000/MC68HC001
+ —Low-Power
+ All the processors are basically the same with the exception of the MC68008. The
+ MC68008 differs from the others in that the data bus size is eight bits, and the address
+ range is smaller. The MC68010 has a few additional instructions and instructions that
+ operate differently than the corresponding instructions of the other devices.
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+ 1.1 MC68000
+ The MC68000 is the first implementation of the M68000 16/-32 bit microprocessor
+ architecture. The MC68000 has a 16-bit data bus and 24-bit address bus while the full
+ architecture provides for 32-bit address and data buses. It is completely code-compatible
+ with the MC68008 8-bit data bus implementation of the M68000 and is upward code
+ compatible with the MC68010 virtual extensions and the MC68020 32-bit implementation
+ of the architecture. Any user-mode programs using the MC68000 instruction set will run
+ unchanged on the MC68008, MC68010, MC68020, MC68030, and MC68040. This is
+ possible because the user programming model is identical for all processors and the
+ instruction sets are proper subsets of the complete architecture.
+ 1.2 MC68008
+ The MC68008 is a member of the M68000 family of advanced microprocessors. This
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ device allows the design of cost-effective systems using 8-bit data buses while providing
+ the benefits of a 32-bit microprocessor architecture. The performance of the MC68008 is
+ greater than any 8-bit microprocessor and superior to several 16-bit microprocessors.
+ The MC68008 is available as a 48-pin dual-in-line package (plastic or ceramic) and 52-pin
+ plastic leaded chip carrier. The additional four pins of the 52-pin package allow for
+ additional signals: A20, A21, BGACK, and IPL2. The 48-pin version supports a 20-bit
+ address that provides a 1-Mbyte address space; the 52-pin version supports a 22-bit
+ address that extends the address space to 4 Mbytes. The 48-pin MC68008 contains a
+ simple two-wire arbitration circuit; the 52-pin MC68008 contains a full three-wire MC68000
+ bus arbitration control. Both versions are designed to work with daisy-chained networks,
+ priority encoded networks, or a combination of these techniques.
+ A system implementation based on an 8-bit data bus reduces system cost in comparison
+ to 16-bit systems due to a more effective use of components and byte-wide memories and
+ peripherals. In addition, the nonmultiplexed address and data buses eliminate the need for
+ external demultiplexers, further simplifying the system.
+ The large nonsegmented linear address space of the MC68008 allows large modular
+ programs to be developed and executed efficiently. A large linear address space allows
+ program segment sizes to be determined by the application rather than forcing the
+ designer to adopt an arbitrary segment size without regard to the application's individual
+ requirements.
+ 1.3 MC68010
+ The MC68010 utilizes VLSI technology and is a fully implemented 16-bit microprocessor
+ with 32-bit registers, a rich basic instruction set, and versatile addressing modes. The
+ vector base register (VBR) allows the vector table to be dynamically relocated
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+ 1.4 MC68HC000
+ The primary benefit of the MC68HC000 is reduced power consumption. The device
+ dissipates an order of magnitude less power than the HMOS MC68000.
+ The MC68HC000 is an implementation of the M68000 16/-32 bit microprocessor
+ architecture. The MC68HC000 has a 16-bit data bus implementation of the MC68000 and
+ is upward code-compatible with the MC68010 virtual extensions and the MC68020 32-bit
+ implementation of the architecture.
+ 1.5 MC68HC001
+ The MC68HC001 provides a functional extension to the MC68HC000 HCMOS 16-/32-bit
+ microprocessor with the addition of statically selectable 8- or 16-bit data bus operation.
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+ The MC68HC001 is object-code compatible with the MC68HC000, and code written for
+ the MC68HC001 can be migrated without modification to any member of the M68000
+ Family.
+ 1.6 MC68EC000
+ The MC68EC000 is an economical high-performance embedded controller designed to
+ suit the needs of the cost-sensitive embedded controller market. The HCMOS
+ MC68EC000 has an internal 32-bit architecture that is supported by a statically selectable
+ 8- or 16-bit data bus. This architecture provides a fast and efficient processing device that
+ can satisfy the requirements of sophisticated applications based on high-level languages.
+ The MC68EC000 is object-code compatible with the MC68000, and code written for the
+ MC68EC000 can be migrated without modification to any member of the M68000 Family.
+ The MC68EC000 brings the performance level of the M68000 Family to cost levels
+ previously associated with 8-bit microprocessors. The MC68EC000 benefits from the rich
+ M68000 instruction set and its related high code density with low memory bandwidth
+ requirements.
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+ The section provide a brief introduction to the M68000 microprocessors (MPUs).
+ Detailed information on the programming model, data types, addressing modes, data
+ organization and instruction set can be found in M68000PM/AD, M68000 Programmer's
+ Reference Manual. All the processors are identical from the programmer's viewpoint,
+ except that the MC68000 can directly access 16 Mbytes (24-bit address) and the
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ MC68008 can directly access 1 Mbyte (20-bit address on 48-pin version or 22-bit
+ address on 52-pin version). The MC68010, which also uses a 24-bit address, has much
+ in common with the other devices; however, it supports additional instructions and
+ registers and provides full virtual machine/memory capability. Unless noted, all
+ information pertains to all the M68000 MPUs.
+ All the microprocessors executes instructions in one of two modes—user mode or
+ supervisor mode. The user mode provides the execution environment for the majority of
+ application programs. The supervisor mode, which allows some additional instructions
+ and privileges, is used by the operating system and other system software.
+ 2.1.1 User' Programmer's Model
+ The user programmer's model (see Figure 2-1) is common to all M68000 MPUs. The
+ user programmer's model, contains 16, 32-bit, general-purpose registers (D0–D7, A0–
+ A7), a 32-bit program counter, and an 8-bit condition code register. The first eight
+ registers (D0–D7) are used as data registers for byte (8-bit), word (16-bit), and long-word
+ (32-bit) operations. The second set of seven registers (A0–A6) and the user stack pointer
+ (USP) can be used as software stack pointers and base address registers. In addition,
+ the address registers can be used for word and long-word operations. All of the 16
+ registers can be used as index registers.
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+ 31 16 15 8 7 0
+ D0
+ D1
+ D2
+ D5
+ D6
+ D7
+ 31 16 15 0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A2
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ A5
+ A6
+ 31 0
+ 7 0
+ Figure 2-1. User Programmer's Model
+ (MC68000/MC68HC000/MC68008/MC68010)
+ 2.1.2 Supervisor Programmer's Model
+ The supervisor programmer's model consists of supplementary registers used in the
+ supervisor mode. The M68000 MPUs contain identical supervisor mode register
+ resources, which are shown in Figure 2-2, including the status register (high-order byte)
+ and the supervisor stack pointer (SSP/A7').
+ 31 16 15 0
+ 15 8 7 0
+ Figure 2-2. Supervisor Programmer's Model Supplement
+ The supervisor programmer's model supplement of the MC68010 is shown in Figure 2-
+ 3. In addition to the supervisor stack pointer and status register, it includes the vector
+ base register (VRB) and the alternate function code registers (AFC).The VBR is used to
+ determine the location of the exception vector table in memory to support multiple vector
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+ tables. The SFC and DFC registers allow the supervisor to access user data space or
+ emulate CPU space cycles.
+ 31 16 15 0
+ 15 8 7 0
+ 31 0
+ 2 0
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+ Figure 2-3. Supervisor Programmer's Model Supplement
+ (MC68010)
+ 2.1.3 Status Register
+ The status register (SR),contains the interrupt mask (eight levels available) and the
+ following condition codes: overflow (V), zero (Z), negative (N), carry (C), and extend (X).
+ Additional status bits indicate that the processor is in the trace (T) mode and/or in the
+ supervisor (S) state (see Figure 2-4). Bits 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, and 14 are undefined and
+ reserved for future expansion
+ 15 13 10 8 4 0
+ T S I2 I1 I0 X N Z V C
+ Figure 2-4. Status Register
+ The five basic data types supported are as follows:
+ 1. Bits
+ 2. Binary-Coded-Decimal (BCD) Digits (4 Bits)
+ 3. Bytes (8 Bits)
+ 4. Words (16 Bits)
+ 5. Long Words (32 Bits)
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+ In addition, operations on other data types, such as memory addresses, status word
+ data, etc., are provided in the instruction set.
+ The 14 flexible addressing modes, shown in Table 2-1, include six basic types:
+ 1. Register Direct
+ 2. Register Indirect
+ 3. Absolute
+ 4. Immediate
+ 5. Program Counter Relative
+ 6. Implied
+ The register indirect addressing modes provide postincrementing, predecrementing,
+ offsetting, and indexing capabilities. The program counter relative mode also supports
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ indexing and offsetting. For detail information on addressing modes refer to
+ M68000PM/AD, M68000 Programmer Reference Manual.
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+ Table 2-1. Data Addressing Modes
+ Mode Generation Syntax
+ Register Direct Addressing
+ Data Register Direct EA=Dn Dn
+ Address Register Direct EA=An An
+ Absolute Data Addressing
+ Absolute Short EA = (Next Word) (xxx).W
+ Absolute Long EA = (Next Two Words) (xxx).L
+ Program Counter Relative
+ Addressing EA = (PC)+d16 (d16,PC)
+ Relative with Offset EA = (PC)+d8 (d8,PC,Xn)
+ Relative with Index and Offset
+ Register Indirect Addressing
+ Register Indirect EA = (An) (An)
+ Postincrement Register Indirect EA = (An), An ← An+N (An)+
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+ Predecrement Register Indirect An ¯ An–N, EA=(An) -(An)
+ Register Indirect with Offset EA = (An)+d16 (d16,An)
+ Indexed Register Indirect with Offset EA = (An)+(Xn)+d8 (d8,An,Xn)
+ Immediate Data Addressing
+ Immediate DATA = Next Word(s) #<data>
+ Quick Immediate Inherent Data
+ Implied Addressing 1
+ Implied Register EA = SR, USP, SSP, PC, SR,USP,SSP,PC,
+ NOTES: 1. The VBR, SFC, and DFC apply to the MC68010 only
+ EA = Effective Address
+ Dn = Data Register
+ An = Address Register
+ () = Contents of
+ PC = Program Counter
+ d8 = 8-Bit Offset (Displacement)
+ d16 = 16-Bit Offset (Displacement)
+ N = 1 for byte, 2 for word, and 4 for long word. If An is the stack pointer and
+ the operand size is byte, N = 2 to keep the stack pointer on a word boundary.
+ ¯ = Replaces
+ Xn = Address or Data Register used as Index Register
+ SR = Status Register
+ USP = User Stack Pointer
+ SSP = Supervisor Stack Pointer
+ CP = Program Counter
+ VBR = Vector Base Register
+ The eight data registers support data operands of 1, 8, 16, or 32 bits. The seven address
+ registers and the active stack pointer support address operands of 32 bits.
+ 2.3.1 Data Registers
+ Each data register is 32 bits wide. Byte operands occupy the low-order 8 bits, word
+ operands the low-order 16 bits, and long-word operands, the entire 32 bits. The least
+ significant bit is addressed as bit zero; the most significant bit is addressed as bit 31.
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+ When a data register is used as either a source or a destination operand, only the
+ appropriate low-order portion is changed; the remaining high-order portion is neither
+ used nor changed.
+ 2.3.2 Address Registers
+ Each address register (and the stack pointer) is 32 bits wide and holds a full, 32-bit
+ address. Address registers do not support byte-sized operands. Therefore, when an
+ address register is used as a source operand, either the low-order word or the entire
+ long-word operand is used, depending upon the operation size. When an address
+ register is used as the destination operand, the entire register is affected, regardless of
+ the operation size. If the operation size is word, operands are sign-extended to 32 bits
+ before the operation is performed.
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+ Bytes are individually addressable. As shown in Figure 2-5, the high-order byte of a
+ word has the same address as the word. The low-order byte has an odd address, one
+ count higher. Instructions and multibyte data are accessed only on word (even byte)
+ boundaries. If a long-word operand is located at address n (n even), then the second
+ word of that operand is located at address n+2.
+ 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ $000000 BYTE 000000 BYTE 000001
+ WORD 1
+ $000002 BYTE 000002 BYTE 000003
+ Figure 2-5. Word Organization in Memory
+ The data types supported by the M68000 MPUs are bit data, integer data of 8, 16, and
+ 32 bits, 32-bit addresses, and binary-coded-decimal data. Each data type is stored in
+ memory as shown in Figure 2-6. The numbers indicate the order of accessing the data
+ from the processor. For the MC68008 with its 8-bit bus, the appearance of data in
+ memory is identical to the all the M68000 MPUs. The organization of data in the memory
+ of the MC68008 is shown in Figure 2-7.
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+ 1 BYTE = 8 BITS
+ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ 1 BYTE = 8 BITS
+ 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ 1 WORD = 16 BITS
+ 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ WORD 1
+ WORD 2
+ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ BCD 0 BCD 1 BCD 2 BCD 3
+ BCD 4 BCD 5 BCD 6 BCD 7
+ Figure 2-6. Data Organization in Memory
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+ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ BYTE 1
+ BYTE 2
+ 1 WORD = 2 BYTES = 16 BITS
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+ WORD 0
+ WORD 1
+ BYTE 1
+ BYTE 2
+ BYTE 3
+ BYTE 0
+ BYTE 1
+ BYTE 2
+ Figure 2-7. Memory Data Organization of the MC68008
+ Table 2-2 provides an alphabetized listing of the M68000 instruction set listed by
+ opcode, operation, and syntax. In the syntax descriptions, the left operand is the source
+ operand, and the right operand is the destination operand. The following list contains the
+ notations used in Table 2-2.
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+ Notation for operands:
+ PC — Program counter
+ SR — Status register
+ V— Overflow condition code
+ Immediate Data —Immediate data from the instruction
+ Source — Source contents
+ Destination —Destination contents
+ Vector —Location of exception vector
+ Positive infinity
+ +inf —
+ Negative infinity
+ –inf —
+ <fmt> —Operand data format: byte (B), word (W), long (L), single
+ (S), double (D), extended (X), or packed (P).
+ FPm — One of eight floating-point data registers (always
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ specifies the source register)
+ FPn — One of eight floating-point data registers (always
+ specifies the destination register)
+ Notation for subfields and qualifiers:
+ <bit> of <operand> — Selects a single bit of the operand
+ <ea>{offset:width} — Selects a bit field
+ (<operand>) — The contents of the referenced location
+ <operand>10 — The operand is binary-coded decimal, operations are
+ performed in decimal
+ (<address register>) — The register indirect operator
+ –(<address register>) — Indicates that the operand register points to the memory
+ (<address register>)+ — Location of the instruction operand—the optional mode
+ qualifiers are –, +, (d), and (d, ix)
+ #xxx or #<data> — Immediate data that follows the instruction word(s)
+ Notations for operations that have two operands, written <operand> <op> <operand>,
+ where <op> is one of the following:
+ → — The source operand is moved to the destination operand
+ ↔ — The two operands are exchanged
+ + — The operands are added
+ – — The destination operand is subtracted from the source
+ operand
+ ×— The operands are multiplied
+ ÷— The source operand is divided by the destination
+ operand
+ <— Relational test, true if source operand is less than
+ destination operand
+ >— Relational test, true if source operand is greater than
+ destination operand
+ V— Logical OR
+ ⊕— Logical exclusive OR
+ Λ— Logical AND
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+ shifted by, rotated by — The source operand is shifted or rotated by the number of
+ positions specified by the second operand
+ Notation for single-operand operations:
+ ~<operand> — The operand is logically complemented
+ <operand>sign-extended — The operand is sign-extended, all bits of the upper
+ portion are made equal to the high-order bit of the lower
+ portion
+ <operand>tested — The operand is compared to zero and the condition
+ codes are set appropriately
+ Notation for other operations:
+ TRAP — Equivalent to Format/Offset Word → (SSP); SSP–2 →
+ SSP; PC → (SSP); SSP–4 → SSP; SR → (SSP);
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ SSP–2 → SSP; (vector) → PC
+ STOP — Enter the stopped state, waiting for interrupts
+ If <condition> then — The condition is tested. If true, the operations after "then"
+ <operations> else are performed. If the condition is false and the optional
+ <operations> "else" clause is present, the operations after "else" are
+ performed. If the condition is false and else is omitted, the
+ instruction performs no operation. Refer to the Bcc
+ instruction description as an example.
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+ Table 2-2. Instruction Set Summary (Sheet 1 of 4)
+ Opcode Operation Syntax
+ ABCD Source10 + Destination10 + X → Destination ABCD Dy,Dx
+ ABCD –(Ay), –(Ax)
+ ADD Source + Destination → Destination ADD <ea>,Dn
+ ADD Dn,<ea>
+ ADDA Source + Destination → Destination ADDA <ea>,An
+ ADDI Immediate Data + Destination → Destination ADDI # <data>,<ea>
+ ADDQ Immediate Data + Destination → Destination ADDQ # <data>,<ea>
+ ADDX Source + Destination + X → Destination ADDX Dy, Dx
+ ADDX –(Ay), –(Ax)
+ AND Source Λ Destination → Destination AND <ea>,Dn
+ AND Dn,<ea>
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ ANDI Immediate Data Λ Destination → Destination ANDI # <data>, <ea>
+ ANDI to CCR Source Λ CCR → CCR ANDI # <data>, CCR
+ ANDI to SR If supervisor state ANDI # <data>, SR
+ then Source Λ SR → SR
+ else TRAP
+ ASL, ASR Destination Shifted by <count> → Destination ASd Dx,Dy
+ ASd # <data>,Dy
+ ASd <ea>
+ Bcc If (condition true) then PC + d → PC Bcc <label>
+ BCHG ~ (<number> of Destination) → Z; BCHG Dn,<ea>
+ ~ (<number> of Destination) → <bit number> of Destination BCHG # <data>,<ea>
+ BCLR ~ (<bit number> of Destination) → Z; BCLR Dn,<ea>
+ 0 → <bit number> of Destination BCLR # <data>,<ea>
+ BKPT Run breakpoint acknowledge cycle; BKPT # <data>
+ TRAP as illegal instruction
+ BRA PC + d → PC BRA <label>
+ BSET ~ (<bit number> of Destination) → Z; BSET Dn,<ea>
+ 1 → <bit number> of Destination BSET # <data>,<ea>
+ BSR SP – 4 → SP; PC → (SP); PC + d → PC BSR <label>
+ BTST – (<bit number> of Destination) → Z; BTST Dn,<ea>
+ BTST # <data>,<ea>
+ CHK If Dn < 0 or Dn > Source then TRAP CHK <ea>,Dn
+ CLR 0 → Destination CLR <ea>
+ CMP Destination—Source → cc CMP <ea>,Dn
+ CMPA Destination—Source CMPA <ea>,An
+ CMPI Destination —Immediate Data CMPI # <data>,<ea>
+ CMPM Destination—Source → cc CMPM (Ay)+, (Ax)+
+ DBcc If condition false then (Dn – 1 → Dn; DBcc Dn,<label>
+ If Dn ≠ –1 then PC + d → PC)
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+ Table 2-2. Instruction Set Summary (Sheet 2 of 4)
+ Opcode Operation Syntax
+ DIVS Destination/Source → Destination DIVS.W <ea>,Dn 32/16 → 16r:16q
+ DIVU Destination/Source → Destination DIVU.W <ea>,Dn 32/16 → 16r:16q
+ EOR Source ⊕ Destination → Destination EOR Dn,<ea>
+ EORI Immediate Data ⊕ Destination → Destination EORI # <data>,<ea>
+ EORI to CCR Source ⊕ CCR → CCR EORI # <data>,CCR
+ EORI to SR If supervisor state EORI # <data>,SR
+ then Source ⊕SR → SR
+ else TRAP
+ EXG Rx ↔ Ry EXG Dx,Dy
+ EXG Ax,Ay
+ EXG Dx,Ay
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ EXG Ay,Dx
+ EXT Destination Sign-Extended → Destination EXT.W Dn extend byte to word
+ EXT.L Dn extend word to long word
+ ILLEGAL SSP – 2 → SSP; Vector Offset → (SSP); ILLEGAL
+ SSP – 4 → SSP; PC → (SSP);
+ SSP – 2 → SSP; SR → (SSP);
+ Illegal Instruction Vector Address → PC
+ JMP Destination Address → PC JMP <ea>
+ JSR SP – 4 → SP; PC → (SP) JSR <ea>
+ Destination Address → PC
+ LEA <ea> → An LEA <ea>,An
+ LINK SP – 4 → SP; An → (SP) LINK An, # <displacement>
+ SP → An, SP + d → SP
+ LSL,LSR Destination Shifted by <count> → Destination LSd1 Dx,Dy
+ LSd1 # <data>,Dy
+ LSd1 <ea>
+ MOVE Source → Destination MOVE <ea>,<ea>
+ MOVEA Source → Destination MOVEA <ea>,An
+ MOVE from CCR → Destination MOVE CCR,<ea>
+ MOVE to Source → CCR MOVE <ea>,CCR
+ MOVE from SR → Destination MOVE SR,<ea>
+ SR If supervisor state
+ then SR → Destination
+ else TRAP (MC68010 only)
+ MOVE to SR If supervisor state MOVE <ea>,SR
+ then Source → SR
+ else TRAP
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+ Table 2-2. Instruction Set Summary (Sheet 3 of 4)
+ Opcode Operation Syntax
+ MOVE USP If supervisor state MOVE USP,An
+ then USP → An or An → USP MOVE An,USP
+ else TRAP
+ MOVEC If supervisor state MOVEC Rc,Rn
+ then Rc → Rn or Rn → Rc MOVEC Rn,Rc
+ else TRAP
+ MOVEM Registers → Destination MOVEM register list,<ea>
+ Source → Registers MOVEM <ea>,register list
+ MOVEP Source → Destination MOVEP Dx,(d,Ay)
+ MOVEP (d,Ay),Dx
+ MOVEQ Immediate Data → Destination MOVEQ # <data>,Dn
+ MOVES If supervisor state MOVES Rn,<ea>
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ then Rn → Destination [DFC] or Source [SFC] → Rn MOVES <ea>,Rn
+ else TRAP
+ MULS Source × Destination → Destination MULS.W <ea>,Dn 16 x 16 → 32
+ MULU Source × Destination → Destination MULU.W <ea>,Dn 16 x 16 → 32
+ NBCD 0 – (Destination10) – X → Destination NBCD <ea>
+ NEG 0 – (Destination) → Destination NEG <ea>
+ NEGX 0 – (Destination) – X → Destination NEGX <ea>
+ NOP None NOP
+ NOT ~Destination → Destination NOT <ea>
+ OR Source V Destination → Destination OR <ea>,Dn
+ OR Dn,<ea>
+ ORI Immediate Data V Destination → Destination ORI # <data>,<ea>
+ ORI to CCR Source V CCR → CCR ORI # <data>,CCR
+ ORI to SR If supervisor state ORI # <data>,SR
+ then Source V SR → SR
+ else TRAP
+ PEA Sp – 4 → SP; <ea> → (SP) PEA <ea>
+ RESET If supervisor state RESET
+ then Assert RESET Line
+ else TRAP
+ ROL, ROR Destination Rotated by <count> → Destination ROd1 Rx,Dy
+ ROd1 # <data>,Dy
+ ROd1 <ea>
+ ROXL, Destination Rotated with X by <count> → Destination ROXd1 Dx,Dy
+ ROXR ROXd1 # <data>,Dy
+ ROXd1 <ea>
+ RTD (SP) → PC; SP + 4 + d → SP RTD #<displacement>
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+ Table 2-2. Instruction Set Summary (Sheet 4 of 4)
+ Opcode Operation Syntax
+ RTE If supervisor state RTE
+ then (SP) → SR; SP + 2 → SP; (SP) → PC;
+ SP + 4 → SP;
+ restore state and deallocate stack according to (SP)
+ else TRAP
+ RTR (SP) → CCR; SP + 2 → SP; RTR
+ (SP) → PC; SP + 4 → SP
+ RTS (SP) → PC; SP + 4 → SP RTS
+ SBCD Destination10 – Source10 – X → Destination SBCD Dx,Dy
+ SBCD –(Ax),–(Ay)
+ Scc If condition true Scc <ea>
+ then 1s → Destination
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ else 0s → Destination
+ STOP If supervisor state STOP # <data>
+ then Immediate Data → SR; STOP
+ else TRAP
+ SUB Destination – Source → Destination SUB <ea>,Dn
+ SUB Dn,<ea>
+ SUBA Destination – Source → Destination SUBA <ea>,An
+ SUBI Destination – Immediate Data → Destination SUBI # <data>,<ea>
+ SUBQ Destination – Immediate Data → Destination SUBQ # <data>,<ea>
+ SUBX Destination – Source – X → Destination SUBX Dx,Dy
+ SUBX –(Ax),–(Ay)
+ SWAP Register [31:16] ↔ Register [15:0] SWAP Dn
+ TAS Destination Tested → Condition Codes; 1 → bit 7 of TAS <ea>
+ Destination
+ TRAP SSP – 2 → SSP; Format/Offset → (SSP); TRAP # <vector>
+ SSP – 4 → SSP; PC → (SSP); SSP–2 → SSP;
+ SR → (SSP); Vector Address → PC
+ TST Destination Tested → Condition Codes TST <ea>
+ UNLK An → SP; (SP) → An; SP + 4 → SP UNLK An
+ NOTE: d is direction, L or R.
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+ This section contains descriptions of the input and output signals. The input and output
+ signals can be functionally organized into the groups shown in Figure 3-1 (for the
+ MC68000, the MC68HC000 and the MC68010), Figure 3-2 ( for the MC68HC001), Figure
+ 3-3 (for the MC68EC000), Figure 3-4 (for the MC68008, 48-pin version), and Figure 3-5
+ (for the MC68008, 52-pin version). The following paragraphs provide brief descriptions of
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+ the signals and references (where applicable) to other paragraphs that contain more
+ information about the signals.
+ The terms assertion and negation are used extensively in this
+ manual to avoid confusion when describing a mixture of
+ "active-low" and "active-high" signals. The term assert or
+ assertion is used to indicate that a signal is active or true,
+ independently of whether that level is represented by a high or
+ low voltage. The term negate or negation is used to indicate
+ that a signal is inactive or false.
+ VCC(2)
+ GND(2) BUS A23–A1
+ AS
+ E BR
+ MC6800 BUS
+ Figure 3-1. Input and Output Signals
+ (MC68000, MC68HC000 and MC68010)
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+ VCC(2)
+ GND(2) BUS A23–A0
+ AS
+ E BR
+ MC6800 BUS
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+ Figure 3-2. Input and Output Signals
+ (MC68HC001)
+ VCC(2)
+ GND(2) BUS A23–A0
+ AS
+ Figure 3-3. Input and Output Signals
+ (MC68EC000)
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+ V CC(2)
+ GND(2) BUS A19–A0
+ FC0
+ MC6800 E
+ BG
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+ Figure 3-4. Input and Output Signals (MC68008, 48-Pin Version)
+ GND(2) BUS A21–A0
+ FC0 AS
+ R/W
+ FC2 DS
+ MC68008 DTACK
+ MC6800
+ IPL2
+ Figure 3-5. Input and Output Signals (MC68008, 52-Pin Version)
+ 3.1 ADDRESS BUS (A23–A1)
+ This 23-bit, unidirectional, three-state bus is capable of addressing 16 Mbytes of data.
+ This bus provides the address for bus operation during all cycles except interrupt
+ acknowledge cycles and breakpoint cycles. During interrupt acknowledge cycles, address
+ lines A1, A2, and A3 provide the level number of the interrupt being acknowledged, and
+ address lines A23–A4 are driven to logic high.
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+ Address Bus (A23–A0)
+ This 24-bit, unidirectional, three-state bus is capable of addressing 16 Mbytes of data.
+ This bus provides the address for bus operation during all cycles except interrupt
+ acknowledge cycles and breakpoint cycles. During interrupt acknowledge cycles,
+ address lines A1, A2, and A3 provide the level number of the interrupt being
+ acknowledged, and address lines A23–A4 and A0 are driven to logic high. In 16-Bit
+ mode, A0 is always driven high.
+ MC68008 Address Bus
+ The unidirectional, three-state buses in the two versions of the MC68008 differ from
+ each other and from the other processor bus only in the number of address lines and
+ the addressing range. The 20-bit address (A19–A0) of the 48-pin version provides a 1-
+ Mbyte address space; the 52-pin version supports a 22-bit address (A21–A0), extending
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ the address space to 4 Mbytes. During an interrupt acknowledge cycle, the interrupt
+ level number is placed on lines A1, A2, and A3. Lines A0 and A4 through the most
+ significant address line are driven to logic high.
+ 3.2 DATA BUS (D15–D0; MC68008: D7–D0)
+ This bidirectional, three-state bus is the general-purpose data path. It is 16 bits wide in the
+ all the processors except the MC68008 which is 8 bits wide. The bus can transfer and
+ accept data of either word or byte length. During an interrupt acknowledge cycle, the
+ external device supplies the vector number on data lines D7–D0. The MC68EC000 and
+ MC68HC001 use D7–D0 in 8-bit mode, and D15–D8 are undefined.
+ Asynchronous data transfers are controlled by the following signals: address strobe,
+ read/write, upper and lower data strobes, and data transfer acknowledge. These signals
+ are described in the following paragraphs.
+ Address Strobe ( AS).
+ This three-state signal indicates that the information on the address bus is a valid
+ address.
+ Read/Write (R/ W).
+ This three-state signal defines the data bus transfer as a read or write cycle. The R/W
+ signal relates to the data strobe signals described in the following paragraphs.
+ Upper And Lower Data Strobes ( UDS, LDS).
+ These three-state signals and R/W control the flow of data on the data bus. Table 3-1
+ lists the combinations of these signals and the corresponding data on the bus. When
+ the R/W line is high, the processor reads from the data bus. When the R/W line is low,
+ the processor drives the data bus. In 8-bit mode, UDS is always forced high and the
+ LDS signal is used.
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+ Table 3-1. Data Strobe Control of Data Bus
+ UDS LDS R/ W D8–D15 D0–D7
+ High High — No Valid Data No Valid Data
+ Low Low High Valid Data Bits Valid Data Bits
+ 15–8 7–0
+ High Low High No Valid Data Valid Data Bits
+ 7–0
+ Low High High Valid Data Bus No Valid Data
+ 15–8
+ Low Low Low Valid Data Bits Valid Data Bits
+ 15–8 7–0
+ High Low Low Valid Data Bits Valid Data Bits
+ 7–0* 7–0
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Low High Low Valid Data Bits Valid Data Bits
+ 15–8 15–8*
+ *These conditions are a result of current implementation and may not appear
+ on future devices.
+ Data Strobe ( DS ) (MC68008)
+ This three-state signal and R/W control the flow of data on the data bus of the
+ MC68008. Table 3-2 lists the combinations of these signals and the corresponding data
+ on the bus. When the R/W line is high, the processor reads from the data bus. When
+ the R/W line is low, the processor drives the data bus.
+ Table 3-2. Data Strobe Control
+ of Data Bus (MC68008)
+ DS R/ W D0–D7
+ 1 — No Valid Data
+ 0 1 Valid Data Bits 7–0 (Read Cycle)
+ 0 0 Valid Data Bits 7–0 (Write Cycle)
+ Data Transfer Acknowledge (DTACK ).
+ This input signal indicates the completion of the data transfer. When the processor
+ recognizes DTACK during a read cycle, data is latched, and the bus cycle is terminated.
+ When DTACK is recognized during a write cycle, the bus cycle is terminated.
+ The bus request, bus grant, and bus grant acknowledge signals form a bus arbitration
+ circuit to determine which device becomes the bus master device. In the 48-pin version of
+ the MC68008 and MC68EC000, no pin is available for the bus grant acknowledge signal;
+ this microprocessor uses a two-wire bus arbitration scheme. All M68000 processors can
+ use two-wire bus arbitration.
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+ Bus Request ( BR).
+ This input can be wire-ORed with bus request signals from all other devices that could
+ be bus masters. This signal indicates to the processor that some other device needs to
+ become the bus master. Bus requests can be issued at any time during a cycle or
+ between cycles.
+ Bus Grant (BG).
+ This output signal indicates to all other potential bus master devices that the processor
+ will relinquish bus control at the end of the current bus cycle.
+ Bus Grant Acknowledge ( BGACK).
+ This input indicates that some other device has become the bus master. This signal
+ should not be asserted until the following conditions are met:
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+ 1. A bus grant has been received.
+ 2. Address strobe is inactive, which indicates that the microprocessor is not using the
+ bus.
+ 3. Data transfer acknowledge is inactive, which indicates that neither memory nor
+ peripherals are using the bus.
+ 4. Bus grant acknowledge is inactive, which indicates that no other device is still
+ claiming bus mastership.
+ The 48-pin version of the MC68008 has no pin available for the bus grant acknowledge
+ signal and uses a two-wire bus arbitration scheme instead. If another device in a system
+ supplies a bus grant acknowledge signal, the bus request input signal to the processor
+ should be asserted when either the bus request or the bus grant acknowledge from that
+ device is asserted.
+ These input signals indicate the encoded priority level of the device requesting an
+ interrupt. Level seven, which cannot be masked, has the highest priority; level zero
+ indicates that no interrupts are requested. IPL0 is the least significant bit of the encoded
+ level, and IPL2 is the most significant bit. For each interrupt request, these signals must
+ remain asserted until the processor signals interrupt acknowledge (FC2–FC0 and A19–
+ A16 high) for that request to ensure that the interrupt is recognized.
+ The 48-pin version of the MC68008 has only two interrupt
+ control signals: IPL0/IPL2 and IPL1. IPL0/IPL2 is internally
+ connected to both IPL0 and IPL2, which provides four interrupt
+ priority levels: levels 0, 2, 5, and 7. In all other respects, the
+ interrupt priority levels in this version of the MC68008 are
+ identical to those levels in the other microprocessors described
+ in this manual.
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+ The system control inputs are used to reset the processor, to halt the processor, and to
+ signal a bus error to the processor. The outputs reset the external devices in the system
+ and signal a processor error halt to those devices. The three system control signals are
+ described in the following paragraphs.
+ Bus Error ( BERR)
+ This input signal indicates a problem in the current bus cycle. The problem may be the
+ following:
+ 1. No response from a device.
+ 2. No interrupt vector number returned.
+ 3. An illegal access request rejected by a memory management unit.
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+ 4. Some other application-dependent error.
+ Either the processor retries the bus cycle or performs exception processing, as
+ determined by interaction between the bus error signal and the halt signal.
+ Reset ( RESET )
+ The external assertion of this bidirectional signal along with the assertion of HALT starts
+ a system initialization sequence by resetting the processor. The processor assertion of
+ RESET (from executing a RESET instruction) resets all external devices of a system
+ without affecting the internal state of the processor. To reset both the processor and the
+ external devices, the RESET and HALT input signals must be asserted at the same
+ time.
+ Halt (HALT )
+ An input to this bidirectional signal causes the processor to stop bus activity at the
+ completion of the current bus cycle. This operation places all control signals in the
+ inactive state and places all three-state lines in the high-impedance state (refer to Table
+ 3-4).
+ When the processor has stopped executing instructions (in the case of a double bus
+ fault condition, for example), the HALT line is driven by the processor to indicate the
+ condition to external devices.
+ Mode (MODE) (MC68HC001/68EC000)
+ The MODE input selects between the 8-bit and 16-bit operating modes. If this input is
+ grounded at reset, the processor will come out of reset in the 8-bit mode. If this input is
+ tied high or floating at reset, the processor will come out of reset in the 16-bit mode.
+ This input should be changed only at reset and must be stable two clocks after RESET
+ is negated. Changing this input during normal operation may produce unpredictable
+ results.
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+ These control signals are used to interface the asynchronous M68000 processors with the
+ synchronous M6800 peripheral devices. These signals are described in the following
+ paragraphs.
+ Enable (E)
+ This signal is the standard enable signal common to all M6800 Family peripheral
+ devices. A single period of clock E consists of 10 MC68000 clock periods (six clocks
+ low, four clocks high). This signal is generated by an internal ring counter that may
+ come up in any state. (At power-on, it is impossible to guarantee phase relationship of E
+ to CLK.) The E signal is a free-running clock that runs regardless of the state of the
+ MPU bus.
+ Valid Peripheral Address (VPA )
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+ This input signal indicates that the device or memory area addressed is an M6800
+ Family device or a memory area assigned to M6800 Family devices and that data
+ transfer should be synchronized with the E signal. This input also indicates that the
+ processor should use automatic vectoring for an interrupt. Refer to Appendix B M6800
+ Peripheral Interface.
+ Valid Memory Address ( VMA)
+ This output signal indicates to M6800 peripheral devices that the address on the
+ address bus is valid and that the processor is synchronized to the E signal. This signal
+ only responds to a VPA input that identifies an M6800 Family device.
+ The MC68008 does not supply a VMA signal. This signal can be produced by a
+ transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL) circuit; an example is described in Appendix B
+ M6800 Peripheral Interface.
+ These function code outputs indicate the mode (user or supervisor) and the address
+ space type currently being accessed, as shown in Table 3-3. The function code outputs
+ are valid whenever AS is active.
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+ Table 3-3. Function Code Outputs
+ Function Code Output
+ FC2 FC1 FC0 Address Space Type
+ Low Low Low (Undefined, Reserved)
+ Low Low High User Data
+ Low High Low User Program
+ Low High High (Undefined, Reserved)
+ High Low Low (Undefined, Reserved)
+ High Low High Supervisor Data
+ High High Low Supervisor Program
+ High High High CPU Space
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+ 3.9 CLOCK (CLK)
+ The clock input is a TTL-compatible signal that is internally buffered for development of
+ the internal clocks needed by the processor. This clock signal is a constant frequency
+ square wave that requires no stretching or shaping. The clock input should not be gated
+ off at any time, and the clock signal must conform to minimum and maximum pulse-width
+ times listed in Section 10 Electrical Characteristics.
+ 3.10 POWER SUPPLY (V CC and GND)
+ Power is supplied to the processor using these connections. The positive output of the
+ power supply is connected to the VCC pins and ground is connected to the GND pins.
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+ Table 3-4 summarizes the signals discussed in the preceding paragraphs.
+ Table 3-4. Signal Summary
+ Hi-Z
+ Signal Name Mnemonic Input/Output Active State On HALT On Bus
+ Relinquish
+ Address Bus A0–A23 Output High Yes Yes
+ Data Bus D0–D15 Input/Output High Yes Yes
+ Address Strobe AS Output Low No Yes
+ Read/Write R/ W Output Read-High No Yes
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+ Write-Low
+ Data Strobe DS Output Low No Yes
+ Upper and Lower Data Strobes UDS, LDS Output Low No Yes
+ Data Transfer Acknowledge DTACK Input Low No No
+ Bus Request BR Input Low No No
+ Bus Grant BG Output Low No No
+ Bus Grant Acknowledge BGACK Input Low No No
+ Interrupt Priority Level IPL 0, IPL 1, Input Low No No
+ IPL 2
+ Bus Error BERR Input Low No No
+ Mode MODE Input High — —
+ Reset RESET Input/Output Low No* No*
+ Halt HALT Input/Output Low No* No*
+ Enable E Output High No No
+ Valid Memory Address VMA Output Low No Yes
+ Valid Peripheral Address VPA Input Low No No
+ Function Code Output FC0, FC1, Output High No Yes
+ FC2
+ Clock CLK Input High No No
+ Power Input VCC Input — — —
+ Ground GND Input — — —
+ *Open drain.
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+ The following paragraphs describe control signal and bus operation for 8-bit operation
+ during data transfer operations, bus arbitration, bus error and halt conditions, and reset
+ operation. The 8-bit bus operations devices are the MC68008, MC68HC001 in 8-bit mode,
+ and MC68EC000 in 8-bit mode. The MC68HC001 and MC68EC000 select 8-bit mode by
+ grounding mode during reset.
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+ Transfer of data between devices involves the following signals:
+ 1. Address bus A0 through highest numbered address line
+ 2. Data bus D0 through D7
+ 3. Control signals
+ The address and data buses are separate parallel buses used to transfer data using an
+ asynchronous bus structure. In all cases, the bus master must deskew all signals it issues
+ at both the start and end of a bus cycle. In addition, the bus master must deskew the
+ acknowledge and data signals from the slave device. For the MC68HC001 and
+ MC68EC000, UDS is held negated and D15–D8 are undefined in 8-bit mode.
+ The following paragraphs describe the read, write, read-modify-write, and CPU space
+ cycles. The indivisible read-modify-write cycle implements interlocked multiprocessor
+ communications. A CPU space cycle is a special processor cycle.
+ 4.1.1 Read Cycle
+ During a read cycle, the processor receives one byte of data from the memory or from a
+ peripheral device. When the data is received, the processor internally positions the byte
+ appropriately.
+ The 8-bit operation must perform two or four read cycles to access a word or long word,
+ asserting the data strobe to read a single byte during each cycle. The address bus in 8-bit
+ operation includes A0, which selects the appropriate byte for each read cycle. Figure 4-1
+ and 4-2 illustrate the byte read-cycle operation.
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+ 2) NEGATE LDS (DS FOR MC68008)
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+ Figure 4-1. Byte Read-Cycle Flowchart
+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 w w w w S5 S6 S7
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A0
+ AS
+ (DS) LDS
+ R/W
+ D7–D0
+ Figure 4-2. Read and Write-Cycle Timing Diagram
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+ A bus cycle consists of eight states. The various signals are asserted during specific
+ states of a read cycle, as follows:
+ STATE 0 The read cycle starts in state 0 (S0). The processor places valid function
+ codes on FC0–FC2 and drives R/W high to identify a read cycle.
+ STATE 1 Entering state 1 (S1), the processor drives a valid address on the address
+ bus.
+ STATE 2 On the rising edge of state 2 (S2), the processor asserts AS and LDS,
+ or DS.
+ STATE 3 During state 3 (S3), no bus signals are altered.
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+ STATE 4 During state 4 (S4), the processor waits for a cycle termination signal
+ (DTACK or BERR) or VPA, an M6800 peripheral signal. When VPA is
+ asserted during S4, the cycle becomes a peripheral cycle (refer to
+ Appendix B M6800 Peripheral Interface). If neither termination signal is
+ asserted before the falling edge at the end of S4, the processor inserts wait
+ states (full clock cycles) until either DTACK or BERR is asserted.
+ STATE 5 During state 5 (S5), no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 6 During state 6 (S6), data from the device is driven onto the data bus.
+ STATE 7 On the falling edge of the clock entering state 7 (S7), the processor latches
+ data from the addressed device and negates A S and L D S, or DS. At
+ the rising edge of S7, the processor places the address bus in the high-
+ impedance state. The device negates DTACK or BERR at this time.
+ During an active bus cycle, VPA and BERR are sampled on
+ every falling edge of the clock beginning with S4, and data is
+ latched on the falling edge of S6 during a read cycle. The bus
+ cycle terminates in S7, except when BERR is asserted in the
+ absence of DTACK. In that case, the bus cycle terminates one
+ clock cycle later in S9.
+ 4.1.2 Write Cycle
+ During a write cycle, the processor sends bytes of data to the memory or peripheral
+ device. Figures 4-3 and 4-4 illustrate the write-cycle operation
+ The 8-bit operation performs two write cycles for a word write operation, issuing the data
+ strobe signal during each cycle. The address bus includes the A0 bit to select the desired
+ byte.
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+ Figure 4-3. Byte Write-Cycle Flowchart
+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A0
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D7–D0
+ Figure 4-4. Write-Cycle Timing Diagram
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+ The descriptions of the eight states of a write cycle are as follows:
+ STATE 0 The write cycle starts in S0. The processor places valid function codes on
+ FC2–FC0 and drives R/W high (if a preceding write cycle has left R/W low).
+ STATE 1 Entering S1, the processor drives a valid address on the address bus.
+ STATE 2 On the rising edge of S2, the processor asserts AS and drives R/W low.
+ STATE 3 During S3, the data bus is driven out of the high-impedance state as the
+ data to be written is placed on the bus.
+ STATE 4 At the rising edge of S4, the processor asserts L D S, or D S. The
+ processor waits for a cycle termination signal (DTACK or BERR) or VPA, an
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+ M6800 peripheral signal. When VPA is asserted during S4, the cycle
+ becomes a peripheral cycle (refer to Appendix B M6800 Peripheral
+ Interface). If neither termination signal is asserted before the falling
+ edge at the end of S4, the processor inserts wait states (full clock cycles)
+ until either DTACK or BERR is asserted.
+ STATE 5 During S5, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 6 During S6, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 7 On the falling edge of the clock entering S7, the processor negates AS,
+ LDS, and DS. As the clock rises at the end of S7, the processor places
+ the address and data buses in the high-impedance state, and drives R/W
+ high. The device negates DTACK or BERR at this time.
+ 4.1.3 Read-Modify-Write Cycle.
+ The read-modify-write cycle performs a read operation, modifies the data in the arithmetic
+ logic unit, and writes the data back to the same address. The address strobe ( AS) remains
+ asserted throughout the entire cycle, making the cycle indivisible. The test and set (TAS)
+ instruction uses this cycle to provide a signaling capability without deadlock between
+ processors in a multiprocessing environment. The TAS instruction (the only instruction
+ that uses the read-modify-write cycle) only operates on bytes. Thus, all read-modify-write
+ cycles are byte operations. Figure 4-5 and 4-6 illustrate the read-modify-write cycle
+ operation.
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+ (DS ON MC68008)
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+ Figure 4-5. Read-Modify-Write Cycle Flowchart
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A0
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D7–D0
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+ Figure 4-6. Read-Modify-Write Cycle Timing Diagram
+ The descriptions of the read-modify-write cycle states are as follows:
+ STATE 0 The read cycle starts in S0. The processor places valid function codes on
+ FC2–FC0 and drives R/W high to identify a read cycle.
+ STATE 1 Entering S1, the processor drives a valid address on the address bus.
+ STATE 2 On the rising edge of S2, the processor asserts AS and LDS, or DS.
+ STATE 3 During S3, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 4 During S4, the processor waits for a cycle termination signal (DTACK or
+ BERR) or VPA, an M6800 peripheral signal. When VPA is asserted during
+ S4, the cycle becomes a peripheral cycle (refer to Appendix B M6800
+ Peripheral Interface). If neither termination signal is asserted before the
+ falling edge at the end of S4, the processor inserts wait states (full clock
+ cycles) until either DTACK or BERR is asserted.
+ STATE 5 During S5, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 6 During S6, data from the device are driven onto the data bus.
+ STATE 7 On the falling edge of the clock entering S7, the processor accepts data
+ from the device and negates L D S , and D S. The device negates
+ DTACK or BERR at this time.
+ STATES 8–11
+ The bus signals are unaltered during S8–S11, during which the arithmetic
+ logic unit makes appropriate modifications to the data.
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+ STATE 12 The write portion of the cycle starts in S12. The valid function codes on
+ FC2–FC0, the address bus lines, AS, and R/W remain unaltered.
+ STATE 13 During S13, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 14 On the rising edge of S14, the processor drives R/W low.
+ STATE 15 During S15, the data bus is driven out of the high-impedance state as the
+ data to be written are placed on the bus.
+ STATE 16 At the rising edge of S16, the processor asserts L D S or DS. The
+ processor waits for DTACK or BERR or VPA, an M6800 peripheral signal.
+ When VPA is asserted during S16, the cycle becomes a peripheral cycle
+ (refer to Appendix B M6800 Peripheral Interface). If neither termination
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ signal is asserted before the falling edge at the close of S16, the processor
+ inserts wait states (full clock cycles) until either DTACK or BERR is asserted.
+ STATE 17 During S17, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 18 During S18, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 19 On the falling edge of the clock entering S19, the processor negates AS,
+ L D S , and DS. As the clock rises at the end of S19, the processor
+ places the address and data buses in the high-impedance state, and drives
+ R/W high. The device negates DTACK or BERR at this time.
+ Refer to Section 5 16-Bit Bus Operations for information on the following items:
+ • CPU Space Cycle
+ • Bus Arbitration
+ — Bus Request
+ — Bus Grant
+ — Bus Acknowledgment
+ • Bus Control
+ • Bus Errors and Halt Operations
+ • Reset Operations
+ • Asynchronous Operations
+ • Synchronous Operations
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+ The following paragraphs describe control signal and bus operation for 16-bit bus
+ operations during data transfer operations, bus arbitration, bus error and halt conditions,
+ and reset operation. The 16-bit bus operation devices are the MC68000, MC68HC000,
+ MC68010, and the MC68HC001 and MC68EC000 in 16-bit mode. The MC68HC001 and
+ MC68EC000 select 16-bit mode by pulling mode high or leave it floating during reset.
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+ Transfer of data between devices involves the following signals:
+ 1. Address bus A1 through highest numbered address line
+ 2. Data bus D0 through D15
+ 3. Control signals
+ The address and data buses are separate parallel buses used to transfer data using an
+ asynchronous bus structure. In all cases, the bus master must deskew all signals it issues
+ at both the start and end of a bus cycle. In addition, the bus master must deskew the
+ acknowledge and data signals from the slave device.
+ The following paragraphs describe the read, write, read-modify-write, and CPU space
+ cycles. The indivisible read-modify-write cycle implements interlocked multiprocessor
+ communications. A CPU space cycle is a special processor cycle.
+ 5.1.1 Read Cycle
+ During a read cycle, the processor receives either one or two bytes of data from the
+ memory or from a peripheral device. If the instruction specifies a word or long-word
+ operation, the MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68HC001, MC68EC000, or MC68010
+ processor reads both upper and lower bytes simultaneously by asserting both upper and
+ lower data strobes. When the instruction specifies byte operation, the processor uses the
+ internal A0 bit to determine which byte to read and issues the appropriate data strobe.
+ When A0 equals zero, the upper data strobe is issued; when A0 equals one, the lower
+ data strobe is issued. When the data is received, the processor internally positions the
+ byte appropriately.
+ The word read-cycle flowchart is shown in Figure 5-1 and the byte read-cycle flowchart is
+ shown in Figure 5-2. The read and write cycle timing is shown in Figure 5-3 and the word
+ and byte read-cycle timing diagram is shown in Figure 5-4.
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+ Figure 5-1. Word Read-Cycle Flowchart
+ 2) PLACE DATA ON D7–D0 OR D15–D8
+ OR D15–D8
+ Figure 5-2. Byte Read-Cycle Flowchart
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 w w w w S5 S6 S7
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
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+ D15–D8
+ D7–D0
+ Figure 5-3. Read and Write-Cycle Timing Diagram
+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
+ A0 *
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D8
+ D7–D0
+ *Internal Signal Only
+ Figure 5-4. Word and Byte Read-Cycle Timing Diagram
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+ A bus cycle consists of eight states. The various signals are asserted during specific
+ states of a read cycle, as follows:
+ STATE 0 The read cycle starts in state 0 (S0). The processor places valid function
+ codes on FC0–FC2 and drives R/W high to identify a read cycle.
+ STATE 1 Entering state 1 (S1), the processor drives a valid address on the address
+ bus.
+ STATE 2 On the rising edge of state 2 (S2), the processor asserts AS and UDS, LDS,
+ or DS.
+ STATE 3 During state 3 (S3), no bus signals are altered.
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+ STATE 4 During state 4 (S4), the processor waits for a cycle termination signal
+ (DTACK or BERR) or VPA, an M6800 peripheral signal. When VPA is
+ asserted during S4, the cycle becomes a peripheral cycle (refer to
+ Appendix B M6800 Peripheral Interface). If neither termination signal is
+ asserted before the falling edge at the end of S4, the processor inserts wait
+ states (full clock cycles) until either DTACK or BERR is asserted.
+ STATE 5 During state 5 (S5), no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 6 During state 6 (S6), data from the device is driven onto the data bus.
+ STATE 7 On the falling edge of the clock entering state 7 (S7), the processor latches
+ data from the addressed device and negates AS, U D S, and LDS. At
+ the rising edge of S7, the processor places the address bus in the high-
+ impedance state. The device negates DTACK or BERR at this time.
+ During an active bus cycle, VPA and BERR are sampled on
+ every falling edge of the clock beginning with S4, and data is
+ latched on the falling edge of S6 during a read cycle. The bus
+ cycle terminates in S7, except when BERR is asserted in the
+ absence of DTACK. In that case, the bus cycle terminates one
+ clock cycle later in S9.
+ 5.1.2 Write Cycle
+ During a write cycle, the processor sends bytes of data to the memory or peripheral
+ device. If the instruction specifies a word operation, the processor issues both UDS and
+ LDS and writes both bytes. When the instruction specifies a byte operation, the processor
+ uses the internal A0 bit to determine which byte to write and issues the appropriate data
+ strobe. When the A0 bit equals zero, UDS is asserted; when the A0 bit equals one, LDS is
+ asserted.
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+ The word and byte write-cycle timing diagram and flowcharts in Figures 5-5, 5-6, and 5-7
+ applies directly to the MC68000, the MC68HC000, the MC68HC001 (in 16-bit mode), the
+ MC68EC000 (in 16-bit mode), and the MC68010.
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+ Figure 5-5. Word Write-Cycle Flowchart
+ 5) PLACE DATA ON D0–D7 OR D15–D8
+ D15-D8
+ Figure 5-6. Byte Write-Cycle Flowchart
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
+ A0*
+ AS
+ R/W
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+ D15–D8
+ D7–D0
+ Figure 5-7. Word and Byte Write-Cycle Timing Diagram
+ The descriptions of the eight states of a write cycle are as follows:
+ STATE 0 The write cycle starts in S0. The processor places valid function codes on
+ FC2–FC0 and drives R/W high (if a preceding write cycle has left R/W low).
+ STATE 1 Entering S1, the processor drives a valid address on the address bus.
+ STATE 2 On the rising edge of S2, the processor asserts AS and drives R/W low.
+ STATE 3 During S3, the data bus is driven out of the high-impedance state as the
+ data to be written is placed on the bus.
+ STATE 4 At the rising edge of S4, the processor asserts U D S , or LDS. The
+ processor waits for a cycle termination signal (DTACK or BERR) or VPA, an
+ M6800 peripheral signal. When VPA is asserted during S4, the cycle
+ becomes a peripheral cycle (refer to Appendix B M6800 Peripheral
+ Interface. If neither termination signal is asserted before the falling
+ edge at the end of S4, the processor inserts wait states (full clock cycles)
+ until either DTACK or BERR is asserted.
+ STATE 5 During S5, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 6 During S6, no bus signals are altered.
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+ STATE 7 On the falling edge of the clock entering S7, the processor negates AS,
+ UDS, or LDS. As the clock rises at the end of S7, the processor places
+ the address and data buses in the high-impedance state, and drives R/W
+ high. The device negates DTACK or BERR at this time.
+ 5.1.3 Read-Modify-Write Cycle.
+ The read-modify-write cycle performs a read operation, modifies the data in the arithmetic
+ logic unit, and writes the data back to the same address. The address strobe ( AS) remains
+ asserted throughout the entire cycle, making the cycle indivisible. The test and set (TAS)
+ instruction uses this cycle to provide a signaling capability without deadlock between
+ processors in a multiprocessing environment. The TAS instruction (the only instruction
+ that uses the read-modify-write cycle) only operates on bytes. Thus, all read-modify-write
+ cycles are byte operations. The read-modify-write flowchart shown in Figure 5-8 and the
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ timing diagram in Figure 5-9, applies to the MC68000, the MC68HC000, the MC68HC001
+ (in 16-bit mode), the MC68EC000 (in 16-bit mode), and the MC68010.
+ 2) PLACE DATA ON D7–D0 OR D15–D0
+ OR D15–D8
+ 2) PLACE DATA ON D7–D0 OR D15–D8
+ 1) STORE DATA ON D7–D0 OR D15–D8
+ D15–D8
+ Figure 5-8. Read-Modify-Write Cycle Flowchart
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D8
+ FC2–FC0
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+ Figure 5-9. Read-Modify-Write Cycle Timing Diagram
+ The descriptions of the read-modify-write cycle states are as follows:
+ STATE 0 The read cycle starts in S0. The processor places valid function codes on
+ FC2–FC0 and drives R/W high to identify a read cycle.
+ STATE 1 Entering S1, the processor drives a valid address on the address bus.
+ STATE 2 On the rising edge of S2, the processor asserts AS and UDS, or LDS.
+ STATE 3 During S3, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 4 During S4, the processor waits for a cycle termination signal (DTACK or
+ BERR) or VPA, an M6800 peripheral signal. When VPA is asserted during
+ S4, the cycle becomes a peripheral cycle (refer to Appendix B M6800
+ Peripheral Interface). If neither termination signal is asserted before the
+ falling edge at the end of S4, the processor inserts wait states (full clock
+ cycles) until either DTACK or BERR is asserted.
+ STATE 5 During S5, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 6 During S6, data from the device are driven onto the data bus.
+ STATE 7 On the falling edge of the clock entering S7, the processor accepts data
+ from the device and negates U D S , and LDS. The device negates
+ DTACK or BERR at this time.
+ STATES 8–11
+ The bus signals are unaltered during S8–S11, during which the arithmetic
+ logic unit makes appropriate modifications to the data.
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+ STATE 12 The write portion of the cycle starts in S12. The valid function codes on
+ FC2–FC0, the address bus lines, AS, and R/W remain unaltered.
+ STATE 13 During S13, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 14 On the rising edge of S14, the processor drives R/W low.
+ STATE 15 During S15, the data bus is driven out of the high-impedance state as the
+ data to be written are placed on the bus.
+ STATE 16 At the rising edge of S16, the processor asserts U D S or L D S . The
+ processor waits for DTACK or BERR or VPA, an M6800 peripheral signal.
+ When VPA is asserted during S16, the cycle becomes a peripheral cycle
+ (refer to Appendix B M6800 Peripheral Interface). If neither termination
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ signal is asserted before the falling edge at the close of S16, the processor
+ inserts wait states (full clock cycles) until either DTACK or BERR is asserted.
+ STATE 17 During S17, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 18 During S18, no bus signals are altered.
+ STATE 19 On the falling edge of the clock entering S19, the processor negates AS,
+ UDS, and LDS. As the clock rises at the end of S19, the processor
+ places the address and data buses in the high-impedance state, and drives
+ R/W high. The device negates DTACK or BERR at this time.
+ 5.1.4 CPU Space Cycle
+ A CPU space cycle, indicated when the function codes are all high, is a special processor
+ cycle. Bits A16–A19 of the address bus identify eight types of CPU space cycles. Only the
+ interrupt acknowledge cycle, in which A16–A19 are high, applies to all the
+ microprocessors described in this manual. The MC68010 defines an additional type of
+ CPU space cycle, the breakpoint acknowledge cycle, in which A16–A19 are all low. Other
+ configurations of A16–A19 are reserved by Motorola to define other types of CPU cycles
+ used in other M68000 Family microprocessors. Figure 5-10 shows the encoding of CPU
+ space addresses.
+ 2 0 31 23 19 16 0
+ BREAKPOINT 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ (MC68010 only)
+ 31 3 1 0
+ INTERRUPT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LEVEL 1
+ Figure 5-10. CPU Space Address Encoding
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+ The interrupt acknowledge cycle places the level of the interrupt being acknowledged on
+ address bits A3–A1 and drives all other address lines high. The interrupt acknowledge
+ cycle reads a vector number when the interrupting device places a vector number on the
+ data bus and asserts DTACK to acknowledge the cycle.
+ The timing diagram for an interrupt acknowledge cycle is shown in Figure 5-11.
+ Alternately, the interrupt acknowledge cycle can be autovectored. The interrupt
+ acknowledge cycle is the same, except the interrupting device asserts VPA instead of
+ DTACK. For an autovectored interrupt, the vector number used is $18 plus the interrupt
+ level. This is generated internally by the microprocessor when VPA (or AVEC) is asserted
+ on an interrupt acknowledge cycle. DTACK and V P A (A V E C) should never be
+ simultaneously asserted.
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 w w w w S5 S6
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A4
+ A3–A1
+ AS
+ UDS*
+ R/W
+ D15–D8
+ D7–D0
+ * Although a vector number is one byte, both data strobes are asserted due to the microcode used for exception processing. The processor does not
+ recognize anything on data lines D8 through D15 at this time.
+ Figure 5-11. Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Timing Diagram
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+ The breakpoint acknowledge cycle is performed by the MC68010 to provide an indication
+ to hardware that a software breakpoint is being executed when the processor executes a
+ breakpoint (BKPT) instruction. The processor neither accepts nor sends data during this
+ cycle, which is otherwise similar to a read cycle. The cycle is terminated by either DTACK,
+ BERR, or as an M6800 peripheral cycle when V P A is asserted, and the processor
+ continues illegal instruction exception processing. Figure 5-12 illustrates the timing
+ diagram for the breakpoint acknowledge cycle.
+ S0 S2 S4 S6 S0 S2 S4 S6 S0 S2 S4 S6
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
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+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D8
+ D7–D0
+ Figure 5-12. Breakpoint Acknowledge Cycle Timing Diagram
+ Bus arbitration is a technique used by bus master devices to request, to be granted, and
+ to acknowledge bus mastership. Bus arbitration consists of the following:
+ 1. Asserting a bus mastership request
+ 2. Receiving a grant indicating that the bus is available at the end of the current cycle
+ 3. Acknowledging that mastership has been assumed
+ There are two ways to arbitrate the bus, 3-wire and 2-wire bus arbitration. The MC68000,
+ MC68HC000, MC68EC000, MC68HC001, MC68008, and MC68010 can do 2-wire bus
+ arbitration. The MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68HC001, and MC68010 can do 3-wire bus
+ arbitration. Figures 5-13 and 5-15 show 3-wire bus arbitration and Figures 5-14 and 5-16
+ show 2-wire bus arbitration. Bus arbitration on all microprocessors, except the 48-pin
+ MC68008 and MC68EC000, BGACK must be pulled high for 2-wire bus arbitration.
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+ Figure 5-13. 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Cycle Flowchart
+ (Not Applicable to 48-Pin MC68008 or MC68EC000)
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+ Figure 5-14. 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Cycle Flowchart
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
+ BR
+ BG
+ Figure 5-15. 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram
+ (Not Applicable to 48-Pin MC68008 or MC68EC000)
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+ S0 S2 S4 S6 S0 S2 S4 S6 S0 S2 S4 S6 S0 S2 S4 S6
+ FC2–FC0
+ A19–A0
+ AS
+ DS
+ R/W
+ D7–D0
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+ BR
+ BG
+ Figure 5-16. 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram
+ The timing diagram in Figure 5-15 shows that the bus request is negated at the time that
+ an acknowledge is asserted. This type of operation applies to a system consisting of a
+ processor and one other device capable of becoming bus master. In systems having
+ several devices that can be bus masters, bus request lines from these devices can be
+ wire-ORed at the processor, and more than one bus request signal could occur.
+ The bus grant signal is negated a few clock cycles after the assertion of the bus grant
+ acknowledge signal. However, if bus requests are pending, the processor reasserts bus
+ grant for another request a few clock cycles after bus grant (for the previous request) is
+ negated. In response to this additional assertion of bus grant, external arbitration circuitry
+ selects the next bus master before the current bus master has completed the bus activity.
+ The timing diagram in Figure 5-15 also applies to a system consisting of a processor and
+ one other device capable of becoming bus master. Since the 48-pin version of the
+ MC68008 and the MC68EC000 does not recognize a bus grant acknowledge signal, this
+ processor does not negate bus grant until the current bus master has completed the bus
+ activity.
+ 5.2.1 Requesting The Bus
+ External devices capable of becoming bus masters assert BR to request the bus. This
+ signal can be wire-ORed (not necessarily constructed from open-collector devices) from
+ any of the devices in the system that can become bus master. The processor, which is at
+ a lower bus priority level than the external devices, relinquishes the bus after it completes
+ the current bus cycle.
+ The bus grant acknowledge signal on all the processors except the 48-pin MC68008 and
+ MC68EC000 helps to prevent the bus arbitration circuitry from responding to noise on the
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+ bus request signal. When no acknowledge is received before the bus request signal is
+ negated, the processor continues the use of the bus.
+ 5.2.2 Receiving The Bus Grant
+ The processor asserts BG as soon as possible. Normally, this process immediately follows
+ internal synchronization, except when the processor has made an internal decision to
+ execute the next bus cycle but has not yet asserted AS for that cycle. In this case, BG is
+ delayed until AS is asserted to indicate to external devices that a bus cycle is in progress.
+ BG can be routed through a daisy-chained network or through a specific priority-encoded
+ network. Any method of external arbitration that observes the protocol can be used.
+ 5.2.3 Acknowledgment Of Mastership (3-Wire Bus Arbitration Only)
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+ Upon receiving BG, the requesting device waits until AS, DTACK, and BGACK are negated
+ before asserting BGACK. The negation of AS indicates that the previous bus master has
+ completed its cycle. (No device is allowed to assume bus mastership while AS is
+ asserted.) The negation of BGACK indicates that the previous master has released the
+ bus. The negation of DTACK indicates that the previous slave has terminated the
+ connection to the previous master. (In some applications, DTACK might not be included in
+ this function; general-purpose devices would be connected using AS only.) When BGACK
+ is asserted, the asserting device is bus master until it negates BGACK. BGACK should not
+ be negated until after the bus cycle(s) is complete. A device relinquishes control of the bus
+ by negating BGACK.
+ The bus request from the granted device should be negated after BGACK is asserted. If
+ another bus request is pending, BG is reasserted within a few clocks, as described in 5.3
+ Bus Arbitration Control. The processor does not perform any external bus cycles before
+ reasserting BG.
+ All asynchronous bus arbitration signals to the processor are synchronized before being
+ used internally. As shown in Figure 5-17, synchronization requires a maximum of one
+ cycle of the system clock, assuming that the asynchronous input setup time (#47, defined
+ in Section 10 Electrical Characteristic) has been met. The input asynchronous signal is
+ sampled on the falling edge of the clock and is valid internally after the next falling edge.
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+ 47
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+ Figure 5-17. External Asynchronous Signal Synchronization
+ Bus arbitration control is implemented with a finite-state machine. State diagram (a) in
+ Figure 5-18 applies to all processors using 3-wire bus arbitration and state diagram (b)
+ applies to processors using 2-wire bus arbitration, in which BGACK is permanently
+ negated internally or externally. The same finite-state machine is used, but it is effectively
+ a two-state machine because BGACK is always negated.
+ In Figure 5-18, input signals R and A are the internally synchronized versions of BR and
+ BGACK. The BG output is shown as G, and the internal three-state control signal is shown
+ as T. If T is true, the address, data, and control buses are placed in the high-impedance
+ state when AS is negated. All signals are shown in positive logic (active high), regardless
+ of their true active voltage level. State changes (valid outputs) occur on the next rising
+ edge of the clock after the internal signal is valid.
+ A timing diagram of the bus arbitration sequence during a processor bus cycle is shown in
+ Figure 5-19. The bus arbitration timing while the bus is inactive (e.g., the processor is
+ performing internal operations for a multiply instruction) is shown in Figure 5-20.
+ When a bus request is made after the MPU has begun a bus cycle and before AS has
+ been asserted (S0), the special sequence shown in Figure 5-21 applies. Instead of being
+ asserted on the next rising edge of clock, BG is delayed until the second rising edge
+ following its internal assertion.
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+ RA
+ 1 GT 1
+ RA
+ RA
+ RA R+A
+ XX
+ RX
+ GT
+ XA
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+ RA
+ RA
+ GT
+ RA
+ (a) 3-Wire Bus Arbitration
+ R
+ R GT
+ R
+ R GT
+ GT
+ X
+ GT X
+ GT
+ (b) 2-Wire Bus Arbitration
+ R
+ Notes:
+ 1. State machine will not change if
+ R = Bus Request Internal the bus is S0 or S1. Refer to
+ A = Bus Grant Acknowledge Internal BUS ARBITRATION CONTROL. 5.2.3.
+ G = Bus Grant 2. The address bus will be placed in
+ T = Three-state Control to Bus Control Logic the high-impedance state if T is
+ X = Don't Care asserted and AS is negated.
+ Figure 5-18. Bus Arbitration Unit State Diagrams
+ Figures 5-19, 5-20, and 5-21 applies to all processors using 3-wire bus arbitration. Figures
+ 5-22, 5-23, and 5-24 applies to all processors using 2-wire bus arbitration.
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1
+ BR
+ BG
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
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+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
+ Figure 5-19. 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Processor Active
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4
+ BR
+ BG
+ FC2–FC0
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
+ Figure 5-20. 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Bus Inactive
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+ S0 S2 S4 S6 S0 S2 S4 S6 S0
+ BR
+ BG
+ FC2–FC0
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
+ Figure 5-21. 3-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Special Case
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1
+ BR
+ BG
+ FC2–FC0
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+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
+ Figure 5-22. 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Processor Active
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4
+ BR
+ BG
+ FC2–FC0
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
+ Figure 5-23. 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Bus Inactive
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+ S0 S2 S4 S6 S0 S2 S4 S6 S0
+ BR
+ BG
+ FC2–FC0
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
+ Figure 5-24. 2-Wire Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram—Special Case
+ In a bus architecture that requires a handshake from an external device, such as the
+ asynchronous bus used in the M68000 Family, the handshake may not always occur. A
+ bus error input is provided to terminate a bus cycle in error when the expected signal is
+ not asserted. Different systems and different devices within the same system require
+ different maximum-response times. External circuitry can be provided to assert the bus
+ error signal after the appropriate delay following the assertion of address strobe.
+ In a virtual memory system, the bus error signal can be used to indicate either a page fault
+ or a bus timeout. An external memory management unit asserts bus error when the page
+ that contains the required data is not resident in memory. The processor suspends
+ execution of the current instruction while the page is loaded into memory. The MC68010
+ pushes enough information on the stack to be able to resume execution of the instruction
+ following return from the bus error exception handler.
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+ The MC68010 also differs from the other microprocessors described in this manual
+ regarding bus errors. The MC68010 can detect a late bus error signal asserted within one
+ clock cycle after the assertion of data transfer acknowledge. When receiving a bus error
+ signal, the processor can either initiate a bus error exception sequence or try running the
+ cycle again.
+ 5.4.1 Bus Error Operation
+ In all the microprocessors described in this manual, a bus error is recognized when
+ DTACK and HALT are negated and BERR is asserted. In the MC68010, a late bus error is
+ also recognized when HALT is negated, and DTACK and BERR are asserted within one
+ clock cycle.
+ When the bus error condition is recognized, the current bus cycle is terminated in S9 for a
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ read cycle, a write cycle, or the read portion of a read-modify-write cycle. For the write
+ portion of a read-modify-write cycle, the current bus cycle is terminated in S21. As long as
+ BERR remains asserted, the data and address buses are in the high-impedance state.
+ Figure 5-25 shows the timing for the normal bus error, and Figure 5-26 shows the timing
+ for the MC68010 late bus error.
+ S0 S2 S4 w w w w S6 S8
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
+ Figure 5-25. Bus Error Timing Diagram
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+ S0 S2 S4 S6
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
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+ Figure 5-26. Delayed Bus Error Timing Diagram (MC68010)
+ After the aborted bus cycle is terminated and BERR is negated, the processor enters
+ exception processing for the bus error exception. During the exception processing
+ sequence, the following information is placed on the supervisor stack:
+ 1. Status register
+ 2. Program counter (two words, which may be up to five words past the instruction
+ being executed)
+ 3. Error information
+ The first two items are identical to the information stacked by any other exception. The
+ error information differs for the MC68010. The MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68HC001,
+ MC68EC000, and MC68008 stack bus error information to help determine and to correct
+ the error. The MC68010 stacks the frame format and the vector offset followed by 22
+ words of internal register information. The return from exception (RTE) instruction restores
+ the internal register information so that the MC68010 can continue execution of the
+ instruction after the error handler routine completes.
+ After the processor has placed the required information on the stack, the bus error
+ exception vector is read from vector table entry 2 (offset $08) and placed in the program
+ counter. The processor resumes execution at the address in the vector, which is the first
+ instruction in the bus error handler routine.
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+ In the MC68010, if a read-modify-write operation terminates in
+ a bus error, the processor reruns the entire read-modify-write
+ operation when the RTE instruction at the end of the bus error
+ handler returns control to the instruction in error. The
+ processor reruns the entire operation whether the error
+ occurred during the read or write portion.
+ 5.4.2 Retrying The Bus Cycle
+ The assertion of the bus error signal during a bus cycle in which HALT is also asserted by
+ an external device initiates a retry operation. Figure 5-27 is a timing diagram of the retry
+ operation. The delayed BERR signal in the MC68010 also initiates a retry operation when
+ HALT is asserted by an external device. Figure 5-28 shows the timing of the delayed
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+ operation.
+ S0 S2 S4 S6 S8 S0 S2 S4 S6
+ FC2-FC0
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+ D15–D0
+ Figure 5-27. Retry Bus Cycle Timing Diagram
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+ S0 S2 S4 S6 S0 S2 S4 S6
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ D0–D15
+ Figure 5-28. Delayed Retry Bus Cycle Timing Diagram
+ The processor terminates the bus cycle, then puts the address and data lines in the high-
+ impedance state. The processor remains in this state until HALT is negated. Then the
+ processor retries the preceding cycle using the same function codes, address, and data
+ (for a write operation). BERR should be negated at least one clock cycle before HALT is
+ negated.
+ To guarantee that the entire read-modify-write cycle runs
+ correctly and that the write portion of the operation is
+ performed without negating the address strobe, the processor
+ does not retry a read-modify-write cycle. When a bus error
+ occurs during a read-modify-write operation, a bus error
+ operation is performed whether or not HALT is asserted.
+ 5.4.3 Halt Operation ( HALT)
+ HALT performs a halt/run/single-step operation similar to the halt operation of an
+ MC68000. When HALT is asserted by an external device, the processor halts and remains
+ halted as long as the signal remains asserted, as shown in Figure 5-29.
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+ S0 S2 S4 S6 S0 S2 S4 S6
+ FC2–FC0
+ A23–A1
+ AS
+ R/W
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ D0–D15
+ Figure 5-29. Halt Operation Timing Diagram
+ While the processor is halted, the address bus and the data bus signals are placed in the
+ high-impedance state. Bus arbitration is performed as usual. Should a bus error occur
+ while HALT is asserted, the processor performs the retry operation previously described.
+ The single-step mode is derived from correctly timed transitions of HALT. HALT is negated
+ to allow the processor to begin a bus cycle, then asserted to enter the halt mode when the
+ cycle completes. The single-step mode proceeds through a program one bus cycle at a
+ time for debugging purposes. The halt operation and the hardware trace capability allow
+ tracing of either bus cycles or instructions one at a time. These capabilities and a software
+ debugging package provide total debugging flexibility.
+ 5.4.4 Double Bus Fault
+ When a bus error exception occurs, the processor begins exception processing by
+ stacking information on the supervisor stack. If another bus error occurs during exception
+ processing (i.e., before execution of another instruction begins) the processor halts and
+ asserts HALT. This is called a double bus fault. Only an external reset operation can
+ restart a processor halted due to a double bus fault.
+ A retry operation does not initiate exception processing; a bus error during a retry
+ operation does not cause a double bus fault. The processor can continue to retry a bus
+ cycle indefinitely if external hardware requests.
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+ A double bus fault occurs during a reset operation when a bus error occurs while the
+ processor is reading the vector table (before the first instruction is executed). The reset
+ operation is described in the following paragraph.
+ RESET is asserted externally for the initial processor reset. Subsequently, the signal can
+ be asserted either externally or internally (executing a RESET instruction). For proper
+ external reset operation, HALT must also be asserted.
+ When RESET and HALT are driven by an external device, the entire system, including the
+ processor, is reset. Resetting the processor initializes the internal state. The processor
+ reads the reset vector table entry (address $00000) and loads the contents into the
+ supervisor stack pointer (SSP). Next, the processor loads the contents of address $00004
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ (vector table entry 1) into the program counter. Then the processor initializes the interrupt
+ level in the status register to a value of seven. In the MC68010, the processor also clears
+ the vector base register to $00000. No other register is affected by the reset sequence.
+ Figure 5-30 shows the timing of the reset operation.
+ + 5 VOLTS
+ T < 4 CLOCKS 1
+ 2 3 4 5 6
+ 1. Internal start-up time 4. PC High read in here Bus State Unknown:
+ 2. SSP high read in here 5. PC Low read in here
+ 3. SSP low read in here 6. First instruction fetched here All Control Signals Inactive.
+ Data Bus in Read Mode:
+ Figure 5-30. Reset Operation Timing Diagram
+ The RESET instruction causes the processor to assert RESET for 124 clock periods to
+ reset the external devices of the system. The internal state of the processor is not
+ affected. Neither the status register nor any of the internal registers is affected by an
+ internal reset operation. All external devices in the system should be reset at the
+ completion of the RESET instruction.
+ For the initial reset, RESET and HALT must be asserted for at least 100 ms. For a
+ subsequent external reset, asserting these signals for 10 clock cycles or longer resets the
+ processor. However, an external reset signal that is asserted while the processor is
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+ executing a reset instruction is ignored. Since the processor asserts the RESET signal for
+ 124 clock cycles during execution of a reset instruction, an external reset should assert
+ RESET for at least 132 clock periods.
+ To properly control termination of a bus cycle for a retry or a bus error condition, DTACK,
+ BERR, and HALT should be asserted and negated on the rising edge of the processor
+ clock. This relationship assures that when two signals are asserted simultaneously, the
+ required setup time (specification #47, Section 9 Electrical Characteristics) for both of
+ them is met during the same bus state. External circuitry should be designed to
+ incorporate this precaution. A related specification, #48, can be ignored when DTACK,
+ BERR, and HALT are asserted and negated on the rising edge of the processor clock.
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+ The possible bus cycle termination can be summarized as follows (case numbers refer to
+ Table 5-5).
+ Normal Termination: DTACK is asserted. BERR and HALT remain negated (case 1).
+ Halt Termination: HALT is asserted coincident with or preceding DTACK, and
+ BERR remains negated (case 2).
+ Bus Error Termination: BERR is asserted in lieu of, coincident with, or preceding
+ DTACK (case 3). In the MC68010, the late bus error also,
+ BERR is asserted following DTACK (case 4). HALT remains
+ negated and BERR is negated coincident with or after DTACK.
+ Retry Termination: HALT and BERR asserted in lieu of, coincident with, or before
+ DTACK (case 5). In the MC68010, the late retry also, BERR
+ and HALT are asserted following DTACK (case 6). BERR is
+ negated coincident with or after DTACK. HALT must be held at
+ least one cycle after BERR.
+ Table 5-1 shows the details of the resulting bus cycle termination in the M68000
+ microprocessors for various combinations of signal sequences.
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+ Table 5-1. DTACK, BERR , and HALT Assertion Results
+ Asserted on
+ Case Control Rising Edge MC68000/MC68HC000/001 MC68010 Results
+ No. Signal of State EC000/MC68008 Results
+ N N+2
+ 1 DTACK A S Normal cycle terminate and continue. Normal cycle terminate and continue.
+ 2 DTACK A S Normal cycle terminate and halt. Normal cycle terminate and halt.
+ BERR NA NA Continue when HALT negated. Continue when HALT negated.
+ 3 DTACK X X Terminate and take bus error trap. Terminate and take bus error trap.
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+ 4 DTACK A S Normal cycle terminate and continue. Terminate and take bus error trap.
+ 5 DTACK X X Terminate and retry when HALT Terminate and retry when HALT
+ BERR A S removed. removed.
+ 6 DTACK A S Normal cycle terminate and continue. Terminate and retry when HALT
+ BERR NA A removed.
+ N — The number of the current even bus state (e.g., S4, S6, etc.)
+ A — Signal asserted in this bus state
+ NA — Signal not asserted in this bus state
+ X — Don't care
+ S — Signal asserted in preceding bus state and remains asserted in this state
+ NOTE: All operations are subject to relevant setup and hold times.
+ The negation of BERR and HALT under several conditions is shown in Table 5-6. (DTACK
+ is assumed to be negated normally in all cases; for reliable operation, both DTACK and
+ BERR should be negated when address strobe is negated).
+ A system uses a watchdog timer to terminate accesses to unused address space. The
+ timer asserts BERR after timeout (case 3).
+ A system uses error detection on random-access memory (RAM) contents. The system
+ designer may:
+ 1. Delay DTACK until the data is verified. If data is invalid, return BERR and HALT
+ simultaneously to retry the error cycle (case 5).
+ 2. Delay DTACK until the data is verified. If data is invalid, return BERR at the same
+ time as DTACK (case 3).
+ 3. For an MC68010, return DTACK before data verification. If data is invalid, assert
+ BERR and HALT to retry the error cycle (case 6).
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+ 4. For an MC68010, return DTACK before data verification. If data is invalid, assert
+ BERR on the next clock cycle (case 4).
+ Table 5-6. BERR and HALT Negation Results
+ Conditions of Negated on Rising
+ Edge of State
+ Termination in
+ Table 4-4 Control Signal N N+2 Results—Next Cycle
+ Bus Error BERR • or • Takes bus error trap.
+ HALT • or •
+ Rerun BERR • or • Illegal sequence; usually traps to vector number 0.
+ HALT •
+ Rerun BERR • Reruns the bus cycle.
+ HALT •
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Normal BERR • May lengthen next cycle.
+ HALT • or •
+ Normal BERR • If next cycle is started, it will be terminated as a bus
+ HALT • or none error.
+ • = Signal is negated in this bus state.
+ To achieve clock frequency independence at a system level, the bus can be operated in
+ an asynchronous manner. Asynchronous bus operation uses the bus handshake signals
+ to control the transfer of data. The handshake signals are AS, UDS, LDS, DS (MC68008
+ only), DTACK, BERR, HALT, AVEC (MC68EC000 only), and VPA (only for M6800
+ peripheral cycles). AS indicates the start of the bus cycle, and UDS, LDS, and DS signal
+ valid data for a write cycle. After placing the requested data on the data bus (read cycle)
+ or latching the data (write cycle), the slave device (memory or peripheral) asserts DTACK
+ to terminate the bus cycle. If no device responds or if the access is invalid, external control
+ logic asserts BERR, or BERR and HALT, to abort or retry the cycle. Figure 5-31 shows the
+ use of the bus handshake signals in a fully asynchronous read cycle. Figure 5-32 shows a
+ fully asynchronous write cycle.
+ AS
+ R/W
+ Figure 5-31. Fully Asynchronous Read Cycle
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+ AS
+ R/W
+ Figure 5-32. Fully Asynchronous Write Cycle
+ In the asynchronous mode, the accessed device operates independently of the frequency
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+ and phase of the system clock. For example, the MC68681 dual universal asynchronous
+ receiver/transmitter (DUART) does not require any clock-related information from the bus
+ master during a bus transfer. Asynchronous devices are designed to operate correctly
+ with processors at any clock frequency when relevant timing requirements are observed.
+ A device can use a clock at the same frequency as the system clock (e.g., 8, 10, or 12.5,
+ 16, and 20MHz), but without a defined phase relationship to the system clock. This mode
+ of operation is pseudo-asynchronous; it increases performance by observing timing
+ parameters related to the system clock frequency without being completely synchronous
+ with that clock. A memory array designed to operate with a particular frequency processor
+ but not driven by the processor clock is a common example of a pseudo-asynchronous
+ device.
+ The designer of a fully asynchronous system can make no assumptions about address
+ setup time, which could be used to improve performance. With the system clock frequency
+ known, the slave device can be designed to decode the address bus before recognizing
+ an address strobe. Parameter #11 (refer to Section 10 Electrical Characteristics)
+ specifies the minimum time before address strobe during which the address is valid.
+ In a pseudo-asynchronous system, timing specifications allow DTACK to be asserted for a
+ read cycle before the data from a slave device is valid. The length of time that DTACK
+ may precede data is specified as parameter #31. This parameter must be met to ensure
+ the validity of the data latched into the processor. No maximum time is specified from the
+ assertion of AS to the assertion of DTACK. During this unlimited time, the processor
+ inserts wait cycles in one-clock-period increments until DTACK is recognized. Figure 5-33
+ shows the important timing parameters for a pseudo-asynchronous read cycle.
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+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 11
+ AS
+ 17
+ R/W
+ 28
+ 29
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 31
+ Figure 5-33. Pseudo-Asynchronous Read Cycle
+ During a write cycle, after the processor asserts AS but before driving the data bus, the
+ processor drives R/W low. Parameter #55 specifies the minimum time between the
+ transition of R/W and the driving of the data bus, which is effectively the maximum turnoff
+ time for any device driving the data bus.
+ After the processor places valid data on the bus, it asserts the data strobe signal(s). A
+ data setup time, similar to the address setup time previously discussed, can be used to
+ improve performance. Parameter #29 is the minimum time a slave device can accept valid
+ data before recognizing a data strobe. The slave device asserts DTACK after it accepts
+ the data. Parameter #25 is the minimum time after negation of the strobes during which
+ the valid data remains on the address bus. Parameter #28 is the maximum time between
+ the negation of the strobes by the processor and the negation of DTACK by the slave
+ device. If DTACK remains asserted past the time specified by parameter #28, the
+ processor may recognize it as being asserted early in the next bus cycle and may
+ terminate that cycle prematurely. Figure 5-34 shows the important timing specifications for
+ a pseudo-asynchronous write cycle.
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+ 11
+ AS
+ 20A
+ R/W
+ 22
+ 28
+ 55 26
+ 29
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+ Figure 5-34. Pseudo-Asynchronous Write Cycle
+ In the MC68010, the BERR signal can be delayed after the assertion of DTACK.
+ Specification #48 is the maximum time between assertion of DTACK and assertion of
+ BERR. If this maximum delay is exceeded, operation of the processor may be erratic.
+ In some systems, external devices use the system clock to generate DTACK and other
+ asynchronous input signals. This synchronous operation provides a closely coupled
+ design with maximum performance, appropriate for frequently accessed parts of the
+ system. For example, memory can operate in the synchronous mode, but peripheral
+ devices operate asynchronously. For a synchronous device, the designer uses explicit
+ timing information shown in Section 10 Electrical Characteristics. These specifications
+ define the state of all bus signals relative to a specific state of the processor clock.
+ The standard M68000 bus cycle consists of four clock periods (eight bus cycle states)
+ and, optionally, an integral number of clock cycles inserted as wait states. Wait states are
+ inserted as required to allow sufficient response time for the external device. The following
+ state-by-state description of the bus cycle differs from those descriptions in 5.1.1 READ
+ CYCLE and 5.1.2 WRITE CYCLE by including information about the important timing
+ parameters that apply in the bus cycle states.
+ STATE 0 The bus cycle starts in S0, during which the clock is high. At the rising edge
+ of S0, the function code for the access is driven externally. Parameter #6A
+ defines the delay from this rising edge until the function codes are valid.
+ Also, the R/W signal is driven high; parameter #18 defines the delay from
+ the same rising edge to the transition of R/W . The minimum value for
+ parameter #18 applies to a read cycle preceded by a write cycle; this value
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+ is the maximum hold time for a low on R/W beyond the initiation of the read
+ cycle.
+ STATE 1 Entering S1, a low period of the clock, the address of the accessed device
+ is driven externally with an assertion delay defined by parameter #6.
+ STATE 2 On the rising edge of S2, a high period of the clock, AS is asserted. During
+ a read cycle, UDS, LDS, and/or DS is also asserted at this time. Parameter
+ #9 defines the assertion delay for these signals. For a write cycle, the R/W
+ signal is driven low with a delay defined by parameter #20.
+ STATE 3 On the falling edge of the clock entering S3, the data bus is driven out of
+ the high-impedance state with the data being written to the accessed
+ device (in a write cycle). Parameter #23 specifies the data assertion delay.
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+ In a read cycle, no signal is altered in S3.
+ STATE 4 Entering the high clock period of S4, UDS, LDS, and/or DS is asserted
+ (during a write cycle) on the rising edge of the clock. As in S2 for a read
+ cycle, parameter #9 defines the assertion delay from the rising edge of S4
+ for UDS, LDS, and/or DS. In a read cycle, no signal is altered by the
+ processor during S4.
+ Until the falling edge of the clock at the end of S4 (beginning of S5), no
+ response from any external device except RESET is acknowledged by the
+ processor. If either DTACK or BERR is asserted before the falling edge of
+ S4 and satisfies the input setup time defined by parameter #47, the
+ processor enters S5 and the bus cycle continues. If either DTACK or BERR
+ is asserted but without meeting the setup time defined by parameter #47,
+ the processor may recognize the signal and continue the bus cycle; the
+ result is unpredictable. If neither DTACK nor BERR is asserted before the
+ next rise of clock, the bus cycle remains in S4, and wait states (complete
+ clock cycles) are inserted until one of the bus cycle termination is met.
+ STATE 5 S5 is a low period of the clock, during which the processor does not alter
+ any signal.
+ STATE 6 S6 is a high period of the clock, during which data for a read operation is
+ set up relative to the falling edge (entering S7). Parameter #27 defines the
+ minimum period by which the data must precede the falling edge. For a
+ write operation, the processor changes no signal during S6.
+ STATE 7 On the falling edge of the clock entering S7, the processor latches data
+ and negates AS and UDS, LDS, and/or DS during a read cycle. The hold
+ time for these strobes from this falling edge is specified by parameter #12.
+ The hold time for data relative to the negation of AS and UDS, LDS, and/or
+ DS is specified by parameter #29. For a write cycle, only AS and UDS, LDS,
+ and/or DS are negated; timing parameter #12 also applies.
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+ On the rising edge of the clock, at the end of S7 (which may be the start of
+ S0 for the next bus cycle), the processor places the address bus in the
+ high-impedance state. During a write cycle, the processor also places the
+ data bus in the high-impedance state and drives R/W high. External logic
+ circuitry should respond to the negation of the AS and UDS, LDS, and/or DS
+ by negating DTACK and/or BERR. Parameter #28 is the hold time for
+ DTACK, and parameter #30 is the hold time for BERR.
+ Figure 5-35 shows a synchronous read cycle and the important timing parameters that
+ apply. The timing for a synchronous read cycle, including relevant timing parameters, is
+ shown in Figure 5-36.
+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0
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+ 6
+ 9
+ AS
+ 18
+ R/W
+ 47
+ 27
+ Figure 5-35. Synchronous Read Cycle
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+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S0
+ 6 9
+ .
+ AS
+ 18
+ R/W
+ 47
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 23 53
+ Figure 5-36. Synchronous Write Cycle
+ A key consideration when designing in a synchronous environment is the timing for the
+ assertion of DTACK and BERR by an external device. To properly use external inputs, the
+ processor must synchronize these signals to the internal clock. The processor must
+ sample the external signal, which has no defined phase relationship to the CPU clock,
+ which may be changing at sampling time, and must determine whether to consider the
+ signal high or low during the succeeding clock period. Successful synchronization requires
+ that the internal machine receives a valid logic level (not a metastable signal), whether the
+ input is high, low, or in transition. Metastable signals propagating through synchronous
+ machines can produce unpredictable operation.
+ Figure 5-37 is a conceptual representation of the input synchronizers used by the M68000
+ Family processors. The input latches allow the input to propagate through to the output
+ when E is high. When low, E latches the input. The three latches require one cycle of CLK
+ to synchronize an external signal. The high-gain characteristics of the devices comprising
+ the latches quickly resolve a marginal signal into a valid state.
+ G G G
+ Figure 5-37. Input Synchronizers
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+ Parameter #47 of Section 10 Electrical Characteristics is the asynchronous input setup
+ time. Signals that meet parameter #47 are guaranteed to be recognized at the next falling
+ edge of the system clock. However, signals that do not meet parameter #47 are not
+ guaranteed to be recognized. In addition, if DTACK is recognized on a falling edge, valid
+ data is latched into the processor (during a read cycle) on the next falling edge, provided
+ the data meets the setup time required (parameter #27). When parameter #27 has been
+ met, parameter #31 may be ignored. If DTACK is asserted with the required setup time
+ before the falling edge of S4, no wait states are incurred, and the bus cycle runs at its
+ maximum speed of four clock periods.
+ The late BERR in an MC68010 that is operating in a synchronous mode must meet setup
+ time parameter #27A. That is, when BERR is asserted after DTACK, BERR must be
+ asserted before the falling edge of the clock, one clock cycle after DTACK is recognized.
+ Violating this requirement may cause the MC68010 to operate erratically.
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+ This section describes operations of the processor outside the normal processing
+ associated with the execution of instructions. The functions of the bits in the supervisor
+ portion of the status register are described: the supervisor/user bit, the trace enable bit,
+ and the interrupt priority mask. Finally, the sequence of memory references and actions
+ taken by the processor for exception conditions are described in detail.
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+ The processor is always in one of three processing states: normal, exception, or halted.
+ The normal processing state is associated with instruction execution; the memory
+ references are to fetch instructions and operands and to store results. A special case of
+ the normal state is the stopped state, resulting from execution of a STOP instruction. In
+ this state, no further memory references are made.
+ An additional, special case of the normal state is the loop mode of the MC68010,
+ optionally entered when a test condition, decrement, and branch (DBcc) instruction is
+ executed. In the loop mode, only operand fetches occur. See Appendix A MC68010
+ Loop Mode Operation.
+ The exception processing state is associated with interrupts, trap instructions, tracing, and
+ other exceptional conditions. The exception may be internally generated by an instruction
+ or by an unusual condition arising during the execution of an instruction. Externally,
+ exception processing can be forced by an interrupt, by a bus error, or by a reset.
+ Exception processing provides an efficient context switch so that the processor can
+ handle unusual conditions.
+ The halted processing state is an indication of catastrophic hardware failure. For example,
+ if during the exception processing of a bus error another bus error occurs, the processor
+ assumes the system is unusable and halts. Only an external reset can restart a halted
+ processor. Note that a processor in the stopped state is not in the halted state, nor vice
+ versa.
+ The processor operates in one of two levels of privilege: the supervisor mode or the user
+ mode. The privilege mode determines which operations are legal. The mode is optionally
+ used by an external memory management device to control and translate accesses. The
+ mode is also used to choose between the supervisor stack pointer (SSP) and the user
+ stack pointer (USP) in instruction references.
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+ The privilege mode is a mechanism for providing security in a computer system. Programs
+ should access only their own code and data areas and should be restricted from
+ accessing information that they do not need and must not modify. The operating system
+ executes in the supervisor mode, allowing it to access all resources required to perform
+ the overhead tasks for the user mode programs. Most programs execute in user mode, in
+ which the accesses are controlled and the effects on other parts of the system are limited.
+ 6.1.1 Supervisor Mode
+ The supervisor mode has the higher level of privilege. The mode of the processor is
+ determined by the S bit of the status register; if the S bit is set, the processor is in the
+ supervisor mode. All instructions can be executed in the supervisor mode. The bus cycles
+ generated by instructions executed in the supervisor mode are classified as supervisor
+ references. While the processor is in the supervisor mode, those instructions that use
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+ either the system stack pointer implicitly or address register seven explicitly access the
+ SSP.
+ 6.1.2 User Mode
+ The user mode has the lower level of privilege. If the S bit of the status register is clear,
+ the processor is executing instructions in the user mode.
+ Most instructions execute identically in either mode. However, some instructions having
+ important system effects are designated privileged. For example, user programs are not
+ permitted to execute the STOP instruction or the RESET instruction. To ensure that a user
+ program cannot enter the supervisor mode except in a controlled manner, the instructions
+ that modify the entire status register are privileged. To aid in debugging systems software,
+ the move to user stack pointer (MOVE to USP) and move from user stack pointer (MOVE
+ from USP) instructions are privileged.
+ To implement virtual machine concepts in the MC68010, the
+ move from status register (MOVE from SR), move to/from
+ control register (MOVEC), and move alternate address space
+ (MOVES) instructions are also privileged.
+ The bus cycles generated by an instruction executed in user mode are classified as user
+ references. Classifying a bus cycle as a user reference allows an external memory
+ management device to translate the addresses of and control access to protected portions
+ of the address space. While the processor is in the user mode, those instructions that use
+ either the system stack pointer implicitly or address register seven explicitly access the
+ USP.
+ 6.1.3 Privilege Mode Changes
+ Once the processor is in the user mode and executing instructions, only exception
+ processing can change the privilege mode. During exception processing, the current state
+ of the S bit of the status register is saved, and the S bit is set, putting the processor in the
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+ supervisor mode. Therefore, when instruction execution resumes at the address specified
+ to process the exception, the processor is in the supervisor privilege mode.
+ The transition from supervisor to user mode can be
+ accomplished by any of four instructions: return from exception
+ (RTE) (MC68010 only), move to status register (MOVE to SR),
+ AND immediate to status register (ANDI to SR), and exclusive
+ OR immediate to status register (EORI to SR). The RTE
+ instruction in the MC68010 fetches the new status register and
+ program counter from the supervisor stack and loads each into
+ its respective register. Next, it begins the instruction fetch at
+ the new program counter address in the privilege mode
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+ determined by the S bit of the new contents of the status
+ register.
+ The MOVE to SR, ANDI to SR, and EORI to SR instructions fetch all operands in the
+ supervisor mode, perform the appropriate update to the status register, and then fetch the
+ next instruction at the next sequential program counter address in the privilege mode
+ determined by the new S bit.
+ 6.1.4 Reference Classification
+ When the processor makes a reference, it classifies the reference according to the
+ encoding of the three function code output lines. This classification allows external
+ translation of addresses, control of access, and differentiation of special processor states,
+ such as CPU space (used by interrupt acknowledge cycles). Table 6-1 lists the
+ classification of references.
+ Table 6-1. Reference Classification
+ Function Code Output
+ FC2 FC1 FC0 Address Space
+ 0 0 0 (Undefined, Reserved)*
+ 0 0 1 User Data
+ 0 1 0 User Program
+ 0 1 1 (Undefined, Reserved)*
+ 1 0 0 (Undefined, Reserved)*
+ 1 0 1 Supervisor Data
+ 1 1 0 Supervisor Program
+ 1 1 1 CPU Space
+ *Address space 3 is reserved for user definition, while 0 and
+ 4 are reserved for future use by Motorola.
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+ The processing of an exception occurs in four steps, with variations for different exception
+ causes:
+ 1. Make a temporary copy of the status register and set the status register for
+ exception processing.
+ 2. Obtain the exception vector.
+ 3. Save the current processor context.
+ 4. Obtain a new context and resume instruction processing.
+ 6.2.1 Exception Vectors
+ An exception vector is a memory location from which the processor fetches the address of
+ a routine to handle an exception. Each exception type requires a handler routine and a
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+ unique vector. All exception vectors are two words in length (see Figure 6-1), except for
+ the reset vector, which is four words long. All exception vectors reside in the supervisor
+ data space, except for the reset vector, which is in the supervisor program space. A vector
+ number is an 8-bit number that is multiplied by four to obtain the offset of an exception
+ vector. Vector numbers are generated internally or externally, depending on the cause of
+ the exception. For interrupts, during the interrupt acknowledge bus cycle, a peripheral
+ provides an 8-bit vector number (see Figure 6-2) to the processor on data bus lines D7–
+ D0.
+ The processor forms the vector offset by left-shifting the vector number two bit positions
+ and zero-filling the upper-order bits to obtain a 32-bit long-word vector offset. In the
+ MC68000, the MC68HC000, MC68HC001, MC68EC000, and the MC68008, this offset is
+ used as the absolute address to obtain the exception vector itself, which is shown in
+ Figure 6-3.
+ In the MC68010, the vector offset is added to the 32-bit vector
+ base register (VBR) to obtain the 32-bit absolute address of
+ the exception vector (see Figure 6-4). Since the VBR is set to
+ zero upon reset, the MC68010 functions identically to the
+ MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68HC001, MC68EC000, and
+ MC68008 until the VBR is changed via the move control
+ register MOVEC instruction.
+ Figure 6-1. Exception Vector Format
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+ D15 D8 D7 D0
+ IGNORED v7 v6 v5 v4 v3 v2 v1 v0
+ Where:
+ v7 is the MSB of the vector number
+ v0 is the LSB of the vector number
+ Figure 6-2. Peripheral Vector Number Format
+ A31 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
+ ALL ZEROES v7 v6 v5 v4 v3 v2 v1 v0 0 0
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+ Figure 6-3. Address Translated from 8-Bit Vector Number
+ (MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68HC001, MC68EC000, and MC68008)
+ 31 0
+ 31 10 0
+ ALL ZEROES v7 v6 v5 v4 v3 v2 v1 v0 0 0 +
+ Figure 6-4. Exception Vector Address Calculation (MC68010)
+ The actual address on the address bus is truncated to the number of address bits
+ available on the bus of the particular implementation of the M68000 architecture. In all
+ processors except the MC68008, this is 24 address bits. (A0 is implicitly encoded in the
+ data strobes.) In the MC68008, the address is 20 or 22 bits in length. The memory map for
+ exception vectors is shown in Table 6-2.
+ The vector table, Table 6-2, is 512 words long (1024 bytes), starting at address 0
+ (decimal) and proceeding through address 1023 (decimal). The vector table provides 255
+ unique vectors, some of which are reserved for trap and other system function vectors. Of
+ the 255, 192 are reserved for user interrupt vectors. However, the first 64 entries are not
+ protected, so user interrupt vectors may overlap at the discretion of the systems designer.
+ 6.2.2 Kinds of Exceptions
+ Exceptions can be generated by either internal or external causes. The externally
+ generated exceptions are the interrupts, the bus error, and reset. The interrupts are
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+ requests from peripheral devices for processor action; the bus error and reset inputs are
+ used for access control and processor restart. The internal exceptions are generated by
+ instructions, address errors, or tracing. The trap (TRAP), trap on overflow (TRAPV), check
+ register against bounds (CHK), and divide (DIV) instructions can generate exceptions as
+ part of their instruction execution. In addition, illegal instructions, word fetches from odd
+ addresses, and privilege violations cause exceptions. Tracing is similar to a very high
+ priority, internally generated interrupt following each instruction.
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+ Table 6-2. Exception Vector Assignment
+ Vectors Numbers Address
+ Hex Decimal Dec Hex Space 6 Assignment
+ 0 0 0 000 SP Reset: Initial SSP2
+ 1 1 4 004 SP Reset: Initial PC 2
+ 2 2 8 008 SD Bus Error
+ 3 3 12 00C SD Address Error
+ 4 4 16 010 SD Illegal Instruction
+ 5 5 20 014 SD Zero Divide
+ 6 6 24 018 SD CHK Instruction
+ 7 7 28 01C SD TRAPV Instruction
+ 8 8 32 020 SD Privilege Violation
+ 9 9 36 024 SD Trace
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+ A 10 40 028 SD Line 1010 Emulator
+ B 11 44 02C SD Line 1111 Emulator
+ C 121 48 030 SD (Unassigned, Reserved)
+ D 131 52 034 SD (Unassigned, Reserved)
+ E 14 56 038 SD Format Error 5
+ F 15 60 03C SD Uninitialized Interrupt Vector
+ 10–17 16–231 64 040 SD (Unassigned, Reserved)
+ 92 05C —
+ 18 24 96 060 SD Spurious Interrupt 3
+ 19 25 100 064 SD Level 1 Interrupt Autovector
+ 1A 26 104 068 SD Level 2 Interrupt Autovector
+ 1B 27 108 06C SD Level 3 Interrupt Autovector
+ 1C 28 112 070 SD Level 4 Interrupt Autovector
+ 1D 29 116 074 SD Level 5 Interrupt Autovector
+ 1E 30 120 078 SD Level 6 Interrupt Autovector
+ 1F 31 124 07C SD Level 7 Interrupt Autovector
+ 20–2F 32–47 128 080 SD TRAP Instruction Vectors4
+ 188 0BC —
+ 30–3F 48–631 192 0C0 SD (Unassigned, Reserved)
+ 255 0FF —
+ 40–FF 64–255 256 100 SD User Interrupt Vectors
+ 1020 3FC —
+ 1. Vector numbers 12, 13, 16–23, and 48–63 are reserved for future
+ enhancements by Motorola. No user peripheral devices should be
+ assigned these numbers.
+ 2. Reset vector (0) requires four words, unlike the other vectors which only
+ require two words, and is located in the supervisor program space.
+ 3. The spurious interrupt vector is taken when there is a bus error
+ indication during interrupt processing.
+ 4. TRAP #n uses vector number 32+ n.
+ 5. MC68010 only. This vector is unassigned, reserved on the MC68000
+ and MC68008.
+ 6. SP denotes supervisor program space, and SD denotes
+ supervisor data space.
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+ 6.2.3 Multiple Exceptions
+ These paragraphs describe the processing that occurs when multiple exceptions arise
+ simultaneously. Exceptions can be grouped by their occurrence and priority. The group 0
+ exceptions are reset, bus error, and address error. These exceptions cause the instruction
+ currently being executed to abort and the exception processing to commence within two
+ clock cycles. The group 1 exceptions are trace and interrupt, privilege violations, and
+ illegal instructions. Trace and interrupt exceptions allow the current instruction to execute
+ to completion, but pre-empt the execution of the next instruction by forcing exception
+ processing to occur. A privilege-violating instruction or an illegal instruction is detected
+ when it is the next instruction to be executed. The group 2 exceptions occur as part of the
+ normal processing of instructions. The TRAP, TRAPV, CHK, and zero divide exceptions
+ are in this group. For these exceptions, the normal execution of an instruction may lead to
+ exception processing.
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+ Group 0 exceptions have highest priority, whereas group 2 exceptions have lowest
+ priority. Within group 0, reset has highest priority, followed by address error and then bus
+ error. Within group 1, trace has priority over external interrupts, which in turn takes priority
+ over illegal instruction and privilege violation. Since only one instruction can be executed
+ at a time, no priority relationship applies within group 2.
+ The priority relationship between two exceptions determines which is taken, or taken first,
+ if the conditions for both arise simultaneously. Therefore, if a bus error occurs during a
+ TRAP instruction, the bus error takes precedence, and the TRAP instruction processing is
+ aborted. In another example, if an interrupt request occurs during the execution of an
+ instruction while the T bit is asserted, the trace exception has priority and is processed
+ first. Before instruction execution resumes, however, the interrupt exception is also
+ processed, and instruction processing finally commences in the interrupt handler routine.
+ A summary of exception grouping and priority is given in Table 6-3.
+ As a general rule, the lower the priority of an exception, the sooner the handler routine for
+ that exception executes. For example, if simultaneous trap, trace, and interrupt exceptions
+ are pending, the exception processing for the trap occurs first, followed immediately by
+ exception processing for the trace and then for the interrupt. When the processor resumes
+ normal instruction execution, it is in the interrupt handler, which returns to the trace
+ handler, which returns to the trap execution handler. This rule does not apply to the reset
+ exception; its handler is executed first even though it has the highest priority, because the
+ reset operation clears all other exceptions.
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+ Table 6-3. Exception Grouping and Priority
+ Group Exception Processing
+ 0 Reset Exception Processing Begins within Two Clock Cycles
+ Address Error
+ Bus Error
+ 1 Trace Exception Processing Begins before the Next Instruction
+ Interrupt
+ Illegal
+ Privilege
+ 2 TRAP, TRAPV, Exception Processing Is Started by Normal Instruction Execution
+ Zero Divide
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+ 6.2.4 Exception Stack Frames
+ Exception processing saves the most volatile portion of the current processor context on
+ the top of the supervisor stack. This context is organized in a format called the exception
+ stack frame. Although this information varies with the particular processor and type of
+ exception, it always includes the status register and program counter of the processor
+ when the exception occurred.
+ The amount and type of information saved on the stack are determined by the processor
+ type and exception type. Exceptions are grouped by type according to priority of the
+ exception.
+ Of the group 0 exceptions, the reset exception does not stack any information. The
+ information stacked by a bus error or address error exception in the MC68000,
+ MC68HC000, MC68HC001, MC68EC000, or MC68008 is described in Bus Error
+ and shown in Figure 6-7.
+ The MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68HC001, MC68EC000, and MC68008 group 1 and 2
+ exception stack frame is shown in Figure 6-5. Only the program counter and status
+ register are saved. The program counter points to the next instruction to be executed after
+ exception processing.
+ The MC68010 exception stack frame is shown in Figure 5-6. The number of words
+ actually stacked depends on the exception type. Group 0 exceptions (except reset) stack
+ 29 words and group 1 and 2 exceptions stack four words. To support generic exception
+ handlers, the processor also places the vector offset in the exception stack frame. The
+ format code field allows the return from exception (RTE) instruction to identify what
+ information is on the stack so that it can be properly restored. Table 6-4 lists the MC68010
+ format codes. Although some formats are specific to a particular M68000 Family
+ processor, the format 0000 is always legal and indicates that just the first four words of the
+ frame are present.
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+ 7 0 7 0
+ 15 0 HIGHER
+ Figure 6-5. Group 1 and 2 Exception Stack Frame
+ (MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68HC001, MC68EC000, and MC68008)
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+ 15 0 HIGHER
+ Figure 6-6. MC68010 Stack Frame
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+ Table 6-4. MC68010 Format Codes
+ Format Code Stacked Information
+ 0000 Short Format (4 Words)
+ 1000 Long Format (29 Words)
+ All Others Unassigned, Reserved
+ 6.2.5 Exception Processing Sequence
+ In the first step of exception processing, an internal copy is made of the status register.
+ After the copy is made, the S bit of the status register is set, putting the processor into the
+ supervisor mode. Also, the T bit is cleared, which allows the exception handler to execute
+ unhindered by tracing. For the reset and interrupt exceptions, the interrupt priority mask is
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ also updated appropriately.
+ In the second step, the vector number of the exception is determined. For interrupts, the
+ vector number is obtained by a processor bus cycle classified as an interrupt acknowledge
+ cycle. For all other exceptions, internal logic provides the vector number. This vector
+ number is then used to calculate the address of the exception vector.
+ The third step, except for the reset exception, is to save the current processor status. (The
+ reset exception does not save the context and skips this step.) The current program
+ counter value and the saved copy of the status register are stacked using the SSP. The
+ stacked program counter value usually points to the next unexecuted instruction.
+ However, for bus error and address error, the value stacked for the program counter is
+ unpredictable and may be incremented from the address of the instruction that caused the
+ error. Group 1 and 2 exceptions use a short format exception stack frame (format = 0000
+ on the MC68010). Additional information defining the current context is stacked for the bus
+ error and address error exceptions.
+ The last step is the same for all exceptions. The new program counter value is fetched
+ from the exception vector. The processor then resumes instruction execution. The
+ instruction at the address in the exception vector is fetched, and normal instruction
+ decoding and execution is started.
+ The exceptions are classified according to their sources, and each type is processed
+ differently. The following paragraphs describe in detail the types of exceptions and the
+ processing of each type.
+ 6.3.1 Reset
+ The reset exception corresponds to the highest exception level. The processing of the
+ reset exception is performed for system initiation and recovery from catastrophic failure.
+ Any processing in progress at the time of the reset is aborted and cannot be recovered.
+ The processor is forced into the supervisor state, and the trace state is forced off. The
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+ interrupt priority mask is set at level 7. In the MC68010, the VBR is forced to zero. The
+ vector number is internally generated to reference the reset exception vector at location 0
+ in the supervisor program space. Because no assumptions can be made about the validity
+ of register contents, in particular the SSP, neither the program counter nor the status
+ register is saved. The address in the first two words of the reset exception vector is
+ fetched as the initial SSP, and the address in the last two words of the reset exception
+ vector is fetched as the initial program counter. Finally, instruction execution is started at
+ the address in the program counter. The initial program counter should point to the power-
+ up/restart code.
+ The RESET instruction does not cause a reset exception; it asserts the RESET signal to
+ reset external devices, which allows the software to reset the system to a known state and
+ continue processing with the next instruction.
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+ 6.3.2 Interrupts
+ Seven levels of interrupt priorities are provided, numbered from 1–7. All seven levels are
+ available except for the 48-pin version for the MC68008.
+ The MC68008 48-pin version supports only three interrupt
+ levels: 2, 5, and 7. Level 7 has the highest priority.
+ Devices can be chained externally within interrupt priority levels, allowing an unlimited
+ number of peripheral devices to interrupt the processor. The status register contains a 3-
+ bit mask indicating the current interrupt priority, and interrupts are inhibited for all priority
+ levels less than or equal to the current priority.
+ An interrupt request is made to the processor by encoding the interrupt request levels 1–7
+ on the three interrupt request lines; all lines negated indicates no interrupt request.
+ Interrupt requests arriving at the processor do not force immediate exception processing,
+ but the requests are made pending. Pending interrupts are detected between instruction
+ executions. If the priority of the pending interrupt is lower than or equal to the current
+ processor priority, execution continues with the next instruction, and the interrupt
+ exception processing is postponed until the priority of the pending interrupt becomes
+ greater than the current processor priority.
+ If the priority of the pending interrupt is greater than the current processor priority, the
+ exception processing sequence is started. A copy of the status register is saved; the
+ privilege mode is set to supervisor mode; tracing is suppressed; and the processor priority
+ level is set to the level of the interrupt being acknowledged. The processor fetches the
+ vector number from the interrupting device by executing an interrupt acknowledge cycle,
+ which displays the level number of the interrupt being acknowledged on the address bus.
+ If external logic requests an automatic vector, the processor internally generates a vector
+ number corresponding to the interrupt level number. If external logic indicates a bus error,
+ the interrupt is considered spurious, and the generated vector number references the
+ spurious interrupt vector. The processor then proceeds with the usual exception
+ processing, saving the format/offset word (MC68010 only), program counter, and status
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+ register on the supervisor stack. The offset value in the format/offset word on the
+ MC68010 is the vector number multiplied by four. The format is all zeros. The saved value
+ of the program counter is the address of the instruction that would have been executed
+ had the interrupt not been taken. The appropriate interrupt vector is fetched and loaded
+ into the program counter, and normal instruction execution commences in the interrupt
+ handling routine. Priority level 7 is a special case. Level 7 interrupts cannot be inhibited by
+ the interrupt priority mask, thus providing a "nonmaskable interrupt" capability. An interrupt
+ is generated each time the interrupt request level changes from some lower level to level
+ 7. A level 7 interrupt may still be caused by the level comparison if the request level is a 7
+ and the processor priority is set to a lower level by an instruction.
+ 6.3.3 Uninitialized Interrupt
+ An interrupting device provides an M68000 interrupt vector number and asserts data
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+ transfer acknowledge (DTACK), or asserts valid peripheral address (VPA), or auto vector
+ (AVEC), or bus error (BERR) during an interrupt acknowledge cycle by the MC68000. If
+ the vector register has not been initialized, the responding M68000 Family peripheral
+ provides vector number 15, the uninitialized interrupt vector. This response conforms to a
+ uniform way to recover from a programming error.
+ 6.3.4 Spurious Interrupt
+ During the interrupt acknowledge cycle, if no device responds by asserting DTACK or
+ AVEC, VPA, BERR should be asserted to terminate the vector acquisition. The processor
+ separates the processing of this error from bus error by forming a short format exception
+ stack and fetching the spurious interrupt vector instead of the bus error vector. The
+ processor then proceeds with the usual exception processing.
+ 6.3.5 Instruction Traps
+ Traps are exceptions caused by instructions; they occur when a processor recognizes an
+ abnormal condition during instruction execution or when an instruction is executed that
+ normally traps during execution.
+ Exception processing for traps is straightforward. The status register is copied; the
+ supervisor mode is entered; and tracing is turned off. The vector number is internally
+ generated; for the TRAP instruction, part of the vector number comes from the instruction
+ itself. The format/offset word (MC68010 only), the program counter, and the copy of the
+ status register are saved on the supervisor stack. The offset value in the format/offset
+ word on the MC68010 is the vector number multiplied by four. The saved value of the
+ program counter is the address of the instruction following the instruction that generated
+ the trap. Finally, instruction execution commences at the address in the exception vector.
+ Some instructions are used specifically to generate traps. The TRAP instruction always
+ forces an exception and is useful for implementing system calls for user programs. The
+ TRAPV and CHK instructions force an exception if the user program detects a run-time
+ error, which may be an arithmetic overflow or a subscript out of bounds.
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+ A signed divide (DIVS) or unsigned divide (DIVU) instruction forces an exception if a
+ division operation is attempted with a divisor of zero.
+ 6.3.6 Illegal and Unimplemented Instructions
+ Illegal instruction is the term used to refer to any of the word bit patterns that do not match
+ the bit pattern of the first word of a legal M68000 instruction. If such an instruction is
+ fetched, an illegal instruction exception occurs. Motorola reserves the right to define
+ instructions using the opcodes of any of the illegal instructions. Three bit patterns always
+ force an illegal instruction trap on all M68000-Family-compatible microprocessors. The
+ patterns are: $4AFA, $4AFB, and $4AFC. Two of the patterns, $4AFA and $4AFB, are
+ reserved for Motorola system products. The third pattern, $4AFC, is reserved for customer
+ use (as the take illegal instruction trap (ILLEGAL) instruction).
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+ In addition to the previously defined illegal instruction opcodes,
+ the MC68010 defines eight breakpoint (BKPT) instructions with
+ the bit patterns $4848–$484F. These instructions cause the
+ processor to enter illegal instruction exception processing as
+ usual. However, a breakpoint acknowledge bus cycle, in which
+ the function code lines (FC2–FC0) are high and the address
+ lines are all low, is also executed before the stacking
+ operations are performed. The processor does not accept or
+ send any data during this cycle. Whether the breakpoint
+ acknowledge cycle is terminated with a DTACK, BERR, or VPA
+ signal, the processor continues with the illegal instruction
+ processing. The purpose of this cycle is to provide a software
+ breakpoint that signals to external hardware when it is
+ executed.
+ Word patterns with bits 15–12 equaling 1010 or 1111 are distinguished as unimplemented
+ instructions, and separate exception vectors are assigned to these patterns to permit
+ efficient emulation. Opcodes beginning with bit patterns equaling 1111 (line F) are
+ implemented in the MC68020 and beyond as coprocessor instructions. These separate
+ vectors allow the operating system to emulate unimplemented instructions in software.
+ Exception processing for illegal instructions is similar to that for traps. After the instruction
+ is fetched and decoding is attempted, the processor determines that execution of an illegal
+ instruction is being attempted and starts exception processing. The exception stack frame
+ for group 2 is then pushed on the supervisor stack, and the illegal instruction vector is
+ fetched.
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+ 6.3.7 Privilege Violations
+ To provide system security, various instructions are privileged. An attempt to execute one
+ of the privileged instructions while in the user mode causes an exception. The privileged
+ instructions are as follows:
+ AND Immediate to SR MOVE USP
+ EOR Immediate to SR OR Immediate to SR
+ MOVE to SR (68010 only) RESET
+ MOVE from SR (68010 only) RTE
+ MOVEC (68010 only) STOP
+ MOVES (68010 only)
+ Exception processing for privilege violations is nearly identical to that for illegal
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ instructions. After the instruction is fetched and decoded and the processor determines
+ that a privilege violation is being attempted, the processor starts exception processing.
+ The status register is copied; the supervisor mode is entered; and tracing is turned off.
+ The vector number is generated to reference the privilege violation vector, and the current
+ program counter and the copy of the status register are saved on the supervisor stack. If
+ the processor is an MC68010, the format/offset word is also saved. The saved value of
+ the program counter is the address of the first word of the instruction causing the privilege
+ violation. Finally, instruction execution commences at the address in the privilege violation
+ exception vector.
+ 6.3.8 Tracing
+ To aid in program development, the M68000 Family includes a facility to allow tracing
+ following each instruction. When tracing is enabled, an exception is forced after each
+ instruction is executed. Thus, a debugging program can monitor the execution of the
+ program under test.
+ The trace facility is controlled by the T bit in the supervisor portion of the status register. If
+ the T bit is cleared (off), tracing is disabled and instruction execution proceeds from
+ instruction to instruction as normal. If the T bit is set (on) at the beginning of the execution
+ of an instruction, a trace exception is generated after the instruction is completed. If the
+ instruction is not executed because an interrupt is taken or because the instruction is
+ illegal or privileged, the trace exception does not occur. The trace exception also does not
+ occur if the instruction is aborted by a reset, bus error, or address error exception. If the
+ instruction is executed and an interrupt is pending on completion, the trace exception is
+ processed before the interrupt exception. During the execution of the instruction, if an
+ exception is forced by that instruction, the exception processing for the instruction
+ exception occurs before that of the trace exception.
+ As an extreme illustration of these rules, consider the arrival of an interrupt during the
+ execution of a TRAP instruction while tracing is enabled. First, the trap exception is
+ processed, then the trace exception, and finally the interrupt exception. Instruction
+ execution resumes in the interrupt handler routine.
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+ After the execution of the instruction is complete and before the start of the next
+ instruction, exception processing for a trace begins. A copy is made of the status register.
+ The transition to supervisor mode is made, and the T bit of the status register is turned off,
+ disabling further tracing. The vector number is generated to reference the trace exception
+ vector, and the current program counter and the copy of the status register are saved on
+ the supervisor stack. On the MC68010, the format/offset word is also saved on the
+ supervisor stack. The saved value of the program counter is the address of the next
+ instruction. Instruction execution commences at the address contained in the trace
+ exception vector.
+ 6.3.9 Bus Error
+ A bus error exception occurs when the external logic requests that a bus error be
+ processed by an exception. The current bus cycle is aborted. The current processor
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+ activity, whether instruction or exception processing, is terminated, and the processor
+ immediately begins exception processing. The bus error facility is identical on the all
+ processors; however, the stack frame produced on the MC68010 contains more
+ information. The larger stack frame supports instruction continuation, which supports
+ virtual memory on the MC68010 processor.
+ BUS ERROR. Exception processing for a bus error follows the usual sequence of
+ steps. The status register is copied, the supervisor mode is entered, and tracing is turned
+ off. The vector number is generated to refer to the bus error vector. Since the processor is
+ fetching the instruction or an operand when the error occurs, the context of the processor
+ is more detailed. To save more of this context, additional information is saved on the
+ supervisor stack. The program counter and the copy of the status register are saved. The
+ value saved for the program counter is advanced 2–10 bytes beyond the address of the
+ first word of the instruction that made the reference causing the bus error. If the bus error
+ occurred during the fetch of the next instruction, the saved program counter has a value in
+ the vicinity of the current instruction, even if the current instruction is a branch, a jump, or
+ a return instruction. In addition to the usual information, the processor saves its internal
+ copy of the first word of the instruction being processed and the address being accessed
+ by the aborted bus cycle. Specific information about the access is also saved: type of
+ access (read or write), processor activity (processing an instruction), and function code
+ outputs when the bus error occurred. The processor is processing an instruction if it is in
+ the normal state or processing a group 2 exception; the processor is not processing an
+ instruction if it is processing a group 0 or a group 1 exception. Figure 6-7 illustrates how
+ this information is organized on the supervisor stack. If a bus error occurs during the last
+ step of exception processing, while either reading the exception vector or fetching the
+ instruction, the value of the program counter is the address of the exception vector.
+ Although this information is not generally sufficient to effect full recovery from the bus
+ error, it does allow software diagnosis. Finally, the processor commences instruction
+ processing at the address in the vector. It is the responsibility of the error handler routine
+ to clean up the stack and determine where to continue execution.
+ If a bus error occurs during the exception processing for a bus error, an address error, or
+ a reset, the processor halts and all processing ceases. This halt simplifies the detection of
+ a catastrophic system failure, since the processor removes itself from the system to
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+ protect memory contents from erroneous accesses. Only an external reset operation can
+ restart a halted processor.
+ 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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+ R/W (Read/Write): Write=0, Read=1. I/N (Instruction/Not): Instruction=0, Not=1
+ Figure 6-7. Supervisor Stack Order for Bus or Address Error Exception
+ BUS ERROR (MC68010). Exception processing for a bus error follows a slightly
+ different sequence than the sequence for group 1 and 2 exceptions. In addition to the four
+ steps executed during exception processing for all other exceptions, 22 words of
+ additional information are placed on the stack. This additional information describes the
+ internal state of the processor at the time of the bus error and is reloaded by the RTE
+ instruction to continue the instruction that caused the error. Figure 6-8 shows the order of
+ the stacked information.
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+ 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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+ NOTE: The stack pointer is decremented by 29 words, although only 26
+ words of information are actually written to memory. The three
+ additional words are reserved for future use by Motorola.
+ .
+ Figure 6-8. Exception Stack Order (Bus and Address Error)
+ The value of the saved program counter does not necessarily point to the instruction that
+ was executing when the bus error occurred, but may be advanced by as many as five
+ words. This incrementing is caused by the prefetch mechanism on the MC68010 that
+ always fetches a new instruction word as each previously fetched instruction word is used.
+ However, enough information is placed on the stack for the bus error exception handler to
+ determine why the bus fault occurred. This additional information includes the address
+ being accessed, the function codes for the access, whether it was a read or a write
+ access, and the internal register included in the transfer. The fault address can be used by
+ an operating system to determine what virtual memory location is needed so that the
+ requested data can be brought into physical memory. The RTE instruction is used to
+ reload the internal state of the processor at the time of the fault. The faulted bus cycle is
+ then rerun, and the suspended instruction is completed. If the faulted bus cycle is a read-
+ modify-write, the entire cycle is rerun, whether the fault occurred during the read or the
+ write operation.
+ An alternate method of handling a bus error is to complete the faulted access in software.
+ Using this method requires the special status word, the instruction input buffer, the data
+ input buffer, and the data output buffer image. The format of the special status word is
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+ shown in Figure 6-9. If the bus cycle is a read, the data at the fault address should be
+ written to the images of the data input buffer, instruction input buffer, or both according to
+ the data fetch (DF) and instruction fetch (IF) bits. * In addition, for read-modify-write cycles,
+ the status register image must be properly set to reflect the read data if the fault occurred
+ during the read portion of the cycle and the write operation (i.e., setting the most
+ significant bit of the memory location) must also be performed. These operations are
+ required because the entire read-modify-write cycle is assumed to have been completed
+ by software. Once the cycle has been completed by software, the rerun (RR) bit in the
+ special status word is set to indicate to the processor that it should not rerun the cycle
+ when the RTE instruction is executed. If the RR bit is set when an RTE instruction
+ executes, the MC68010 reads all the information from the stack, as usual.
+ 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 3 2 0
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+ RR — Rerun flag; 0=processor rerun (default), 1=software rerun
+ IF — Instruction fetch to the instruction input buffer
+ DF — Data fetch to the data input buffer
+ RM — Read-modify-write cycle
+ HB — High-byte transfer from the data output buffer or to the data input buffer
+ BY — Byte-transfer flag; HB selects the high or low byte of the transfer register. If BY is clear, the transfer is word.
+ RW — Read/write flag; 0=write, 1=read
+ FC — The function code used during the faulted access
+ * — These bits are reserved for future use by Motorola and will be zero when written by the MC68010.
+ Figure 6-9. Special Status Word Format
+ 6.3.10 Address Error
+ An address error exception occurs when the processor attempts to access a word or long-
+ word operand or an instruction at an odd address. An address error is similar to an
+ internally generated bus error. The bus cycle is aborted, and the processor ceases current
+ processing and begins exception processing. The exception processing sequence is the
+ same as that for a bus error, including the information to be stacked, except that the
+ vector number refers to the address error vector. Likewise, if an address error occurs
+ during the exception processing for a bus error, address error, or reset, the processor is
+ halted.
+ On the MC68010, the address error exception stacks the same information stacked by a
+ bus error exception. Therefore, the RTE instruction can be used to continue execution of
+ the suspended instruction. However, if the RR flag is not set, the fault address is used
+ when the cycle is retried, and another address error exception occurs. Therefore, the user
+ must be certain that the proper corrections have been made to the stack image and user
+ registers before attempting to continue the instruction. With proper software handling, the
+ address error exception handler could emulate word or long-word accesses to odd
+ addresses if desired.
+ * If the faulted access was a byte operation, the data should be moved from or to the least significant byte of
+ the data output or input buffer images, unless the high-byte transfer (HB) bit is set. This condition occurs if a
+ MOVEP instruction caused the fault during transfer of bits 8–15 of a word or long word or bits 24–31 of a
+ long word.
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+ In addition to returning from any exception handler routine on the MC68010, the RTE
+ instruction resumes the execution of a suspended instruction by returning to the normal
+ processing state after restoring all of the temporary register and control information stored
+ during a bus error. For the RTE instruction to execute properly, the stack must contain
+ valid and accessible data. The RTE instruction checks for data validity in two ways. First,
+ the format/offset word is checked for a valid stack format code. Second, if the format code
+ indicates the long stack format, the validity of the long stack data is checked as it is loaded
+ into the processor. In addition, the data is checked for accessibility when the processor
+ starts reading the long data. Because of these checks, the RTE instruction executes as
+ follows:
+ 1. Determine the stack format. This step is the same for any stack format and consists
+ of reading the status register, program counter, and format/offset word. If the format
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+ code indicates a short stack format, execution continues at the new program counter
+ address. If the format code is not an MC68010-defined stack format code, exception
+ processing starts for a format error.
+ 2. Determine data validity. For a long-stack format, the MC68010 begins to read the
+ remaining stack data, checking for validity of the data. The only word checked for
+ validity is the first of the 16 internal information words (SP + 26) shown in Figure 5-8.
+ This word contains a processor version number (in bits 10–13) and proprietary
+ internal information that must match the version number of the MC68010 attempting
+ to read the data. This validity check is used to ensure that the data is properly
+ interpreted by the RTE instruction. If the version number is incorrect for this
+ processor, the RTE instruction is aborted and exception processing begins for a
+ format error exception. Since the stack pointer is not updated until the RTE
+ instruction has successfully read all the stack data, a format error occurring at this
+ point does not stack new data over the previous bus error stack information.
+ 3. Determine data accessibility. If the long-stack data is valid, the MC68010 performs a
+ read from the last word (SP + 56) of the long stack to determine data accessibility. If
+ this read is terminated normally, the processor assumes that the remaining words on
+ the stack frame are also accessible. If a bus error is signaled before or during this
+ read, a bus error exception is taken. After this read, the processor must be able to
+ load the remaining data without receiving a bus error; therefore, if a bus error occurs
+ on any of the remaining stack reads, the error becomes a double bus fault, and the
+ MC68010 enters the halted state.
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+ This section contains listings of the instruction execution times in terms of external clock
+ (CLK) periods for the MC68008 and MC68HC001/MC68EC000 in 8-bit mode. In this data,
+ it is assumed that both memory read and write cycles consist of four clock periods. A
+ longer memory cycle causes the generation of wait states that must be added to the total
+ instruction times.
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+ The number of bus read and write cycles for each instruction is also included with the
+ timing data. This data is shown as
+ n(r/w)
+ where:
+ n is the total number of clock periods
+ r is the number of read cycles
+ w is the number of write cycles
+ For example, a timing number shown as 18(3/1) means that 18 clock periods are required
+ to execute the instruction. Of the 18 clock periods, 12 are used for the three read cycles
+ (four periods per cycle). Four additional clock periods are used for the single write cycle,
+ for a total of 16 clock periods. The bus is idle for two clock periods during which the
+ processor completes the internal operations required for the instruction.
+ The total number of clock periods (n) includes instruction fetch
+ and all applicable operand fetches and stores.
+ Table 7-1 lists the numbers of clock periods required to compute the effective addresses
+ for instructions. The totals include fetching any extension words, computing the address,
+ and fetching the memory operand. The total number of clock periods, the number of read
+ cycles, and the number of write cycles (zero for all effective address calculations) are
+ shown in the previously described format.
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+ Table 7-1. Effective Address Calculation Times
+ Addressing Mode Byte Word Long
+ Register
+ Dn Data Register Direct 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0)
+ An Address Register Direct 0(0/0) 0(0/0) 0(0/0)
+ Memory
+ (An) Address Register Indirect 4(1/0) 8(2/0) 16(4/0)
+ (An)+ Address Register Indirect with Postincrement 4(1/0) 8(2/0) 16(4/0)
+ –(An) Address Register Indirect with Predecrement 6(1/0) 10(2/0) 18(4/0)
+ (d 16, An) Address Register Indirect with Displacement 12(3/0) 16(4/0) 24(6/0)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* Address Register Indirect with Index 14(3/0) 18(4/0) 26(6/0)
+ (xxx).W Absolute Short 12(3/0) 16(4/0) 24(6/0)
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+ (xxx).L Absolute Long 20(5/0) 24(6/0) 32(8/0)
+ (d 16, PC) Program Counter Indirect with Displacement 12(3/0) 16(3/0) 24(6/0)
+ (d 8, PC, Xn)* Program Counter Indirect with Index 14(3/0) 18(4/0) 26(6/0)
+ #<data> Immediate 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 16(4/0)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
+ Tables 7-2, 7-3, and 7-4 list the numbers of clock periods for the move instructions. The
+ totals include instruction fetch, operand reads, and operand writes. The total number of
+ clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format.
+ Table 7-2. Move Byte Instruction Execution Times
+ Destination
+ Source Dn An (An) (An)+ –(An) (d16, An) (d8, An, Xn)* (xxx).W (xxx).L
+ Dn 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 28(6/1)
+ An 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 28(6/1)
+ (An) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 24(5/1) 26(5/1) 24(5/1) 32(7/1)
+ (An)+ 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 24(5/1) 26(5/1) 24(5/1) 32(7/1)
+ –(An) 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 26(5/1) 28(5/1) 26(5/1) 34(7/1)
+ (d 16, An) 20(5/0) 20(5/0) 24(5/1) 24(5/1) 24(5/1) 32(7/1) 34(7/1) 32(7/1) 40(9/1)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* 22(5/0) 22(5/0) 26(5/1) 26(5/1) 26(5/1) 34(7/1) 36(7/1) 34(7/1) 42(9/1)
+ (xxx).W 20(5/0) 20(5/0) 24(5/1) 24(5/1) 24(5/1) 32(7/1) 34(7/1) 32(7/1) 40(9/1)
+ (xxx).L 28(7/0) 28(7/0) 32(7/1) 32(7/1) 32(7/1) 40(9/1) 42(9/1) 40(9/1) 48(11/1)
+ (d 16, PC) 20(5/0) 20(5/0) 24(5/1) 24(5/1) 24(5/1) 32(7/1) 34(7/1) 32(7/1) 40(9/1)
+ (d 8, PC, Xn)* 22(5/0) 22(5/0) 26(5/1) 26(5/1) 26(5/1) 34(7/1) 36(7/1) 34(7/1) 42(9/1)
+ #<data> 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 20(4/1) 20(4/1) 20(4/1) 28(6/1) 30(6/1) 28(6/1) 36(8/1)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
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+ Table 7-3. Move Word Instruction Execution Times
+ Destination
+ Source Dn An (An) (An)+ –(An) (d16, An) (d8, An, Xn)* (xxx).W (xxx).L
+ Dn 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 16(2/2) 16(2/2) 16(2/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 32(6/2)
+ An 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 16(2/2) 16(2/2) 16(2/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 32(6/2)
+ (An) 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 32(6/2) 34(6/2) 32(6/2) 40(8/2)
+ (An)+ 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 32(6/2) 34(6/2) 32(6/2) 40(8/2)
+ –(An) 18(4/0) 18(4/0) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 34(6/2) 32(6/2) 34(6/2) 42(8/2)
+ (d 16, An) 24(6/0) 24(6/0) 32(6/2) 32(6/2) 32(6/2) 40(8/2) 42(8/2) 40(8/2) 48(10/2)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* 26(6/0) 26(6/0) 34(6/2) 34(6/2) 34(6/2) 42(8/2) 44(8/2) 42(8/2) 50(10/2)
+ (xxx).W 24(6/0) 24(6/0) 32(6/2) 32(6/2) 32(6/2) 40(8/2) 42(8/2) 40(8/2) 48(10/2)
+ (xxx).L 32(8/0) 32(8/0) 40(8/2) 40(8/2) 40(8/2) 48(10/2) 50(10/2) 48(10/2) 56(12/2)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ (d 16, PC) 24(6/0) 24(6/0) 32(6/2) 32(6/2) 32(6/2) 40(8/2) 42(8/2) 40(8/2) 48(10/2)
+ (d 8, PC, Xn)* 26(6/0) 26(6/0) 34(6/2) 34(6/2) 34(6/2) 42(8/2) 44(8/2) 42(8/2) 50(10/2)
+ #<data> 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 32(6/2) 34(6/2) 32(6/2) 40(8/2)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
+ Table 7-4. Move Long Instruction Execution Times
+ Destination
+ Source Dn An (An) (An)+ –(An) (d16, An) (d8, An, Xn)* (xxx).W (xxx).L
+ Dn 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 24(2/4) 24(2/4) 24(2/4) 32(4/4) 34(4/4) 32(4/4) 40(6/4)
+ An 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 24(2/4) 24(2/4) 24(2/4) 32(4/4) 34(4/4) 32(4/4) 40(6/4)
+ (An) 24(6/0) 24(6/0) 40(6/4) 40(6/4) 40(6/4) 48(8/4) 50(8/4) 48(8/4) 56(10/4)
+ (An)+ 24(6/0) 24(6/0) 40(6/4) 40(6/4) 40(6/4) 48(8/4) 50(8/4) 48(8/4) 56(10/4)
+ –(An) 26(6/0) 26(6/0) 42(6/4) 42(6/4) 42(6/4) 50(8/4) 52(8/4) 50(8/4) 58(10/4)
+ (d 16, An) 32(8/0) 32(8/0) 48(8/4) 48(8/4) 48(8/4) 56(10/4) 58(10/4) 56(10/4) 64(12/4)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* 34(8/0) 34(8/0) 50(8/4) 50(8/4) 50(8/4) 58(10/4) 60(10/4) 58(10/4) 66(12/4)
+ (xxx).W 32(8/0) 32(8/0) 48(8/4) 48(8/4) 48(8/4) 56(10/4) 58(10/4) 56(10/4) 64(12/4)
+ (xxx).L 40(10/0) 40(10/0) 56(10/4) 56(10/4) 56(10/4) 64(12/4) 66(12/4) 64(12/4) 72(14/4)
+ (d 16, PC) 32(8/0) 32(8/0) 48(8/4) 48(8/4) 48(8/4) 56(10/4) 58(10/4) 56(10/4) 64(12/4)
+ (d 8, PC, Xn)* 34(8/0) 34(8/0) 50(8/4) 50(8/4) 50(8/4) 58(10/4) 60(10/4) 58(10/4) 66(12/4)
+ #<data> 24(6/0) 24(6/0) 40(6/4) 40(6/4) 40(6/4) 48(8/4) 50(8/4) 48(8/4) 56(10/4)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
+ The numbers of clock periods shown in Table 7-5 indicate the times required to perform
+ the operations, store the results, and read the next instruction. The total number of clock
+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
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+ In Table 7-5, the following notation applies:
+ An — Address register operand
+ Dn — Data register operand
+ ea — An operand specified by an effective address
+ M — Memory effective address operand
+ Table 7-5. Standard Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size op<ea>, An op<ea>, Dn op Dn, <M>
+ ADD/ADDA Byte — 8(2/0)+ 12(2/1)+
+ Word 12(2/0)+ 8(2/0)+ 16(2/2)+
+ Long 10(2/0)+** 10(2/0)+** 24(2/4)+
+ AND Byte — 8(2/0)+ 12(2/1)+
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+ Word — 8(2/0)+ 16(2/2)+
+ Long — 10(2/0)+** 24(2/4)+
+ CMP/CMPA Byte — 8(2/0)+ —
+ Word 10(2/0)+ 8(2/0)+ —
+ Long 10(2/0)+ 10(2/0)+ —
+ DIVS — — 162(2/0)+* —
+ DIVU — — 144(2/0)+* —
+ EOR Byte, — 8(2/0)+*** 12(2/1)+
+ Word, — 8(2/0)+*** 16(2/2)+
+ Long — 12(2/0)+*** 24(2/4)+
+ MULS — — 74(2/0)+* —
+ MULU — — 74(2/0)+* —
+ OR Byte, — 8(2/0)+ 12(2/1)+
+ Word — 8(2/0)+ 16(2/2)+
+ Long — 10(2/0)+** 24(2/4)+
+ SUB Byte, 8(2/0)+ 12(2/1)+
+ Word 12(2/0)+ 8(2/0)+ 16(2/2)+
+ Long 10(2/0)+** 10(2/0)+** 24(2/4)+
+ + Add effective address calculation time.
+ * Indicates maximum base value added to word effective address time
+ ** The base time of 10 clock periods is increased to 12 if the effective address mode is
+ register direct or immediate (effective address time should also be added).
+ *** Only available effective address mode is data register direct.
+ DIVS, DIVU — The divide algorithm used by the MC68008 provides less than 10% difference
+ between the best- and worst-case timings.
+ MULS, MULU — The multiply algorithm requires 42+2n clocks where n is defined as:
+ MULS: n = tag the <ea> with a zero as the MSB; n is the resultant number of 10
+ or 01 patterns in the 17-bit source; i.e., worst case happens when the source
+ is $5555.
+ MULU: n = the number of ones in the <ea>
+ The numbers of clock periods shown in Table 7-6 include the times to fetch immediate
+ operands, perform the operations, store the results, and read the next operation. The total
+ number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are
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+ shown in the previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of
+ read cycles, and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the
+ effective address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ In Table 7-6, the following notation applies:
+ # — Immediate operand
+ Dn — Data register operand
+ An — Address register operand
+ M — Memory operand
+ Table 7-6. Immediate Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size op #, Dn op #, An op #, M
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+ ADDI Byte 16(4/0) — 20(4/1)+
+ Word 16(4/0) — 24(4/2)+
+ Long 28(6/0) — 40(6/4)+
+ ADDQ Byte 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Word 8(2/0) 12(2/0) 16(2/2)+
+ Long 12(2/0) 12(2/0) 24(2/4)+
+ ANDI Byte 16(4/0) — 20(4/1)+
+ Word 16(4/0) — 24(4/2)+
+ Long 28(6/0) — 40(6/4)+
+ CMPI Byte 16(4/0) — 16(4/0)
+ Word 16(4/0) — 16(4/0)
+ Long 26(6/0) — 24(6/0)
+ EORI Byte 16(4/0) — 20(4/1)+
+ Word 16(4/0) — 24(4/2)+
+ Long 28(6/0) — 40(6/4)+
+ MOVEQ Long 8(2/0) — —
+ ORI Byte 16(4/0) — 20(4/1)+
+ Word 16(4/0) — 24(4/2)+
+ Long 28(6/0) — 40(6/4)+
+ SUBI Byte 16(4/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Word 16(4/0) — 16(2/2)+
+ Long 28(6/0) — 24(2/4)+
+ SUBQ Byte 8(2/0) — 20(4/1)+
+ Word 8(2/0) 12(2/0) 24(4/2)+
+ Long 12(2/0) 12(2/0) 40(6/4)+
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ Table 7-7 lists the timing data for the single operand instructions. The total number of
+ clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
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+ Table 7-7. Single Operand Instruction
+ Execution Times
+ Instruction Size Register Memory
+ CLR Byte 8(2/0) 12(2/1)+
+ Word 8(2/0) 16(2/2)+
+ Long 10(2/0) 24(2/4)+
+ NBCD Byte 10(2/0) 12(2/1)+
+ NEG Byte 8(2/0) 12(2/1)+
+ Word 8(2/0) 16(2/2)+
+ Long 10(2/0) 24(2/4)+
+ NEGX Byte 8(2/0) 12(2/1)+
+ Word 8(2/0) 16(2/2)+
+ Long 10(2/0) 24(2/4)+
+ NOT Byte 8(2/0) 12(2/1)+
+ Word 8(2/0) 16(2/2)+
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Long 10(2/0) 24(2/4)+
+ Scc Byte, False 8(2/0) 12(2/1)+
+ Byte, True 10(2/0) 12(2/1)+
+ TAS Byte 8(2/0) 14(2/1)+
+ TST Byte 8(2/0) 8(2/0)+
+ Word 8(2/0) 8(2/0)+
+ Long 8(2/0) 8(2/0)+
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ Table 7-8 lists the timing data for the shift and rotate instructions. The total number of
+ clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 7-8. Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size Register Memory
+ ASR, ASL Byte 10+2n (2/0) —
+ Word 10+2n (2/0) 16(2/2)+
+ Long 12+n2 (2/0) —
+ LSR, LSL Byte 10+2n (2/0) —
+ Word 10+2n (2/0) 16(2/2)+
+ Long 12+n2 (2/0) —
+ ROR, ROL Byte 10+2n (2/0) —
+ Word 10+2n (2/0) 16(2/2)+
+ Long 12+n2 (2/0) —
+ ROXR, ROXL Byte 10+2n (2/0) —
+ Word 10+2n (2/0) 16(2/2)+
+ Long 12+n2 (2/0) —
+ +Add effective address calculation time for word operands.
+ n is the shift count.
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+ Table 7-9 lists the timing data for the bit manipulation instructions. The total number of
+ clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 7-9. Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times
+ Dynamic Static
+ Instruction Size Register Memory Register Memory
+ BCHG Byte — 12(2/1)+ — 20(4/1)+
+ Long 12(2/0)* — 20(4/0)* —
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ BCLR Byte — 12(2/1)+ — 20(4/1)+
+ Long 14(2/0)* — 22(4/0)* —
+ BSET Byte — 12(2/1)+ — 20(4/1)+
+ Long 12(2/0)* — 20(4/0)* —
+ BTST Byte — 8(2/0)+ — 16(4/0)+
+ Long 10(2/0) 18(4/0) —
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ * Indicates maximum value; data addressing mode only.
+ Table 7-10 lists the timing data for the conditional instructions. The total number of clock
+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 7-10. Conditional Instruction Execution Times
+ Trap or Branch Trap or Branch
+ Instruction Displacement Taken Not Taken
+ Bcc Byte 18(4/0) 12(2/0)
+ Word 18(4/0) 20(4/0)
+ BRA Byte 18(4/0) —
+ Word 18(4/0) —
+ BSR Byte 34(4/4) —
+ Word 34(4/4) —
+ DBcc CC True — 20(4/0)
+ CC False 18(4/0) 26(6/0)
+ CHK — 68(8/6)+* 14(2/0)
+ TRAP — 62(8/6) —
+ TRAPV — 66(10/6) 8(2/0)
+ +Add effective address calculation time for word operand.
+ * Indicates maximum base value.
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+ Table 7-11 lists the timing data for the jump (JMP), jump to subroutine (JSR), load
+ effective address (LEA), push effective address (PEA), and move multiple registers
+ (MOVEM) instructions. The total number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles are shown in the previously described format.
+ Table 7-11. JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size (An) (An)+ –(An) (d 16 ,An) (d 8,An,Xn)+ (xxx).W (xxx).L (d 16 PC) (d 8, PC, Xn)*
+ JMP — 16 (4/0) — — 18 (4/0) 22 (4/0) 18 (4/0) 24 (6/0) 18 (4/0) 22 (4/0)
+ JSR — 32 (4/4) — — 34 (4/4) 38 (4/4) 34 (4/4) 40 (6/4) 34 (4/4) 32 (4/4)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ LEA — 8(2/0) — — 16 (4/0) 20 (4/0) 16 (4/0) 24 (6/0) 16 (4/0) 20 (4/0)
+ PEA — 24 (2/4) — — 32 (4/4) 36 (4/4) 32 (4/4) 40 (6/4) 32 (4/4) 36 (4/4)
+ MOVEM Word 24+8n 24+8n — 32+8n 34+8n 32+8n 40+8n 32+8n 34+8n
+ M→R (6+2n/0) (6+2n/0) (8+2n/0) (8+2n/0) (10+n/0) (10+2n/0) (8+2n/0) (8+2n/0)
+ Long 24+16n 24+16n — 32+16n 34+16n 32+16n 40+16n 32+16n 34+16n
+ (6+4n/0) (6+4n/0) (8+4n/0) (8+4n/0) (8+4n/0) (8+4n/0) (8+4n/0) (8+4n/0)
+ MOVEM Word 16+8n — 16+8n 24+8n 26+8n 24+8n 32+8n — —
+ R→M (4/2n) — (4/2n) (6/2n) (6/2n) (6/2n) (8/2n) — —
+ Long 16+16n — 16+16n 24+16n 26+16n 24+16n 32+16n — —
+ (4/4n) — (4/4n) (6/4n) (8/4n) (6/4n) — —
+ n is the number of registers to move.
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect the instruction's execution time.
+ Table 7-12 lists the timing data for multiprecision instructions. The numbers of clock
+ periods include the times to fetch both operands, perform the operations, store the results,
+ and read the next instructions. The total number of clock periods, the number of read
+ cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the previously described format.
+ The following notation applies in Table 7-12:
+ Dn — Data register operand
+ M — Memory operand
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+ Table 7-12. Multiprecision Instruction
+ Execution Times
+ Instruction Size op Dn, Dn op M, M
+ ADDX Byte 8(2/0) 22(4/1)
+ Word 8(2/0) 50(6/2)
+ Long 12(2/0) 58(10/4)
+ CMPM Byte, — 16(4/0)
+ Word — 24(6/0)
+ Long — 40(10/0)
+ SUBX Byte, \ 8(2/0) 22(4/1)
+ Word 8(2/0) 50(6/2)
+ Long 12(2/0) 58(10/4)
+ ABCD Byte 10(2/0) 20(4/1)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ SBCD Byte 10(2/0) 20(4/1)
+ Tables 7-13 and 7-14 list the timing data for miscellaneous instructions. The total number
+ of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in
+ the previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles,
+ and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective
+ address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
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+ Table 7-13. Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Register Memory
+ ANDI to CCR 32(6/0) —
+ ANDI to SR 32(6/0) —
+ EORI to CCR 32(6/0) —
+ EORI to SR 32(6/0) —
+ EXG 10(2/0) —
+ EXT 8(2/0) —
+ LINK 32(4/4) —
+ MOVE to CCR 18(4/0) 18(4/0)+
+ MOVE to SR 18(4/0) 18(4/0)+
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ MOVE from SR 10(2/0) 16(2/2)+
+ MOVE to USP 8(2/0) —
+ MOVE from USP 8(2/0) —
+ NOP 8(2/0) —
+ ORI to CCR 32(6/0) —
+ ORI to SR 32(6/0) —
+ RESET 136(2/0) —
+ RTE 40(10/0) —
+ RTR 40(10/0) —
+ RTS 32(8/0) —
+ STOP 4(0/0) —
+ SWAP 8(2/0) —
+ TRAPV (No Trap) 8(2/0) —
+ UNLK 24(6/0) —
+ +Add effective address calculation time for word operand.
+ Table 7-14. Move Peripheral Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size Register → Memory Memory → Register
+ MOVEP Word 24(4/2) 24(6/0)
+ Long 32(4/4) 32(8/0)
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ Table 7-15 lists the timing data for exception processing. The numbers of clock periods
+ include the times for all stacking, the vector fetch, and the fetch of the first instruction of
+ the handler routine. The total number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the
+ number of write cycles are shown in the previously described format. The number of clock
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+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be
+ added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 7-15. Exception Processing
+ Execution Times
+ Exception Periods
+ Address Error 94(8/14)
+ Bus Error 94(8/14)
+ CHK Instruction 68(8/6)+
+ Divide by Zero 66(8/6)+
+ Interrupt 72(9/6)*
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Illegal Instruction 62(8/6)
+ Privilege Violation 62(8/6)
+ RESET ** 64(12/0)
+ Trace 62(8/6)
+ TRAP Instruction 62(8/6)
+ TRAPV Instruction 66(10/6)
+ + Add effective address calculation time.
+ ** Indicates the time from when RESET and HALT are first
+ sampled as negated to when instruction execution starts.
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+ This section contains listings of the instruction execution times in terms of external clock
+ (CLK) periods for the MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68HC001, and the MC68EC000 in 16-
+ bit mode. In this data, it is assumed that both memory read and write cycles consist of four
+ clock periods. A longer memory cycle causes the generation of wait states that must be
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ added to the total instruction times.
+ The number of bus read and write cycles for each instruction is also included with the
+ timing data. This data is shown as
+ n(r/w)
+ where:
+ n is the total number of clock periods
+ r is the number of read cycles
+ w is the number of write cycles
+ For example, a timing number shown as 18(3/1) means that the total number of clock
+ periods is 18. Of the 18 clock periods, 12 are used for the three read cycles (four periods
+ per cycle). Four additional clock periods are used for the single write cycle, for a total of 16
+ clock periods. The bus is idle for two clock periods during which the processor completes
+ the internal operations required for the instruction.
+ The total number of clock periods (n) includes instruction fetch
+ and all applicable operand fetches and stores.
+ Table 8-1 lists the numbers of clock periods required to compute the effective addresses
+ for instructions. The total includes fetching any extension words, computing the address,
+ and fetching the memory operand. The total number of clock periods, the number of read
+ cycles, and the number of write cycles (zero for all effective address calculations) are
+ shown in the previously described format.
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+ Table 8-1. Effective Address Calculation Times
+ Addressing Mode Byte, Word Long
+ Register
+ Dn Data Register Direct 0(0/0) 0(0/0)
+ An Address Register Direct 0(0/0) 0(0/0)
+ Memory
+ (An) Address Register Indirect 4(1/0) 8(2/0)
+ (An)+ Address Register Indirect with Postincrement 4(1/0) 8(2/0)
+ –(An) Address Register Indirect with Predecrement 6(1/0) 10(2/0)
+ (d 16, An) Address Register Indirect with Displacement 8(2/0) 12(3/0)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* Address Register Indirect with Index 10(2/0) 14(3/0)
+ (xxx).W Absolute Short 8(2/0) 12(3/0)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ (xxx).L Absolute Long 12(3/0) 16(4/0)
+ (d 8, PC) Program Counter Indirect with Displacement 8(2/0) 12(3/0)
+ (d 16, PC, Xn)* Program Counter Indirect with Index 10(2/0) 14(3/0)
+ #<data> Immediate 4(1/0) 8(2/0)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
+ Tables 8-2 and 8-3 list the numbers of clock periods for the move instructions. The totals
+ include instruction fetch, operand reads, and operand writes. The total number of clock
+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format.
+ Table 8-2. Move Byte and Word Instruction Execution Times
+ Destination
+ Source Dn An (An) (An)+ –(An) (d16, An) (d8, An, Xn)* (xxx).W (xxx).L
+ Dn 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 12(2/1) 14(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1)
+ An 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 12(2/1) 14(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1)
+ (An) 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1)
+ (An)+ 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1)
+ –(An) 10(2/0) 10(2/0) 14(2/1) 14(2/1) 14(2/1) 18(3/1) 20(3/1) 18(3/1) 22(4/1)
+ (d 16, An) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 22(4/1) 24(4/1) 22(4/1) 26(5/1)
+ (xxx).W 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1)
+ (xxx).L 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 20(4/1) 20(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1) 26(5/1) 24(5/1) 28(6/1)
+ (d 16, PC) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1)
+ (d 8, PC, Xn)* 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 22(4/1) 24(4/1) 22(4/1) 26(5/1)
+ #<data> 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
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+ Table 8-3. Move Long Instruction Execution Times
+ Destination
+ Source Dn An (An) (An)+ –(An) (d16, An) (d8, An, Xn)* (xxx).W (xxx).L
+ Dn 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 16(2/2) 18(2/2) 16(2/2) 20(3/2)
+ An 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 16(2/2) 18(2/2) 16(2/2) 20(3/2)
+ (An) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2)
+ (An)+ 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2)
+ –(An) 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 22(3/2) 22(3/2) 22(3/2) 26(4/2) 28(4/2) 26(4/2) 30(5/2)
+ (d 16, An) 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2) 30(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(6/2)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* 18(4/0) 18(4/0) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 30(5/2) 32(5/2) 30(5/2) 34(6/2)
+ (xxx).W 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2) 30(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(6/2)
+ (xxx).L 20(5/0) 20(5/0) 28(5/2) 28(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(6/2) 34(6/2) 32(6/2) 36(7/2)
+ (d, PC) 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2) 30(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(5/2)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ (d, PC, Xn)* 18(4/0) 18(4/0) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 30(5/2) 32(5/2) 30(5/2) 34(6/2)
+ #<data> 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
+ The numbers of clock periods shown in Table 8-4 indicate the times required to perform
+ the operations, store the results, and read the next instruction. The total number of clock
+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ In Table 8-4, the following notation applies:
+ An — Address register operand
+ Dn — Data register operand
+ ea — An operand specified by an effective address
+ M — Memory effective address operand
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+ Table 8-4. Standard Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size op<ea>, An† op<ea>, Dn op Dn, <M>
+ ADD/ADDA Byte, Word 8(1/0)+ 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0)+** 6(1/0)+** 12(1/2)+
+ AND Byte, Word — 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
+ Long — 6(1/0)+** 12(1/2)+
+ CMP/CMPA Byte, Word 6(1/0)+ 4(1/0)+ —
+ Long 6(1/0)+ 6(1/0)+ —
+ DIVS — — 158(1/0)+* —
+ DIVU — — 140(1/0)+* —
+ EOR Byte, Word — 4(1/0)*** 8(1/1)+
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Long — 8(1/0)*** 12(1/2)+
+ MULS — — 70(1/0)+* —
+ MULU — — 70(1/0)+* —
+ OR Byte, Word — 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
+ Long — 6(1/0)+** 12(1/2)+
+ SUB Byte, Word 8(1/0)+ 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0)+** 6(1/0)+** 12(1/2)+
+ Add effective address calculation time.
+ +
+ Word or long only
+ †
+ Indicates maximum basic value added to word effective address time
+ *
+ The base time of six clock periods is increased to eight if the effective address mode is
+ **
+ register direct or immediate (effective address time should also be added).
+ *** Only available effective address mode is data register direct.
+ DIVS, DIVU — The divide algorithm used by the MC68000 provides less than 10% difference
+ between the best- and worst-case timings.
+ MULS, MULU — The multiply algorithm requires 38+2n clocks where n is defined as:
+ MULU: n = the number of ones in the <ea>
+ MULS: n=concatenate the <ea> with a zero as the LSB; n is the resultant number of 10
+ or 01 patterns in the 17-bit source; i.e., worst case happens when the source
+ is $5555.
+ The numbers of clock periods shown in Table 8-5 include the times to fetch immediate
+ operands, perform the operations, store the results, and read the next operation. The total
+ number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are
+ shown in the previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of
+ read cycles, and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the
+ effective address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ In Table 8-5, the following notation applies:
+ # — Immediate operand
+ Dn — Data register operand
+ An — Address register operand
+ M — Memory operand
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+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Table 8-5. Immediate Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size op #, Dn op #, An op #, M
+ ADDI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 16(3/0) — 20(3/2)+
+ ADDQ Byte, Word 4(1/0) 4(1/0)* 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8(1/0) 8(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ ANDI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 14(3/0) — 20(3/2)+
+ CMPI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 8(2/0)+
+ Long 14(3/0) — 12(3/0)+
+ EORI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Long 16(3/0) — 20(3/2)+
+ MOVEQ Long 4(1/0) — —
+ ORI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 16(3/0) — 20(3/2)+
+ SUBI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 16(3/0) — 20(3/2)+
+ SUBQ Byte, Word 4(1/0) 8(1/0)* 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8(1/0) 8(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ Table 8-6 lists the timing data for the single operand instructions. The total number of
+ clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
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+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Table 8-6. Single Operand Instruction
+ Execution Times
+ Instruction Size Register Memory
+ CLR Byte, Word 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ NBCD Byte 6(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ NEG Byte, Word 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ NEGX Byte, Word 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ NOT Byte, Word 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Long 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ Scc Byte, False 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Byte, True 6(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ TAS Byte 4(1/0) 14(2/1)+
+ TST Byte, Word 4(1/0) 4(1/0)+
+ Long 4(1/0) 4(1/0)+
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ Table 8-7 lists the timing data for the shift and rotate instructions. The total number of
+ clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 8-7. Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size Register Memory
+ ASR, ASL Byte, Word 6+2n (1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8+2n (1/0) —
+ LSR, LSL Byte, Word 6+2n (1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8+2n (1/0) —
+ ROR, ROL Byte, Word 6+2n (1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8+2n (1/0) —
+ ROXR, ROXL Byte, Word 6+2n (1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8+2n (1/0) —
+ +Add effective address calculation time for word operands.
+ n is the shift count.
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+ Table 8-8 lists the timing data for the bit manipulation instructions. The total number of
+ clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 8-8. Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times
+ Dynamic Static
+ Instruction Size Register Memory Register Memory
+ BCHG Byte — 8(1/1)+ — 12(2/1)+
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Long 8(1/0)* — 12(2/0)* —
+ BCLR Byte — 8(1/1)+ — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 10(1/0)* — 14(2/0)* —
+ BSET Byte — 8(1/1)+ — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 8(1/0)* — 12(2/0)* —
+ BTST Byte — 4(1/0)+ — 8(2/0)+
+ Long 6(1/0) — 10(2/0) —
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ * Indicates maximum value; data addressing mode only.
+ Table 8-9 lists the timing data for the conditional instructions. The total number of clock
+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format.
+ Table 8-9. Conditional Instruction Execution Times
+ Branch Branch Not
+ Instruction Displacement Taken Taken
+ Bcc Byte 10(2/0) 8(1/0)
+ Word 10(2/0) 12(2/0)
+ BRA Byte 10(2/0) —
+ Word 10(2/0) —
+ BSR Byte 18(2/2) —
+ Word 18(2/2) —
+ DBcc cc true — 12(2/0)
+ cc false, Count Not Expired 10(2/0) —
+ cc false, Counter Expired — 14(3/0)
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+ Table 8-10 lists the timing data for the jump (JMP), jump to subroutine (JSR), load
+ effective address (LEA), push effective address (PEA), and move multiple registers
+ (MOVEM) instructions. The total number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles are shown in the previously described format.
+ Table 8-10. JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size (An) (An)+ –(An) (d 16 ,An) (d 8,An,Xn)+ (xxx).W (xxx).L (d 16 PC) (d 8, PC, Xn)*
+ JMP — 8(2/0) — — 10 (2/0) 14 (3/0) 10 (2/0) 12 (3/0) 10 (2/0) 14 (3/0)
+ JSR — 16 (2/2) — — 18 (2/2) 22 (2/2) 18 (2/2) 20 (3/2) 18 (2/2) 22 (2/2)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ LEA — 4(1/0) — — 8(2/0) 12 (2/0) 8(2/0) 12 (3/0) 8(2/0) 12 (2/0)
+ PEA — 12 (1/2) — — 16 (2/2) 20 (2/2) 16 (2/2) 20 (3/2) 16 (2/2) 20 (2/2)
+ MOVEM Word 12+4n 12+4n — 16+4n 18+4n 16+4n 20+4n 16+4n 18+4n (4+n/0)
+ M→R (3+n/0) (3+n/0) (4+n/0) (4+n/0) (4+n/0) (5+n/0) (4n/0)
+ Long 12+8n 12+8n — 16+8n 18+8n 16+8n 20+8n 16+8n 18+8n
+ (3+2n/0) (3+n/0) (4+2n/0) (4+2n/0) (4+2n/0) (5+2n/0) (4+2n/0) (4+2n/0)
+ MOVEM Word 8+4n — 8+4n 12+4n 14+4n 12+4n 16+4n — —
+ R→M (2/n) (2/n) (3/n) (3/n) (3/n) (4/n) — —
+ Long 8+8n — 8+8n 12+8n 14+8n 12+8n 16+8n — —
+ (2/2n) — (2/2n) (3/2n) (3/2n) (3/2n) (4/2n) — —
+ n is the number of registers to move.
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect the instruction's execution time.
+ Table 8-11 lists the timing data for multiprecision instructions. The number of clock periods
+ includes the time to fetch both operands, perform the operations, store the results, and
+ read the next instructions. The total number of clock periods, the number of read cycles,
+ and the number of write cycles are shown in the previously described format.
+ The following notation applies in Table 8-11:
+ Dn — Data register operand
+ M — Memory operand
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+ Table 8-11. Multiprecision Instruction
+ Execution Times
+ Instruction Size op Dn, Dn op M, M
+ ADDX Byte, Word 4(1/0) 18(3/1)
+ Long 8(1/0) 30(5/2)
+ CMPM Byte, Word — 12(3/0)
+ Long — 20(5/0)
+ SUBX Byte, Word 4(1/0) 18(3/1)
+ Long 8(1/0) 30(5/2)
+ ABCD Byte 6(1/0) 18(3/1)
+ SBCD Byte 6(1/0) 18(3/1)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Tables 8-12 and 8-13 list the timing data for miscellaneous instructions. The total number
+ of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in
+ the previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles,
+ and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective
+ address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
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+ Table 8-12. Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size Register Memory
+ ANDI to CCR Byte 20(3/0) —
+ ANDI to SR Word 20(3/0) —
+ CHK (No Trap) — 10(1/0)+ —
+ EORI to CCR Byte 20(3/0) —
+ EORI to SR Word 20(3/0) —
+ ORI to CCR Byte 20(3/0) —
+ ORI to SR Word 20(3/0) —
+ MOVE from SR — 6(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ MOVE to CCR — 12(1/0) 12(1/0)+
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ MOVE to SR — 12(2/0) 12(2/0)+
+ EXG — 6(1/0) —
+ EXT Word 4(1/0) —
+ Long 4(1/0) —
+ LINK — 16(2/2) —
+ MOVE from USP — 4(1/0) —
+ MOVE to USP — 4(1/0) —
+ NOP — 4(1/0) —
+ RESET — 132(1/0) —
+ RTE — 20(5/0) —
+ RTR — 20(2/0) —
+ RTS — 16(4/0) —
+ STOP — 4(0/0) —
+ SWAP — 4(1/0) —
+ TRAPV — 4(1/0) —
+ UNLK — 12(3/0) —
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ Table 8-13. Move Peripheral Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size Register → Memory Memory → Register
+ MOVEP Word 16(2/2) 16(4/0)
+ Long 24(2/4) 24(6/0)
+ Table 8-14 lists the timing data for exception processing. The numbers of clock periods
+ include the times for all stacking, the vector fetch, and the fetch of the first instruction of
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+ the handler routine. The total number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the
+ number of write cycles are shown in the previously described format. The number of clock
+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be
+ added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 8-14. Exception Processing
+ Execution Times
+ Exception Periods
+ Address Error 50(4/7)
+ Bus Error 50(4/7)
+ CHK Instruction 40(4/3)+
+ Divide by Zero 38(4/3)+
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Illegal Instruction 34(4/3)
+ Interrupt 44(5/3)*
+ Privilege Violation 34(4/3)
+ RESET ** 40(6/0)
+ Trace 34(4/3)
+ TRAP Instruction 34(4/3)
+ TRAPV Instruction 34(5/3)
+ + Add effective address calculation time.
+ * The interrupt acknowledge cycle is assumed to take
+ four clock periods.
+ ** Indicates the time from when RESET and HALT are first
+ sampled as negated to when instruction execution starts.
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+ This section contains listings of the instruction execution times in terms of external clock
+ (CLK) periods for the MC68010. In this data, it is assumed that both memory read and
+ write cycles consist of four clock periods. A longer memory cycle causes the generation of
+ wait states that must be added to the total instruction times.
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ The number of bus read and write cycles for each instruction is also included with the
+ timing data. This data is shown as
+ n(r/w)
+ where:
+ n is the total number of clock periods
+ r is the number of read cycles
+ w is the number of write cycles
+ For example, a timing number shown as 18(3/1) means that 18 clock cycles are required
+ to execute the instruction. Of the 18 clock periods, 12 are used for the three read cycles
+ (four periods per cycle). Four additional clock periods are used for the single write cycle,
+ for a total of 16 clock periods. The bus is idle for two clock periods during which the
+ processor completes the internal operations required for the instructions.
+ The total number of clock periods (n) includes instruction fetch
+ and all applicable operand fetches and stores.
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+ Table 9-1 lists the numbers of clock periods required to compute the effective addresses
+ for instructions. The totals include fetching any extension words, computing the address,
+ and fetching the memory operand. The total number of clock periods, the number of read
+ cycles, and the number of write cycles (zero for all effective address calculations) are
+ shown in the previously described format.
+ Table 9-1. Effective Address Calculation Times
+ Byte, Word Long
+ Addressing Mode Fetch No Fetch Fetch No Fetch
+ Register
+ Dn Data Register Direct 0(0/0) — 0(0/0) —
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ An Address Register Direct 0(0/0) — 0(0/0) —
+ Memory
+ (An) Address Register Indirect 4(1/0) 2(0/0) 8(2/0) 2(0/0)
+ (An)+ Address Register Indirect with Postincrement 4(1/0) 4(0/0) 8(2/0) 4(0/0)
+ –(An) Address Register Indirect with Predecrement 6(1/0) 4(0/0) 10(2/0) 4(0/0)
+ (d 16, An) Address Register Indirect with Displacement 8(2/0) 4(0/0) 12(3/0) 4(1/0)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* Address Register Indirect with Index 10(2/0) 8(1/0) 14(3/0) 8(1/0)
+ (xxx).W Absolute Short 8(2/0) 4(1/0) 12(3/0) 4(1/0)
+ (xxx).L Absolute Long 12(3/0) 8(2/0) 16(4/0) 8(2/0)
+ (d 16, PC) Program Counter Indirect with Displacement 8(2/0) — 12(3/0) —
+ (d 8, PC, Xn)* Program Counter Indirect with Index 10(2/0) — 14(3/0) —
+ #<data> Immediate 4(1/0) — 8(2/0) —
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
+ Tables 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, and 9-5 list the numbers of clock periods for the move instructions.
+ The totals include instruction fetch, operand reads, and operand writes. The total number
+ of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in
+ the previously described format.
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+ Table 9-2. Move Byte and Word Instruction Execution Times
+ Destination
+ Source Dn An (An) (An)+ –(An) (d16, An) (d8, An, Xn)* (xxx).W (xxx).L
+ Dn 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 12(2/1) 14(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1)
+ An 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 12(2/1) 14(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1)
+ (An) 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1)
+ (An)+ 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1)
+ –(An) 10(2/0) 10(2/0) 14(2/1) 14(2/1) 14(2/1) 18(3/1) 20(3/1) 18(3/1) 22(4/1)
+ (d 16, An) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 22(4/1) 24(4/1) 22(4/1) 26(5/1)
+ (xxx).W 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1)
+ (xxx).L 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 20(4/1) 20(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1) 26(5/1) 24(5/1) 28(6/1)
+ (d 16, PC) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ (d 8, PC, Xn)* 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 22(4/1) 24(4/1) 22(4/1) 26(5/1)
+ #<data> 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
+ Table 9-3. Move Byte and Word Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times
+ Loop Continued Loop Terminated
+ Valid Count, cc False Valid count, cc True Expired Count
+ Destination
+ Source (An) (An)+ –(An) (An) (An)+ –(An) (An) (An)+ –(An)
+ Dn 10(0/1) 10(0/1) — 18(2/1) 18(2/1) — 16(2/1) 16(2/1) —
+ An* 10(0/1) 10(0/1) — 18(2/1) 18(2/1) — 16(2/1) 16(2/1) —
+ (An) 14(1/1) 14(1/1) 16(1/1) 20(3/1) 20(3/1) 22(3/1) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 20(3/1)
+ (An)+ 14(1/1) 14(1/1) 16(1/1) 20(3/1) 20(3/1) 22(3/1) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 20(3/1)
+ –(An) 16(1/1) 16(1/1) 18(1/1) 22(3/1) 22(3/1) 24(3/1) 20(3/1) 20(3/1) 22(3/1)
+ *Word only.
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+ Table 9-4. Move Long Instruction Execution Times
+ Destination
+ Source Dn An (An) (An)+ –(An) (d16, An) (d8, An, Xn)* (xxx).W (xxx).L
+ Dn 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 14(1/2) 16(2/2) 18(2/2) 16(2/2) 20(3/2)
+ An 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 14(1/2) 16(2/2) 18(2/2) 16(2/2) 20(3/2)
+ (An) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2)
+ (An)+ 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2)
+ –(An) 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 22(3/2) 22(3/2) 22(3/2) 26(4/2) 28(4/2) 26(4/2) 30(5/2)
+ (d 16, An) 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2) 30(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(6/2)
+ (d 8, An, Xn)* 18(4/0) 18(4/0) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 30(5/2) 32(5/2) 30(5/2) 34(6/2)
+ (xxx).W 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2) 30(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(6/2)
+ (xxx).L 20(5/0) 20(5/0) 28(5/2) 28(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(6/2) 34(6/2) 32(6/2) 36(7/2)
+ (d 16, PC) 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2) 30(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(5/2)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ (d 8, PC, Xn)* 18(4/0) 18(4/0) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 30(5/2) 32(5/2) 30(5/2) 34(6/2)
+ #<data> 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
+ Table 9-5. Move Long Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times
+ Loop Continued Loop Terminated
+ Valid Count, cc False Valid count, cc True Expired Count
+ Destination
+ Source (An) (An)+ –(An) (An) (An)+ –(An) (An) (An)+ –(An)
+ Dn 14(0/2) 14(0/2) — 20(2/2) 20(2/2) — 18(2/2) 18(2/2) —
+ An 14(0/2) 14(0/2) — 20(2/2) 20(2/2) — 18(2/2) 18(2/2) —
+ (An) 22(2/2) 22(2/2) 24(2/2) 28(4/2) 28(4/2) 30(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2)
+ (An)+ 22(2/2) 22(2/2) 24(2/2) 28(4/2) 28(4/2) 30(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2)
+ –(An) 24(2/2) 24(2/2) 26(2/2) 30(4/2) 30(4/2) 32(4/2) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 28(4/2)
+ The numbers of clock periods shown in tables 9-6 and 9-7 indicate the times required to
+ perform the operations, store the results, and read the next instruction. The total number
+ of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in
+ the previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles,
+ and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective
+ address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ In Tables 9-6 and 9-7, the following notation applies:
+ An — Address register operand
+ Sn — Data register operand
+ ea — An operand specified by an effective address
+ M — Memory effective address operand
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+ Table 9-6. Standard Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size op<ea>, An*** op<ea>, Dn op Dn, <M>
+ ADD/ADDA Byte, Word 8(1/0)+ 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0)+ 6(1/0)+ 12(1/2)+
+ AND Byte, Word — 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
+ Long — 6(1/0)+ 12(1/2)+
+ CMP/CMPA Byte, Word 6(1/0)+ 4(1/0)+ —
+ Long 6(1/0)+ 6(1/0)+ —
+ DIVS — — 122(1/0)+ —
+ DIVU — — 108(1/0)+ —
+ EOR Byte, Word — 4(1/0)** 8(1/1)+
+ Long — 6(1/0)** 12(1/2)+
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ MULS/MULU — — 42(1/0)+* —
+ — — 40(1/0)* —
+ OR Byte, Word — 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
+ Long — 6(1/0)+ 12(1/2)+
+ SUB/SUBA Byte, Word 8(1/0)+ 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0)+ 6(1/0)+ 12(1/2)+
+ + Add effective address calculation time.
+ * Indicates maximum value.
+ ** Only available address mode is data register direct.
+ *** Word or long word only.
+ Table 9-7 Standard Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times
+ Loop Continued Loop Terminated
+ Valid Count cc False Valid Count cc True Expired Count
+ op<ea>, op<ea>, op Dn, op<ea>, op<ea>, op Dn, op<ea>, op<ea>, op Dn,
+ Instruction Size An* Dn <ea> An* Dn <ea> An* Dn <ea>
+ ADD Byte, 18(1/0) 16(1/0) 16(1/1) 24(3/0) 22(3/0) 22(3/1) 22(3/0) 20(3/0) 20(3/1)
+ Word
+ Long 22(2/0) 22(2/0) 24(2/2) 28(4/0) 28(4/0) 30(4/2) 26(4/0) 26(4/0) 28(4/2)
+ AND Byte, — 16(1/0) 16(1/1) — 22(3/0) 22(3/1) — 20(3/0) 20(3/1)
+ Word
+ Long — 22(2/0) 24(2/2) — 28(4/0) 30(4/2) — 26(4/0) 28(4/2)
+ CMP Byte, 12(1/0) 12(1/0) — 18(3/0) 18(3/0) — 16(3/0) 16(4/0) —
+ Word
+ Long 18(2/0) 18(2/0) — 24(4/0) 24(4/0) — 20(4/0) 20(4/0) —
+ EOR Byte, — — 16(1/0) — — 22(3/1) — — 20(3/1)
+ Word
+ Long — — 24(2/2) — — 30(4/2) — — 28(4/2)
+ OR Byte, — 16(1/0) 16(1/0) — 22(3/0) 22(3/1) — 20(3/0) 20(3/1)
+ Word
+ Long — 22(2/0) 24(2/2) — 28(4/0) 30(4/2) — 26(4/0) 28(4/2)
+ SUB Byte, 18(1/0) 16(1/0) 16(1/1) 24(3/0) 22(3/0) 22(3/1) 22(3/0) 20(3/0) 20(3/1)
+ Word
+ Long 22(2/0) 20(2/0) 24(2/2) 28(4/0) 26(4/0) 30(4/2) 26(4/0) 24(4/0) 28(4/2)
+ *Word or long word only.
+ <ea> may be (An), (An)+, or –(An) only. Add two clock periods to the table value if <ea> is –(An).
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+ The numbers of clock periods shown in Table 9-8 include the times to fetch immediate
+ operands, perform the operations, store the results, and read the next operation. The total
+ number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are
+ shown in the previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of
+ read cycles, and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the
+ effective address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ In Tables 9-8, the following notation applies:
+ # — Immediate operand
+ Dn — Data register operand
+ An — Address register operand
+ M — Memory operand
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Table 9-8. Immediate Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size op #, Dn op #, An op #, M
+ ADDI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 14(3/0) — 20(3/2)+
+ ADDQ Byte, Word 4(1/0) 4(1/0)* 8(1/2)+
+ Long 8(1/0) 8(1/1) 12(1/2)+
+ ANDI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 14(3/0) — 20(3/1)+
+ CMPI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 8(2/0)+
+ Long 12(3/0) — 12(3/0)+
+ EORI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 14(3/0) — 20(3/2)+
+ MOVEQ Long 4(1/0) — —
+ ORI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 14(3/0) — 20(3/2)+
+ SUBI Byte, Word 8(2/0) — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 14(3/0) — 20(3/2)+
+ SUBQ Byte, Word 4(1/0) 4(1/0)* 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8(1/0) 8(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ *Word only.
+ Tables 9-9, 9-10, and 9-11 list the timing data for the single operand instructions. The total
+ number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are
+ shown in the previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of
+ read cycles, and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the
+ effective address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
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+ Table 9-9. Single Operand Instruction
+ Execution Times
+ Instruction Size Register Memory
+ NBCD Byte 6(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ NEG Byte, Word 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ NEGX Byte, Word 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ NOT Byte, Word 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
+ Scc Byte, False 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+*
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Byte, True 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+*
+ TAS Byte 4(1/0) 14(2/1)+*
+ TST Byte, Word 4(1/0) 4(1/0)+
+ Long 4(1/0) 4(1/0)+
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ *Use nonfetching effective address calculation time.
+ Table 9-10. Clear Instruction Execution Times
+ Size Dn An (An) (An)+ –(An) (d 16 , An) (d 8, An, Xn)* (xxx).W (xxx).L
+ CLR Byte, Word 4(1/0) — 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 10(1/1) 12(2/1) 16(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1)
+ Long 6(1/0) — 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 14(1/2) 16(2/2) 20(2/2) 16(2/2) 20(3/2)
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect execution time.
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+ Table 9-11. Single Operand Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times
+ Loop Continued Loop Terminated
+ Valid Count, cc False Valid Count, cc True Expired Count
+ Instruction Size (An) (An)+ –(An) (An) (An)+ –(An) (An) (An)+ –(An)
+ CLR Byte, 10(0/1) 10(0/1) 12(0/1) 18(2/1) 18(2/1) 20(2/0) 16(2/1) 16(2/1) 18(2/1)
+ Word
+ Long 14(0/2) 14(0/2) 16(0/2) 22(2/2) 22(2/2) 24(2/2) 20(2/2) 20(2/2) 22(2/2)
+ NBCD Byte 18(1/1) 18(1/1) 20(1/1) 24(3/1) 24(3/1) 26(3/1) 22(3/1) 22(3/1) 24(3/1)
+ NEG Byte, 16(1/1) 16(1/1) 18(2/2) 22(3/1) 22(3/1) 24(3/1) 20(3/1) 20(3/1) 22(3/1)
+ Word
+ Long 24(2/2) 24(2/2) 26(2/2) 30(4/2) 30(4/2) 32(4/2) 28(4/2) 28(4/2) 30(4/2)
+ NEGX Byte, 16(1/1) 16(1/1) 18(2/2) 22(3/1) 22(3/1) 24(3/1) 20(3/1) 20(3/1) 22(3/1)
+ Word
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Long 24(2/2) 24(2/2) 26(2/2) 30(4/2) 30(4/2) 32(4/2) 28(4/2) 28(4/2) 30(4/2)
+ NOT Byte, 16(1/1) 16(1/1) 18(2/2) 22(3/1) 22(3/1) 24(3/1) 20(3/1) 20(3/1) 22(3/1)
+ Word
+ Long 24(2/2) 24(2/2) 26(2/2) 30(4/2) 30(4/2) 32(4/2) 28(4/2) 28(4/2) 30(4/2)
+ TST Byte, 12(1/0) 12(1/0) 14(1/0) 18(3/0) 18(3/0) 20(3/0) 16(3/0) 16(3/0) 18(3/0)
+ Word
+ Long 18(2/0) 18(2/0) 20(2/0) 24(4/0) 24(4/0) 26(4/0) 20(4/0) 20(4/0) 22(4/0)
+ Tables 9-12 and 9-13 list the timing data for the shift and rotate instructions. The total
+ number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are
+ shown in the previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of
+ read cycles, and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the
+ effective address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 9-12. Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size Register Memory*
+ ASR, ASL Byte, Word 6+2n (1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8+2n (1/0) —
+ LSR, LSL Byte, Word 6+2n (1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8+2n (1/0) —
+ ROR, ROL Byte, Word 6+2n (1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8+2n (1/0) —
+ ROXR, ROXL Byte, Word 6+2n (1/0) 8(1/1)+
+ Long 8+2n (1/0) —
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ n is the shift or rotate count.
+ * Word only.
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+ Table 9-13. Shift/Rotate Instruction Loop Mode Execution Times
+ Loop Continued Loop Terminated
+ Valid Count cc False Valid Count cc True Expired Count
+ Instruction Size (An) (An)+ –(An) (An) (An)+ –(An) (An) (An)+ –(An)
+ ASR, ASL Word 18(1/1) 18(1/1) 20(1/1) 24(3/1) 24(3/1) 26(3/1) 22(3/1) 22(3/1) 24(3/1)
+ LSR, LSL Word 18(1/1) 18(1/1) 20(1/1) 24(3/1) 24(3/1) 26(3/1) 22(3/1) 22(3/1) 24(3/1)
+ ROR, ROL Word 18(1/1) 18(1/1) 20(1/1) 24(3/1) 24(3/1) 26(3/1) 22(3/1) 22(3/1) 24(3/1)
+ ROXR, ROXL Word 18(1/1) 18(1/1) 20(1/1) 24(3/1) 24(3/1) 26(3/1) 22(3/1) 22(3/1) 24(3/1)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Table 9-14 lists the timing data for the bit manipulation instructions. The total number of
+ clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 9-14. Bit Manipulation Instruction Execution Times
+ Dynamic Static
+ Instruction Size Register Memory Register Memory
+ BCHG Byte — 8(1/1)+ — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 8(1/0)* — 12(2/0)* —
+ BCLR Byte — 10(1/1)+ — 14(2/1)+
+ Long 10(1/0)* — 14(2/0)* —
+ BSET Byte — 8(1/1)+ — 12(2/1)+
+ Long 8(1/0)* — 12(2/0)* —
+ BTST Byte — 4(1/0)+ — 8(2/0)+
+ Long 6(1/0)* — 10(2/0) —
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ * Indicates maximum value; data addressing mode only.
+ Table 9-15 lists the timing data for the conditional instructions. The total number of clock
+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format.
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+ Table 9-15. Conditional Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Displacement Branch Taken Branch Not Taken
+ Bcc Byte 10(2/0) 6(1/0)
+ Word 10(2/0) 10(2/0)
+ BRA Byte 10(2/0) —
+ Word 10(2/0) —
+ BSR Byte 18(2/2) —
+ Word 18(2/2) —
+ DBcc cc true — 10(2/0)
+ cc false 10(2/0) 16(3/0)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Table 9-16 lists the timing data for the jump (JMP), jump to subroutine (JSR), load
+ effective address (LEA), push effective address (PEA), and move multiple registers
+ (MOVEM) instructions. The total number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles are shown in the previously described format.
+ Table 9-16. JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA, and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times
+ Instruction Size (An) (An)+ –(An) (d 16 ,An) (d 8,An,Xn)+ (xxx) W (xxx).L (d 8 PC) (d 16 , PC, Xn)*
+ JMP — 8(2/0) — — 10 (2/0) 14 (3/0) 10 (2/0) 12 (3/0) 10 (2/0) 14 (3/0)
+ JSR — 16 (2/2) — — 18 (2/2) 22 (2/2) 18 (2/2) 20 (3/2) 18 (2/2) 22 (2/2)
+ LEA — 4(1/0) — — 8(2/0) 12 (2/0) 8(2/0) 12 (3/0) 8(2/0) 12 (2/0)
+ PEA — 12 (1/2) — — 16 (2/2) 20 (2/2) 16 (2/2) 20 (3/2) 16 (2/2) 20 (2/2)
+ MOVEM Word 12+4n 12+4n — 16+4n 18+4n 16+4n 20+4n 16+4n 18+4n
+ M→R (3+n/0) (3+n/0) — (4+n/0) (4+n/0) (4+n/0) (5+n/0) (4+n/0) (4+n/0)
+ Long 24+8n 12+8n — 16+8n 18+8n 16+8n 20+8n 16+8n 18+8n
+ (3+2n/0) (3+2n/0) — (4+2n/0) (4+2n/0) (4+2n/0) (5+2n/0) (4+2n/0) (4+2n/0)
+ MOVEM Word 8+4n — 8+4n 12+4n 14+4n 12+4n 16+4n — —
+ R→M (2/n) — (2/n) (3/n) (3/n) (3/n) (4/n) — —
+ Long 8+8n — 8+8n 12+8n 14+8n 12+8n 16+8n — —
+ (2/2n) — (2/2n) (3/2n) (3/2n) (3/2n) (4/2n) — —
+ MOVES Byte/ 18 (3/0) 20 (3/0) 20 (3/0) 20 (4/0) 24 (4/0) 20 (4/0) 24 (5/0)
+ M→R Word
+ Long 22 (4/0) 24 (4/0) 24 (4/0) 24 (5/0) 28 (5/0) 24 (5/0) 28 (6/0)
+ MOVES Byte/ 18 (2/1) 20 (2/1) 20 (2/1) 20 (3/1) 24 (3/1) 20 (3/1) 24 (4/1)
+ R→M Word
+ Long 22 (2/2) 24 (2/2) 24 (2/2) 24 (3/2) 28 (3/2) 24 (3/2) 28 (4/2)
+ n is the number of registers to move.
+ *The size of the index register (Xn) does not affect the instruction's execution time.
+ Table 9-17 lists the timing data for multiprecision instructions. The numbers of clock
+ periods include the times to fetch both operands, perform the operations, store the results,
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+ and read the next instructions. The total number of clock periods, the number of read
+ cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the previously described format.
+ The following notation applies in Table 9-17:
+ Dn — Data register operand
+ M — Memory operand
+ Table 9-17. Multiprecision Instruction Execution Times
+ Loop Mode
+ Nonlooped Continued Terminated
+ Valid Count, Valid Count, Expired Count
+ cc False cc True
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Instruction Size op Dn, Dn op M, M*
+ ADDX Byte, Word 4(1/0) 18(3/1) 22(2/1) 28(4/1) 26(4/1)
+ Long 6(1/0) 30(5/2) 32(4/2) 38(6/2) 36(6/2)
+ CMPM Byte, Word — 12(3/0) 14(2/0) 20(4/0) 18(4/0)
+ Long — 20(5/0) 24(4/0) 30(6/0) 26(6/0)
+ SUBX Byte, Word 4(1/) 18(3/1) 22(2/1) 28(4/1) 26(4/1)
+ Long 6(1/0) 30(5/2) 32(4/2) 38(6/2) 36(6/2)
+ ABCD Byte 6(1/0) 18(3/1) 24(2/1) 30(4/1) 28(4/1)
+ SBCD Byte 6(1/0) 18(3/1) 24(2/1) 30(4/1) 28(4/1)
+ *Source and destination ea are (An)+ for CMPM and –(An) for all others.
+ Table 9-18 lists the timing data for miscellaneous instructions. The total number of clock
+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles are shown in the
+ previously described format. The number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and
+ the number of write cycles, respectively, must be added to those of the effective address
+ calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
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+ Table 9-18. Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times
+ Register→ Source** →
+ Instruction Size Register Memory Destination** Register
+ ANDI to CCR — 16(2/0) — — —
+ ANDI to SR — 16(2/0) — — —
+ CHK — 8(1/0)+ — — —
+ EORI to CCR — 16(2/0) — — —
+ EORI to SR — 16(2/0) — — —
+ EXG — 6(1/0) — — —
+ EXT Word 4(1/0) — — —
+ Long 4(1/0) — — —
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ LINK — 16(2/2) — — —
+ MOVE from CCR — 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+* —
+ MOVE to CCR — 12(2/0) 12(2/0)+ — —
+ MOVE from SR — 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+* — —
+ MOVE to SR — 12(2/0) 12(2/0)+ — —
+ MOVE from USP — 6(1/0) — — —
+ MOVE to USP — 6(1/0) — — —
+ MOVEC — — — 10(2/0) 12(2/0)
+ MOVEP Word — — 16(2/2) 16(4/0)
+ Long — — 24(2/4) 24(6/0)
+ NOP — 4(1/0) — — —
+ ORI to CCR — 16(2/0) — — —
+ ORI to SR — 16(2/0) — — —
+ RESET — 130(1/0) — — —
+ RTD — 16(4/0) — — —
+ RTE Short 24(6/0) — — —
+ Long, Retry Read 112(27/10) — — —
+ Long, Retry Write 112(26/1) — — —
+ Long, No Retry 110(26/0) — — —
+ RTR — 20(5/0) — — —
+ RTS — 16(4/0) — — —
+ STOP — 4(0/0) — — —
+ SWAP — 4(1/0) — — —
+ TRAPV — 4(1/0) — — —
+ UNLK — 12(3/0) — — —
+ +Add effective address calculation time.
+ +Use nonfetching effective address calculation time.
+ **Source or destination is a memory location for the MOVEP instruction and a control register
+ for the MOVEC instruction.
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+ Table 9-19 lists the timing data for exception processing. The numbers of clock periods
+ include the times for all stacking, the vector fetch, and the fetch of the first instruction of
+ the handler routine. The total number of clock periods, the number of read cycles, and the
+ number of write cycles are shown in the previously described format. The number of clock
+ periods, the number of read cycles, and the number of write cycles, respectively, must be
+ added to those of the effective address calculation where indicated by a plus sign (+).
+ Table 9-19. Exception Processing
+ Execution Times
+ Exception
+ Address Error 126(4/26)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Breakpoint Instruction* 45(5/4)
+ Bus Error 126(4/26)
+ CHK Instruction** 44(5/4)+
+ Divide By Zero 42(5/4)+
+ Illegal Instruction 38(5/4)
+ Interrupt* 46(5/4)
+ MOVEC, Illegal Control Register** 46(5/4)
+ Privilege Violation 38(5/4)
+ Reset*** 40(6/0)
+ RTE, Illegal Format 50(7/4)
+ RTE, Illegal Revision 70(12/4)
+ Trace 38(4/4)
+ TRAP Instruction 38(4/4)
+ TRAPV Instruction 38(5/4)
+ + Add effective address calculation time.
+ * The interrupt acknowledge and breakpoint cycles
+ are assumed to take four clock periods.
+ ** Indicates maximum value.
+ *** Indicates the time from when RESET and HALT
+ are first sampled as negated to when instruction
+ execution starts.
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+ This section provides information on the maximum rating and thermal characteristics for
+ the MC68000, MC68HC000, MC68HC001, MC68EC000, MC68008, and MC68010.
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Rating Symbol Value Unit This device contains protective
+ circuitry against damage due to high
+ Supply Voltage VCC –0.3 to 7.0 V static voltages or electrical fields;
+ however, it is advised that normal
+ Input Voltage Vin –0.3 to 7.0 V precautions be taken to avoid
+ application of any voltages higher
+ Maximum Operating TA TL to TH °C than maximum-rated voltages to this
+ high-impedance circuit. Reliability of
+ Temperature Range 0 to 70 operation is enhanced if unused
+ Commerical Extended "C" Grade –40 to 85 inputs are tied to an appropriate
+ logic voltage level (e.g., either GND
+ Commerical Extended "I" Grade 0 to 85 or V CC ).
+ Storage Temperature Tstg –55 to 150 °C
+ Characteristic Symbol Value Symbol Value Rating
+ Thermal Resistance θ JA θ JC °C/W
+ Ceramic, Type L/LC 30 15*
+ Ceramic, Type R/RC 33 15
+ Plastic, Type P 30 15*
+ Plastic, Type FN 45* 25*
+ *Estimated
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+ The average die-junction temperature, TJ, in °C can be obtained from:
+ TJ = T A+(PD • θJA) (1)
+ where:
+ TA = Ambient Temperature, °C
+ θJ
+ A = Package Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient, °C/W
+ PD = PINT + PI/O
+ PINT = ICC x VCC, Watts — Chip Internal Power
+ PI/O = Power Dissipation on Input and Output Pins — User Determined
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ For most applications, P I/O<PINT and can be neglected.
+ An appropriate relationship between P D and T J (if P I/O is neglected) is:
+ PD = K÷(TJ + 273 °C) (2)
+ Solving Equations (1) and (2) for K gives:
+ K = P D • (TA + 273°C) + θ JA • P D2 (3)
+ where K is a constant pertaining to the particular part. K can be determined from equation
+ (3) by measuring P D (at thermal equilibrium) for a known TA. Using this value of K, the
+ values of PD and T J can be obtained by solving Equations (1) and (2) iteratively for any
+ value of T A.
+ The curve shown in Figure 10-1 gives the graphic solution to the above equations for the
+ specified power dissipation of 1.5 W over the ambient temperature range of -55 °C to 125
+ °C using a maximum θ J A of 45 °C/W. Ambient temperature is that of the still air
+ surrounding the device. Lower values of θJA cause the curve to shift downward slightly; for
+ instance, for θJA of 40 °/W, the curve is just below 1.4 W at 25 °C.
+ The total thermal resistance of a package (θ JA) can be separated into two components,
+ θJ
+ C and θCA, representing the barrier to heat flow from the semiconductor junction to the
+ package (case) surface ( θJC ) and from the case to the outside ambient air (θ CA). These
+ terms are related by the equation:
+ θJ
+ A = θ JC + θCA (4)
+ θJ
+ C is device related and cannot be influenced by the user. However, θ CA is user
+ dependent and can be minimized by such thermal management techniques as heat sinks,
+ ambient air cooling, and thermal convection. Thus, good thermal management on the part
+ of the user can significantly reduce θCA so that θ J A approximately equals ; θJC .
+ Substitution of θJC for θ J A in equation 1 results in a lower semiconductor junction
+ temperature.
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+ Table 10-1 summarizes maximum power dissipation and average junction temperature
+ for the curve drawn in Figure 10-1, using the minimum and maximum values of ambient
+ temperature for different packages and substituting θJC for θ JA (assuming good thermal
+ management). Table 10-2 provides the maximum power dissipation and average junction
+ temperature assuming that no thermal management is applied (i.e., still air).
+ Since the power dissipation curve shown in Figure 10-1 is
+ negatively sloped, power dissipation declines as ambient
+ temperature increases. Therefore, maximum power
+ dissipation occurs at the lowest rated ambient temperature, but
+ the highest average junction temperature occurs at the
+ maximum ambient temperature where power dissipation is
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ lowest.
+ 2.2
+ 2.0
+ 1.8
+ 16.6
+ 7 MH
+ 1.6 z
+ 8, 1
+ 0, 1
+ 1.4 2.5
+ MH
+ z
+ 1.2
+ 1.0
+ - 55 - 40 0 25 70 85 110 125
+ Figure 10-1. MC68000 Power Dissipation (PD ) vs Ambient Temperature (T A)
+ (Not Applicable to MC68HC000/68HC001/68EC000)
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+ Table 10-1. Power Dissipation and Junction Temperature vs Temperature
+ (θJ C=θJ A)
+ Package TA Range θJ PD (W) TJ (°C) PD (W) TJ (°C)
+ C
+ (°C/W) @ T A Min. @ T A Min. @ T A Max. @ T A Max.
+ L/LC 0°C to 70°C 15 1.5 23 1.2 88
+ -40°C to 85°C 15 1.7 -14 1.2 103
+ 0°C to 85°C 15 1.5 23 1.2 103
+ P 0°C to 70°C 15 1.5 23 1.2 88
+ R/RC 0°C to 70°C 15 1.5 23 1.2 88
+ -40°C to 85°C 15 1.7 -14 1.2 103
+ 0°C to 85°C 15 1.5 23 1.2 103
+ FN 0°C to 70°C 25 1.5 38 1.2 101
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ NOTE: Table does not include values for the MC68000 12F.
+ Does not apply to the MC68HC000, MC68HC001, and MC68EC000.
+ Table 10-2. Power Dissipation and Junction Temperature vs Temperature
+ (θ J C ≠ θ J C )
+ Package TA Range θJ PD (W) TJ (°C) PD (W) TJ (°C)
+ A
+ (°C/W) @ T A Min. @ T A Min. @ T A Max. @ T A Max.
+ L/LC 0°C to 70°C 30 1.5 23 1.2 88
+ -40°C to 85°C 30 1.7 -14 1.2 103
+ 0°C to 85°C 30 1.5 23 1.2 103
+ P 0°C to 70°C 30 1.5 23 1.2 88
+ R/RC 0°C to 70°C 33 1.5 23 1.2 88
+ -40°C to 85°C 33 1.7 -14 1.2 103
+ 0°C to 85°C 33 1.5 23 1.2 103
+ FN 0°C to 70°C 40 1.5 38 1.2 101
+ NOTE: Table does not include values for the MC68000 12F.
+ Does not apply to the MC68HC000, MC68HC001, and MC68EC000.
+ Values for thermal resistance presented in this manual, unless estimated, were derived
+ using the procedure described in Motorola Reliability Report 7843 “Thermal Resistance
+ Measurement Method for MC68XXX Microcomponent Devices”’ and are provided for
+ design purposes only. Thermal measurements are complex and dependent on procedure
+ and setup. User-derived values for thermal resistance may differ.
+ The MC68HC000, MC68HC001, and MC68EC000, with it significantly lower power
+ consumption, has other considerations. The CMOS cell is basically composed of two
+ complementary transistors (a P channel and an N channel), and only one transistor is
+ turned on while the cell is in the steady state. The active P-channel transistor sources
+ current when the output is a logic high and presents a high impedance when the output is
+ logic low. Thus, the overall result is extremely low power consumption because no power
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+ is lost through the active P-channel transistor. Also, since only one transistor is turned on
+ during the steady state, power consumption is determined by leakage currents.
+ Because the basic CMOS cell is composed of two complementary transistors, a virtual
+ semiconductor controlled rectifier (SCR) may be formed when an input exceeds the
+ supply voltage. The SCR that is formed by this high input causes the device to become
+ latched in a mode that may result in excessive current drain and eventual destruction of
+ the device. Although the MC68HC000 and MC68EC000 is implemented with input
+ protection diodes, care should be exercised to ensure that the maximum input voltage
+ specification is not exceeded. Some systems may require that the CMOS circuitry be
+ isolated from voltage transients; other may require additional circuitry.
+ The MC68HC000 and MC68EC000, implemented in CMOS, is applicable to designs to
+ which the following considerations are relevant:
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 1. The MC68HC000 and MC68EC000 completely satisfies the input/output drive
+ requirements of CMOS logic devices.
+ 2. The HCMOS MC68HC000 and MC68EC000 provides an order of magnitude
+ reduction in power dissipation when compared to the HMOS MC68000. However,
+ the MC68HC000 does not offer a "power-down" mode.
+ The AC specifications presented consist of output delays, input setup and hold times, and
+ signal skew times. All signals are specified relative to an appropriate edge of the clock and
+ possibly to one or more other signals.
+ The measurement of the AC specifications is defined by the waveforms shown in Figure
+ 10-2. To test the parameters guaranteed by Motorola, inputs must be driven to the voltage
+ levels specified in the figure. Outputs are specified with minimum and/or maximum limits,
+ as appropriate, and are measured as shown. Inputs are specified with minimum setup and
+ hold times, and are measured as shown. Finally, the measurement for signal-to-signal
+ specifications are shown.
+ The testing levels used to verify conformance to the AC
+ specifications does not affect the guaranteed DC operation of
+ the device as specified in the DC electrical characteristics.
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ TO 2.4 V
+ BCLK 1.5 V 1.5 V
+ 0.5 V B
+ 2.0 V 2.0
+ 0.8 V 0.8 V
+ C D
+ 2.4 V 2.0 V 2.0 V
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ DRIVE TO 0.8 V 0.8 V
+ 0.5 V
+ 2.0 V
+ RSTI (3)
+ F
+ E
+ 2.0 V
+ 0.8 V
+ 1. This output timing is applicable to all parameters specified relative to the rising edge of the clock.
+ 2. This input timing is applicable to all parameters specified relative to the rising edge of the clock.
+ 3. This timing is applicable to all parameters specified relative to the negation of the RESET signal.
+ A. Maximum output delay specification.
+ B. Minimum output hold time.
+ C. Minimum input setup time specification.
+ D. Minimum input hold time specification.
+ E. Mode select setup time to RESET negated.
+ F. Mode select hold time from RESET negated.
+ Figure 10-2. Drive Levels and Test Points for AC Specifications
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ (V CC=5.0 VDC±5%; GND=0 VDC; TA =T L TO T H)
+ Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
+ Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 VCC V
+ Input Low Voltage VIL GND-0.3 0.8 V
+ Input Leakage Current BERR , BGACK, BR , DTACK, CLK, IPL0—IPL2, VPA I IN — 2.5 µA
+ @ 5.25 V HALT, RESET — 20
+ Three-State (Off State) Input Current AS , A1—A23, D0—D15, FC0—FC2, I TSI — 20 µA
+ @ 2.4 V/0.4 V LDS , R/ W, UDS, VMA
+ Output High Voltage (IOH = –400 µA) E* VOH VCC –0.75 — V
+ (I OH = -400 µA) AS , A1–A23, BG, D0–D15,
+ FC0–FC2, LDS , R/ W, UDS, VMA 2.4 2.4
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Output Low Voltage VOL V
+ (IOL= 1.6 mA) HALT — 0.5
+ (IOL = 3.2 mA) A1—A23, BG, FC0-FC2 — 0.5
+ (IOL = 5.0 mA) RESET — 0.5
+ (IOL = 5.3 mA) E, AS , D0—D15, LDS, R/ W, UDS, VMA — 0.5
+ Power Dissipation (see POWER CONSIDERATIONS) PD*** — — W
+ Capacitance (V in=0 V, TA=25°C, Frequency=1 MHz)** Cin — 20.0 pF
+ Load Capacitance HALT CL — 70 pF
+ All Others — 130
+ *With external pullup resistor of 1.1 Ω.
+ **Capacitance is periodically sampled rather than 100% tested.
+ ***During normal operation, instantaneous V CC current requirements may be as high as 1.5 A.
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ TO T H) (Applies To All Processors Except The MC68EC000)
+ Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
+ Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 VCC V
+ Input Low Voltage VIL GND-0.3 0.8 V
+ Input Leakage Current BERR , BGACK, BR , DTACK, CLK, IPL0—IPL2, VPA I IN — 2.5 µA
+ @ 5.25 V MODE, HALT, RESET — 20
+ Three-State (Off State) Input Current AS , A0—A23, D0—D15, I TSI — 20 µA
+ @ 2.4 V/0.4 V FC0–FC2, LDS , R/ W, UDS, VMA
+ Output High Voltage E, AS , A0–A23, BG, D0–D15, VOH VCC –0.75 — V
+ FC0–FC2, LDS , R/ W, UDS, VMA
+ Output Low Voltage VOL V
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ (IOL = 1.6 mA) HALT — 0.5
+ (IOL = 3.2 mA) A0—A23, BG, FC0-FC2 — 0.5
+ (IOL = 5.0 mA) RESET — 0.5
+ (IOL = 5.3 mA) E, AS , D0—D15, LDS, R/ W, UDS, VMA — 0.5
+ Current Dissipation* f = 8 MHz ID — 25 mA
+ f = 10 MHz — 30
+ f = 12.5 MHz — 35
+ f = 16.67 MHz — 50
+ f = 20 MHz — 70
+ Power Dissipation f = 8 MHz PD — 0.13 W
+ f = 10 MHz 0.16
+ f = 12.5 MHz 0.19
+ f = 16.67 MHz 0.26
+ f = 20 MHz 0.38
+ Capacitance (V in = 0 V, T A=25°C, Frequency=1 MHz)** Cin — 20.0 pF
+ Load Capacitance HALT CL — 70 pF
+ All Others — 130
+ * Current listed are with no loading.
+ ** Capacitance is periodically sampled rather than 100% tested.
+ (Applies To All Processors Except The MC68EC000)
+ 16.67 MHz
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz* 10 MHz* 12.5 MHz* 12F 16 MHz 20 MHZ ** Unit
+ Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
+ Frequency of Operation 4.0 8.0 4.0 10.0 4.0 12.5 8.0 16.7 8.0 16.7 8.0 20.0 MHz
+ 1 Cycle Time 125 250 100 250 80 250 60 125 60 125 50 125 ns
+ 2,3 Clock Pulse Width 55 125 45 125 35 125 27 62.5 27 62.5 21 62.5 ns
+ (Measured from 1.5 V to 1.5 55 125 45 125 35 125 27 62.5 27 62.5 21 62.5
+ V for 12F)
+ 4,5 Clock Rise and Fall Times — 10 — 10 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 4 ns
+ — 10 — 10 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 4
+ *These specifications represent an improvement over previously published specifications for the 8-, 10-, and 12.5-
+ MHz MC68000 and are valid only for product bearing date codes of 8827 and later.
+ **This frequency applies only to MC68HC000 and MC68EC000 parts.
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Figure 10-3)
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz* 10 MHz* Unit
+ Min Max Min Max
+ Frequency of Operation 2.0 8.0 2.0 10.0 MHz
+ 1 Cycle Time 125 500 100 500 ns
+ 2,3 Clock Pulse Width 55 250 45 250 ns
+ 4,5 Clock Rise and Fall Times — 10 — 10 ns
+ *These specifications represent an improvement over previously published specifications for the 8-, and 10-MHz
+ MC68008 and are valid only for product bearing date codes of 8827 and later
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 1
+ 2 3
+ 2.0 V
+ 0.8 V
+ 4 5
+ NOTE: Timing measurements are referenced to and from a low voltage of 0.8 V and a high
+ voltage of 2.0 V, unless otherwise noted. The voltage swing through this range
+ should start outside and pass through the range such that the rise or fall will be linear
+ between 0.8 V and 2.0 V.
+ .
+ Figure 10-3. Clock Input Timing Diagram
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ (V CC=5.0 VDC±5+; GND=0 V; TA =T L to TH; (see Figures 10-4 and 10-5) (Applies To All
+ Processors Except The MC68EC000)
+ 16.67 MHz
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz* 10 MHz* 12.5 MHz* 12F 16 MHz 20 MHz •• Unit
+ Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
+ 6 Clock Low to Address Valid — 62 — 50 — 50 — 50 30 — 25 ns
+ 6A Clock High to FC Valid — 62 — 50 — 45 — 45 0 30 0 25 ns
+ 7 Clock High to Address, Data — 80 — 70 — 60 — 50 50 — 42 ns
+ Bus High Impedance
+ (Maximum)
+ 8 Clock High to Address, FC 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ Invalid (Minimum)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 91 Clock High to AS, DS 3 60 3 50 3 40 3 40 3 30 3 25 ns
+ Asserted
+ 112 Address Valid to AS, DS 30 — 20 — 15 — 15 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ Asserted (Read)/AS Asserted
+ (Write)
+ 11A2 FC Valid to AS ), DS Asserted 90 — 70 — 60 — 30 — 45 — 40 — ns
+ (Read)/ AS ) Asserted (Write)
+ 121 Clock Low to AS, DS Negated — 62 — 50 — 40 — 40 3 30 3 25 ns
+ 132 AS, DS Negated to Address, 40 — 30 — 20 — 10 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ FC Invalid
+ 142 ASand DS Read) Width 270 — 195 — 160 — 120 — 120 — 100 — ns
+ Asserted
+ 14A DS Width Asserted (Write) 140 95 80 60 60 — 50 — ns
+ 152 AS, DS Width Negated 150 — 105 — 65 — 60 — 60 — 50 — ns
+ 16 Clock High to Control Bus — 80 — 70 — 60 — 50 — 50 — 42 ns
+ High Impedance
+ 172 AS, DS Negated to R/W 40 — 30 — 20 — 10 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ Invalid
+ 181 Clock High to R/W High 0 55 0 45 0 40 0 40 0 30 0 25 ns
+ (Read)
+ 201 Clock High to R/W Low 0 55 0 45 0 40 0 40 0 30 0 25 ns
+ (Write)
+ 20A2,6 AS Asserted to R/W Valid — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 ns
+ (Write)
+ 212 Address Valid to R/W Low 20 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ (Write)
+ 21A2 FC Valid to R/W Low (Write) 60 — 50 — 30 — 20 — 30 — 25 — ns
+ 222 R/ W Low to DS Asserted 80 — 50 — 30 — 20 — 30 — 25 — ns
+ (Write)
+ 23 Clock Low to Data-Out Valid — 62 — 50 — 50 — 550 — 30 — 25 ns
+ (Write)
+ 252 AS, DS) Negated to Data-Out 401 — 30 — 20 — 15 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ Invalid (Write) 0
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 16.67 MHz
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz* 10 MHz* 12.5 MHz* 12F 16 MHz 20 MHz •• Unit
+ Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
+ 262 Data-Out Valid to DS Asserted 40 — 30 — 20 — 15 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ (Write)
+ 275 Data-In Valid to Clock Low 10 — 10 — 10 — 7 — 5 — 5 — ns
+ (Setup Time on Read)
+ 27A5 Late BERR Asserted to Clock 45 — 45 — 45 — — — — — — — ns
+ Low (setup Time)
+ 282 AS, DS Negated to DTACK 0 2401 0 190 0 150 0 110 0 110 0 95 ns
+ Negated (Asynchronous Hold) 1
+ 28A AS, DS Negated to Data-In — 187 — 150 — 120 — 110 — 110 — 95 ns
+ High Impedance
+ 29 AS, DS Negated to Data-In 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Invalid (Hold Time on Read)
+ 29A AS, DS Negated to Data-In — 187 — 150 — 120 — 90 — 90 — 75 ns
+ High Impedance
+ 30 AS, DS) Negated to BERR 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ Negated
+ 312,5 DTACK Asserted to Data-In — 90 — 65 — 50 — 40 — 50 — 42 ns
+ Valid (Setup Time)
+ 32 HALT) and RESET Input 0 200 0 200 0 200 0 150 — 150 0 150 ns
+ Transition Time
+ 33 Clock High to BG Asserted — 62 — 50 — 40 — 40 0 30 0 25 ns
+ 34 Clock High to BG Negated — 62 — 50 — 40 — 40 0 30 0 25 ns
+ 35 BR Asserted to BG Asserted 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+ 367 BR Negated toBG Negated 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+ 37 BGACK Asserted to BG 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+ Negated
+ 37A8 BGACK Asserted to BR 20 1.5 20 1.5 20 1.5 10 1.5 10 1.5 10 1.5 ns
+ Negated Clks Clks Clks Clks Clks Clks
+ 38 BG Asserted to Control, — 80 — 70 — 60 — 50 — 50 — 42 ns
+ Address, Data Bus High
+ Impedance (AS Negated)
+ 39 BG Width Negated 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — clks
+ 40 Clock Low to VMA Asserted — 70 — 70 — 70 — 50 — 50 — 40 ns
+ 41 Clock Low to E Transition — 5512 — 45 — 35 — 35 — 35 — 30 ns
+ 42 E Output Rise and Fall Time — 15 — 15 — 15 — 15 — 15 — 12 ns
+ 43 VMA Asserted to E High 200 — 150 — 90 — 80 — 80 — 60 — ns
+ 44 AS, DS Negated to VPA 0 120 0 90 0 70 0 50 0 50 0 42 ns
+ Negated
+ 45 E Low to Control, Address 30 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — ns
+ Bus Invalid (Address Hold
+ Time)
+ 46 BGACK Width Low 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — ns
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 16.67 MHz
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz* 10 MHz* 12.5 MHz* 12F 16 MHz 20 MHz •• Unit
+ Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
+ 475 Asynchronous Input Setup 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 5 — 5 — ns
+ Time
+ 482, 3 BERR Asserted to DTACK 20 — 20 — 20 — 10 — 10 — 10 — ns
+ Asserted
+ 482,3,5 DTACK Asserted to BERR — 80 — 55 — 35 — — — — — — ns
+ Asserted (MC68010 Only)
+ 499 AS, DS, Negated to E Low -70 70 -55 55 -45 45 -35 35 -35 35 –30 30 ns
+ 50 E Width High 450 — 350 — 280 — 220 — 220 — 190 — ns
+ 51 E Width Low 700 — 550 — 440 — 340 — 340 — 290 — ns
+ 53 Data-Out Hold from Clock 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ High
+ 54 E Low to Data-Out Invalid 30 — 20 — 15 — 10 — 10 — 5 — ns
+ 55 R/ W Asserted to Data Bus 30 — 20 — 10 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ Impedance Change
+ 564 HALT ( RESET Pulse Width 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — clks
+ 57 BGACK Negated to AS, DS , 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — clks
+ R/ W Driven
+ 57A BGACK Negated to FC, VMA 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — clks
+ Driven
+ 587 BR Negated to AS , DS, R/ W 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — clks
+ Driven
+ 58A7 BR Negated to FC, AS Driven 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — clks
+ *These specifications represent improvement over previously published specifications for the 8-, 10-, and 12.5-MHz
+ MC68000 and are valid only for product bearing date codes of 8827 and later.
+ ** This frequency applies only to MC68HC000 and MC68HC001.
+ 1. For a loading capacitance of less than or equal to 50 pF, subtract 5 ns from the value given in the maximum
+ columns.
+ 2. Actual value depends on clock period.
+ 3. If #47 is satisfied for both DTACK and BERR , #48 may be ignored. In the absence of DTACK , BERR is an
+ asynchronous input using the asynchronous input setup time (#47).
+ 4. For power-up, the MC68000 must be held in the reset state for 100 ms to allow stabilization of on-chip
+ circuitry. After the system is powered up, #56 refers to the minimum pulse width required to reset the
+ processor.
+ 5. If the asynchronous input setup time (#47) requirement is satisfied for DTACK, the DTACK asserted to data
+ setup time (#31) requirement can be ignored. The data must only satisfy the data-in to clock low setup time
+ (#27) for the following clock cycle.
+ 6. When AS and R/W are equally loaded (±20;pc), subtract 5 ns from the values given in these columns.
+ 7. The processor will negate BG and begin driving the bus again if external arbitration logic negates BR before
+ asserting BGACK.
+ 8. The minimum value must be met to guarantee proper operation. If the maximum value is exceeded, BG may
+ be reasserted.
+ 9. The falling edge of S6 triggers both the negation of the strobes ( AS and DS ) and the falling edge of E. Either
+ of these events can occur first, depending upon the loading on each signal. Specification #49 indicates the
+ absolute maximum skew that will occur between the rising edge of the strobes and the falling edge of E.
+ 10. 245 ns for the MC68008.
+ 11. 50 ns for the MC68008
+ 12. 50 ns for the MC68008.
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
+ 6A
+ FC2–FC0
+ 8
+ 6
+ A23–A0
+ 7 12
+ AS 15 14
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 13 11
+ 11A
+ 17 9
+ 18
+ R/W
+ 47 28
+ 27 29A
+ 48 29
+ 31
+ 47 30
+ (NOTE 2)
+ 47 47
+ 32 32
+ 56
+ 47
+ (NOTE 1)
+ 1. Setup time for the asynchronous inputs IPL2–IPL0 and AVEC (#47) guarantees their recognition at the
+ next falling edge of the clock.
+ 2. BR need fall at this time only to insure being recognized at the end of the bus cycle.
+ 3. Timing measurements are referenced to and from a low voltage of 0.8 V and a high voltage of 2.0 V,
+ unless otherwise noted. The voltage swing through this range should start outside and pass through the
+ range such that the rise or fall is linear between 0.8 V and 2.0 V.
+ Figure 10-4. Read Cycle Timing Diagram
+ (A pplies To A ll Processors E xcept The MC68EC 000)
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
+ 6A
+ FC2-FC0
+ 8
+ 6
+ A23-A1
+ 7 12
+ AS 15 14
+ 13
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 9
+ 11 9
+ 11A
+ 20A
+ LDS / UDS 14A
+ 17 20
+ 18 21 22
+ R/W
+ 21A 47 28
+ 55
+ 26
+ 23 53
+ 7
+ 48 25
+ 47 30
+ (NOTE 2)
+ 47 47
+ 32 32
+ 56
+ 47
+ (NOTE 1)
+ 1. Timing measurements are referenced to and from a low voltage of 0.8 V and a high voltage of 2.0 V,
+ unless otherwise noted. The voltage swing through this range should start outside and pass through the
+ range such that the rise or fall is linear between 0.8 V and 2.0 V.
+ 2. Because of loading variations, R/W may be valid after AS even though both are initiated by the rising edge
+ of S2 (specification #20A).
+ Figure 10-5. Write Cycle Timing Diagram
+ (A pplies To A ll Processors E xcept The MC68EC 000)
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ PERIPHERAL (V CC = 5.0 Vdc ±5%; GND=0 Vdc; T A = T L TO T H; refer to figures 10-6)
+ (Applies To All Processors Except The MC68EC000)
+ 16.67 MHz
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz* 10 MHz* 12.5 MHz* `12F' 16 MHz 20 MHz •• Unit
+ Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
+ 121 Clock Low to AS, DS Negated — 62 — 50 — 40 — 40 3 30 3 25 ns
+ 181 Clock High to R/W High 0 55 0 45 0 40 0 40 0 30 0 25 ns
+ (Read)
+ 201 Clock High to R/W Low 0 55 0 45 0 40 0 40 0 30 0 25 ns
+ (Write)
+ 23 Clock Low to Data-Out Valid — 62 — 50 — 50 — 50 — 30 — 25 ns
+ (Write)
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 27 Data-In Valid to Clock Low 10 — 10 — 10 — 7 — 5 — 5 — ns
+ (Setup Time on Read)
+ 29 AS, DS Negated to Data-In 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ Invalid (Hold Time on Read)
+ 40 Clock Low to VMA Asserted — 70 — 70 — 70 — 50 — 50 — 40 ns
+ 41 Clock Low to E Transition — 55 — 45 — 35 — 35 — 35 — 30 ns
+ 42 E Output Rise and Fall Time — 15 — 15 — 15 — 15 — 15 — 12 ns
+ 43 VMA Asserted to E High 200 — 150 — 90 — 80 — 80 — 60 — ns
+ 44 AS, DS Negated to VPA 0 120 0 90 0 70 0 50 0 50 0 42 ns
+ Negated
+ 45 E Low to Control, Address 30 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — ns
+ Bus Invalid (Address Hold
+ Time)
+ 47 Asynchronous Input Setup 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 5 — ns
+ Time
+ 492 AS, DS, Negated to E Low -70 70 -55 55 -45 45 -35 35 -35 35 –30 30 ns
+ 50 E Width High 450 — 350 — 280 — 220 — 220 — 190 — ns
+ 51 E Width Low 700 — 550 — 440 — 340 — 340 — 290 — ns
+ 54 E Low to Data-Out Invalid 30 — 20 — 15 — 10 — 10 — 5 — ns
+ *These specifications represent improvement over previously published specifications for the 8-, 10-, and 12.5-MHz
+ MC68000 and are valid only for product bearing date codes of 8827 and later.
+ ** This frequency applies only to MC68HC000 and MC68HC001.
+ NOTES: 1. For a loading capacitance of less than or equal to 50 pF, subtract 5 ns from the value given in the
+ maximum columns.
+ 2. The falling edge of S6 triggers both the negation of the strobes ( AS and DS ) and the falling edge of E.
+ Either of these events can occur first, depending upon the loading on each signal. Specificaton
+ #49 indicates the absolute maximum skew that will occur between the rising edge of the strobes and the
+ falling edge of the E clock.
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 w w w w w w w w w w w w S5 S6 S7 S0
+ 45
+ A23-A1
+ 41 12
+ AS
+ 41
+ 49
+ R/W
+ 18 18
+ 20
+ 51
+ E 50
+ 42 47 44
+ 42
+ 40 45
+ 43 41
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 54
+ 23 27 29
+ NOTE: This timing diagram is included for those who wish to design their own circuit to generate VMA. It shows the best case
+ possible attainable
+ Figure 10-6. MC68000 to M6800 Peripheral Timing Diagram (Best Case)
+ (A pplies To A ll Processors E xcept The MC68EC 000)
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ VDC±5%; GND=0 VDC, T A =T L TO T H; See Figure s 10-7 – 10-11) (Applies To All Processors
+ Except The MC68EC000)
+ 16.67 MHz
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz* 10 MHz* 12.5 MHz* 12F 16 MHz 20 MHz •• Unit
+ Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
+ 7 Clock High to Address, Data — 80 — 70 — 60 — 50 — 50 — 42 ns
+ Bus High Impedance
+ (Maximum)
+ 16 Clock High to Control Bus — 80 — 70 — 60 — 50 — 50 — 42 ns
+ High Impedance
+ 33 Clock High to BG Asserted — 62 — 50 — 40 0 40 0 30 0 25 ns
+ 34 Clock High to BG Negated — 62 — 50 — 40 0 40 0 30 0 25 ns
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 35 BR Asserted to BG Asserted 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+ 361 BR Negated to BG Negated 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+ 37 BGACK Asserted to BG 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+ Negated
+ 37A2 BGACK Asserted to BR 20 1.5 20 1.5 20 1.5 10 1.5 10 1.5 10 1.5 Clks/
+ Negated Clks Clks Clks Clks Clks Clks ns
+ 38 BG Asserted to Control, 80 70 60 — 50 — 50 — 42 ns
+ Address, Data Bus High
+ Impedance (AS Negated)
+ 39 BG Width Negated 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — Clks
+ 46 BGACK Width Low 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — Clks
+ 47 Asynchronous Input Setup 10 — 10 — 10 — 5 — 5 — 5 — ns
+ Time
+ 57 BGACK Negated to AS, DS , 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — Clks
+ R/ W Driven
+ 57A BGACK Negated to FC, VMA 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — Clks
+ Driven
+ 581 BR Negated to AS , DS, R/ W 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — Clks
+ Driven
+ 58A1 BR Negated to FC, VMA 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — Clks
+ Driven
+ *These specifications represent improvement over previously published specifications for the 8-, 10-, and 12.5-MHz
+ MC68000 and are valid only for product bearing date codes of 8827 and later.
+ ** Applies only to the MC68HC000 and MC68HC001.
+ 1. Setup time for the synchronous inputs BGACK, IPL0-IPL2 , and VPA guarantees their recognition at the
+ next falling edge of the clock.
+ 2. BR need fall at this time only in order to insure being recognized at the end of the bus cycle.
+ 3. Timing measurements are referenced to and from a low voltage of 0.8 volt and a high voltage of 2.0 volts,
+ unless otherwise noted. The voltage swing through this range should start outside and pass through the
+ range such that the rise or fall will be lienar between 0.8 volt and 2.0 volts.
+ 4. The processor will negate BG and begin driving the bus again if external arbitration logic negates BR before
+ asserting BGACK.
+ 5. The minimum value must be met to guarantee proper operation. If the maximum value is exceeded, BG may
+ be reasserted.
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 37A 36
+ BR
+ 37
+ 46
+ 35 34 39
+ BG
+ 33
+ 38
+ NOTE: Setup time to the clock (#47) for the asynchronous inputs BERR, BGACK, BR, DTACK, IPL2-IPL0, and VPA
+ guarantees their recognition at the next falling edge of the clock.
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Figure 10-7. Bus Arbitration Timing
+ (A pplies To A ll Processors E xcept The MC68EC 000)
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 47
+ 33
+ BR
+ 35 47 34
+ 37A
+ BG 47
+ 37
+ 1 46
+ 38 57
+ AS
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ DS
+ 57A
+ R/W
+ FC2-FC0
+ A19-A0
+ D7-D0
+ NOTES: Waveform measurements for all inputs and outputs are specified at: logic high 2.0 V, logic low = 0.8 V.
+ 1. MC68008 52-Pin Version only.
+ Figure 10-8. Bus Arbitration Timing
+ (A pplies To A ll Processors E xcept The MC68EC 000)
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 47
+ 33
+ BR
+ 35 47 34
+ 37A
+ BG 47
+ 37
+ 1 46
+ 38 57
+ AS
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ DS
+ 57A
+ R/W
+ FC2-FC0
+ A19-A0
+ D7-D0
+ NOTES: Waveform measurements for all inputs and outputs are specified at: logic high 2.0 V, logic low = 0.8 V.
+ 1. MC68008 52-Pin Version only.
+ Figure 10-9. Bus Arbitration Timing — Idle Bus Case
+ (A pplies To A ll Processors E xcept The MC68EC 000)
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 47
+ 33
+ BR
+ 35 47 34
+ 37A
+ BG 47
+ 37
+ 1 46
+ 16 57
+ AS
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ DS
+ 57A
+ R/W
+ FC2-FC0
+ 7
+ A19-A0
+ D7-D0
+ NOTE: Waveform measurements for all inputs and outputs are specified at: logic high 2.0 V, logic low = 0.8 V.
+ 1 MC68008 52-Pin Version Only.
+ Figure 10-10. Bus Arbitration Timing — Active Bus Case
+ (A pplies To A ll Processors E xcept The MC68EC 000)
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 47
+ 33
+ BR
+ 35 39 39 36
+ BG
+ 37 37
+ 1 46 46
+ 38 58
+ AS
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ DS
+ 57A
+ R/W
+ FC2-FC0
+ A19-A0
+ D7-D0
+ NOTES: Waveform measurements for all inputs and outputs are specified at: logic high 2.0 V, logic low = 0.8 V.
+ 1. MC68008 52-Pin Version only.
+ Figure 10-11. Bus Arbitration Timing — Multiple Bus Request
+ (A pplies To A ll Processors E xcept The MC68EC 000)
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ GND=0 VDC; TA = T L TO T H)
+ Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
+ Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 VCC V
+ Input Low Voltage VIL GND–0.3 0.8 V
+ Input Leakage Current BERR, BR , DTACK , CLK, IPL2–IPL0, AVEC I in — 2.5 µA
+ @5.25 V MODE, HALT, RESET — 20
+ Three-State (Off State) Input Current AS, A23–A0, D15–D0, I TSI — 20 µA
+ @2.4 V/0.4 V FC2–FC0, LDS , R/ W, UDS
+ Output High Voltage AS, A23–A0, BG, D15–D0, VOH VCC –0.75 — V
+ (IOH=–400 µA) FC2–FC0, LDS, R/ W, UDS
+ Output Low Voltage VOL V
+ (IOL = 1.6 mA) HALT — 0.5
+ (IOL = 3.2 mA) A23–A0, BG, FC2–FC0 — 0.5
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ (IOL = 5.0 mA) RESET — 0.5
+ (IOL = 5.3 mA) AS , D15–D0, LDS, R/ W, UDS — 0.5
+ Current Dissipation* f=8 MHz ID — 25 mA
+ f=10 MHz — 30
+ f=12.5 MHz — 35
+ f=16.67 MHz — 50
+ f= 20 MHz — 70
+ Power Dissipation f=8 MHz PD — 0.13 W
+ f=10 MHz — 0.16
+ f=12.5 MHz — 0.19
+ f=16.67 MHz — 0.26
+ f=20 MHz — 0.38
+ Capacitance (Vin=0 V, TA=25°C, Frequency=1 MHz)** Cin — 20.0 pF
+ Load Capacitance HALT CL — 70 pF
+ All Others — 130
+ *Currents listed are with no loading.
+ ** Capacitance is periodically sampled rather than 100% tested.
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ WRITE CYCLES (VCC=5.0 VDC ± 5;PC; GND = 0 VDC; TA = T L TO T H; (See Figures
+ 10-12 and 10-13)
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz 10 MHz 12.5 MHz 16.67 MHz 20 MHz Unit
+ Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
+ 6 Clock Low to Address Valid — 35 — 35 — 35 — 30 — 25 ns
+ 6A Clock High to FC Valid — 35 — 35 — 35 — 30 0 25 ns
+ 7 Clock High to Address, Data Bus — 55 — 55 — 55 — 50 — 42 ns
+ High Impedance (Maximum)
+ 8 Clock High to Address, FC Invalid 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ (Minimum)
+ 91 Clock High to AS , DS Asserted 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 30 3 25 ns
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 112 Address Valid to AS, DS Asserted 30 — 20 — 15 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ (Read)/AS Asserted (Write)
+ 11A2 FC Valid to AS, DS Asserted 45 — 45 — 45 — 45 — 40 — ns
+ (Read)/ AS Asserted (Write)
+ 121 Clock Low to AS , DS Negated 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 30 3 25 ns
+ 132 AS, DS Negated to Address, FC 15 — 15 — 15 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ Invalid
+ 142 AS (and DS Read) Width 270 — 195 — 160 — 120 — 100 — ns
+ Asserted
+ 14A2 DS Width Asserted (Write) 140 — 95 — 80 — 60 — 50 — ns
+ 152 AS, DS Width Negated 150 — 105 — 65 — 60 — 50 — ns
+ 16 Clock High to Control Bus High — 55 — 55 — 55 — 50 — 42 ns
+ Impedance
+ 172 AS, DS Negated to R/W Invalid 15 — 15 — 15 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ 181 Clock High to R/W High (Read) 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 30 0 25 ns
+ 201 Clock High to R/ W Low (Write) 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 30 0 25 ns
+ 20A2,6 AS Asserted to R/W Low (Write) — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 ns
+ 212 Address Valid to R/W Low (Write) 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ 21A 2 FC Valid to R/W Low (Write) 60 — 50 — 30 — 30 — 25 — ns
+ 222 R/ W Low to DS Asserted (Write) 80 — 50 — 30 — 30 — 25 — ns
+ 23 Clock Low to Data-Out Valid — 35 — 35 — 35 — 30 — 25 ns
+ (Write)
+ 252 AS, DS Negated to Data-Out 40 — 30 — 20 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ Invalid (Write)
+ 262 Data-Out Valid to DS Asserted 40 — 30 — 20 — 15 — 10 — ns
+ (Write)
+ 275 Data-In Valid to Clock Low (Setup 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — ns
+ Time on Read)
+ 282 AS , DS Negated to DTACK 0 110 0 110 0 110 0 110 0 95 ns
+ Negated (Asynchronous Hold)
+ 28A Clock High to DTACK Negated 0 110 0 110 0 110 0 110 0 95 ns
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz 10 MHz 12.5 MHz 16.67 MHz 20 MHz Unit
+ Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
+ 29 AS, DS Negated to Data-In Invalid 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ (Hold Time on Read)
+ 29A AS, DS Negated to Data-In High — 187 — 150 — 120 — 90 — 75 ns
+ Impedance
+ 30 AS, DS Negated to BERR 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ Negated
+ 312, 5 DTACK Asserted to Data-In Valid — 90 — 65 — 50 — 50 — 42 ns
+ (Setup Time)
+ 32 HALT and RESET Input Transition 0 150 0 150 0 150 0 150 0 150 ns
+ Time
+ 33 Clock High to BG Asserted — 35 — 35 — 35 0 30 0 25 ns
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 34 Clock High to BG Negated — 35 — 35 — 35 0 30 0 25 ns
+ 35 BR Asserted to BG Asserted 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+ 367 BR Negated to BG Negated 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+ 38 BG Asserted to Control, Address, — 55 — 55 — 55 — 50 — 42 ns
+ Data Bus High Impedance (AS
+ Negated)
+ 39 BG Width Negated 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 — Clks
+ 44 AS, DS Negated to VPA Negated 0 55 0 55 0 55 0 50 0 42 ns
+ 475 Asynchronous Input Setup Time 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — ns
+ 2
+ 48 , 3 BERR Asserted to DTACK 20 — 20 — 20 — 10 — 10 — ns
+ Asserted
+ 53 Data-Out Hold from Clock High 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ 55 R/ W Asserted to Data Bus 30 — 20 — 10 — 0 — 0 — ns
+ Impedance Change
+ 564 HALT/RESET Pulse Width 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — 10 — Clks
+ 587 BR Negated to AS, DS, R/ W 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — Clks
+ Driven
+ 58A7 BR Negated to FC, VMA Driven 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — Clks
+ NOTES:1. For a loading capacitance of less than or equal to 50 pF, subtract 5 ns from the value given in the
+ maximum columns.
+ 2. Actual value depends on clock period.
+ 3.I f #47 is satisfied for both DTACK and BERR , #48 may be ignored. In the absence of DTACK, BERR is an
+ asynchronous input using the asynchronous input setup time (#47).
+ 4. For power-up, the MC68EC000 must be held in the reset state for 520 clocks to allow stabilization of on-
+ chip circuitry. After the system is powered up, #56 refers to the minimum pulse width required to
+ reset the processor.
+ 5. If the asynchronous input setup time (#47) requirement is satisfied for DTACK, the DTACK -asserted to data
+ setup time (#31) requirement can be ignored. The data must only satisfy the data-in to clock low
+ setup time (#27) for the following clock cycle.
+ 6. When AS and R/W are equally loaded (±20;pc), subtract 5 ns from the values given in these columns.
+ 7. The minimum value must be met to guarantee proper operation. If the maximum value is exceeded,
+ BG may be reasserted.
+ 8. DS is used in this specification to indicate UDS and LDS .
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
+ 6A
+ FC2–FC0
+ 8
+ 6
+ A23–A0
+ 7 12
+ AS 15 14
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 13 11
+ 11A
+ 17 9
+ 18
+ R/W
+ 47 28
+ 27
+ 48 29
+ 31
+ 47 30
+ (NOTE 2)
+ 47 47
+ 32 32
+ 56
+ 47
+ (NOTE 1)
+ 1. Setup time for the asynchronous inputs IPL2–IPL0 and AVEC (#47) guarantees their recognition at the
+ next falling edge of the clock.
+ 2. BR need fall at this time only to insure being recognized at the end of the bus cycle.
+ 3. Timing measurements are referenced to and from a low voltage of 0.8 V and a high voltage of 2.0 V,
+ unless otherwise noted. The voltage swing through this range should start outside and pass through the
+ range such that the rise or fall is linear between 0.8 V and 2.0 V.
+ Figure 10-12. MC68EC000 Read Cycle Timing Diagram
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
+ 6A
+ FC2-FC0
+ 8
+ 6
+ A23-A0
+ 7 12
+ AS 15 14
+ 13 9
+ 11 9
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 11A
+ 20A
+ LDS / UDS 14A
+ 17 20
+ 18 21 22
+ R/W
+ 21A 47 28
+ 55
+ 26
+ 23 53
+ 7
+ 48 25
+ 47 30
+ (NOTE 2)
+ 47 47
+ 32 32
+ 56
+ 47
+ (NOTE 1)
+ 1. Timing measurements are referenced to and from a low voltage of 0.8 V and a high voltage of 2.0 V,
+ unless otherwise noted. The voltage swing through this range should start outside and pass through the
+ range such that the rise or fall is linear between 0.8 V and 2.0 V.
+ 2. Because of loading variations, R/W may be valid after AS even though both are initiated by the rising edge
+ of S2 (specification #20A).
+ Figure 10-13. MC68EC000 Write Cycle Timing Diagram
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ ARBITRATION (VCC=5.0VDC ± 5%; GND=0 VDC; T A = T L TO T H; see Figure 10-14)
+ Num Characteristic 8 MHz 10 MHz 12.5 MHz 16.67 MHz 20 MHz Unit
+ Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
+ 7 Clock High to Address, Data — 55 — 55 — 55 — 50 — 42 ns
+ Bus High Impedance
+ (Maximum)
+ 16 Clock High to Control Bus High — 55 — 55 — 55 — 50 — 42 ns
+ Impedance
+ 33 Clock High to BG Asserted — 35 — 35 — 35 0 30 0 25 ns
+ 34 Clock High to BG Negated — 35 — 35 — 35 0 30 0 25 ns
+ 35 BR Asserted to BG Asserted 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ 367 BR Negated to BG Negated 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 Clks
+ 38 BG Asserted to Control, — 55 — 55 — 55 — 50 — 42 ns
+ Address, Data Bus High
+ Impedance (AS Negated)
+ 39 BG Width Negated 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — Clks
+ 47 Asynchronous Input Setup 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — ns
+ Time
+ 581 BR Negated to AS , DS, R/ W 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — Clks
+ Driven
+ 58A1 BR Negated to FC Driven 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — Clks
+ NOTES: 1.The minimum value must be met to guarantee proper operation. If the maximum value is exceeded, BG may
+ be reasserted.
+ 2.DS is used in this specification to indicate UDS and LDS .
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 47
+ 33
+ BR 34
+ 35 36
+ BG
+ 39
+ 58
+ 38
+ AS
+ DS
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ R/W
+ 58A
+ FC2-FC0
+ A19-A0
+ D7-D0
+ NOTES: Waveform measurements for all inputs and outputs are specified at: logic high 2.0 V, logic low = 0.8 V.
+ Figure 10-14. MC68EC000 Bus Arbitration Timing Diagram
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ This section provides pin assignments and package dimensions for the devices described
+ in this manual.
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ Package 68000 68008 68010 68HC000 68HC001 68EC000
+ 64-Pin Dual-In-Line ✔ ✔ ✔
+ 68-Terminal Pin Grid Array ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
+ 64-Lead Quad Pack ✔
+ 68-Lead Quad Flat Pack ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
+ 52-Lead Quad ✔
+ 48-Pin Dual-In-Line ✔
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ D4 1 64 D5
+ D3 2 63 D6
+ D2 3 62 D7
+ D1 4 61 D8
+ D0 5 60 D9
+ AS 6 59 D10
+ UDS 7 58 D11
+ LDS 8 57 D12
+ R/W 9 56 D13
+ DTACK 10 55 D14
+ BG 11 54 D15
+ BGACK 12 53 GND
+ BR 13 52 A23
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ VCC 14 51 A22
+ CLK 15 MC68000 50 A21
+ MC68010
+ GND 16 49 VCC
+ MC68HC000
+ HALT 17 48 A20
+ RESET 18 47 A19
+ VMA 19 46 A18
+ E 20 45 A17
+ VPA 21 44 A16
+ BERR 22 43 A15
+ IPL2 23 42 A14
+ IPL1 24 41 A13
+ IPL0 25 40 A12
+ FC2 26 39 A11
+ FC1 27 38 A10
+ FC0 28 37 A9
+ A1 29 36 A8
+ A2 30 35 A7
+ A3 31 34 A6
+ A4 32 33 A5
+ Figure 11-1. 64-Pin Dual In Line
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ MC68000/MC68010/MC68HC000 MC68HC001
+ K K
+ NC FC2 FC0 A1 A3 A4 A6 A7 A9 NC MODE FC2 FC0 A1 A3 A4 A6 A7 A9 NC
+ J J
+ BERR IPL0 FC1 NC A2 A5 A8 A10 A11 A14 BERR IPL0 FC1 NC A2 A5 A8 A10 A11 A14
+ H H
+ E IPL2 IPL1 A13 A12 A16 E IPL2 IPL1 A13 A12 A16
+ G G
+ VMA VPA A15 A17 VMA VPA A15 A17
+ F F
+ E E
+ D D
+ C C
+ BGACK BG R/W D13 A23 A22 BGACK BG R/W D13 A23 A22
+ B B
+ DTACK LDS UDS D0 D3 D6 D9 D11 D14 D15 DTACK LDS UDS D0 D3 D6 D9 D11 D14 D15
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ A A
+ NC AS D1 D2 D4 D5 D7 D8 D10 D12 NC AS D1 D2 D4 D5 D7 D8 D10 D12
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+ Figure 11-2. 68-Lead Pin Grid Array
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ R/W
+ D12
+ D10
+ D11
+ AS
+ D2
+ D4
+ D6
+ D8
+ D0
+ D9
+ D3
+ D5
+ D1
+ D7
+ 9 68 61
+ DTACK 10 1 60 D13
+ BG D14
+ CLK A23
+ GND A22
+ GND A21
+ NC 18 MC68000/MC68HC000/MC68010 52 VCC
+ HALT A20
+ VMA A18
+ E A17
+ VPA A16
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ BERR A15
+ IPL2 A14
+ IPL1 26 44 A13
+ 27 35 43
+ FC1
+ A6
+ IPL0
+ FC2
+ A7
+ NC
+ FC0
+ A1
+ A8
+ A2
+ A5
+ A10
+ A11
+ A12
+ A4
+ A3
+ A9
+ D12
+ D10
+ D11
+ AS
+ D6
+ D8
+ D9
+ D5
+ D7
+ D2
+ D4
+ D0
+ D3
+ D1
+ 9 68 61
+ R/W 10 1 60 D13
+ BG D15
+ BR A23
+ VCC A22
+ CLK A21
+ GND 18 MC68EC000 52 A20
+ MODE A19
+ HALT A18
+ NC A16
+ AVEC A15
+ BERR A14
+ IPL2 A13
+ IPL1 26 44 A12
+ 27 35 43
+ A6
+ FC1
+ IPL0
+ A7
+ FC2
+ A8
+ A5
+ A10
+ A11
+ FC0
+ A1
+ A4
+ A0
+ A2
+ A9
+ A3
+ Figure 11-3. 68-Lead Quad Pack (1 of 2)
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ R/W
+ D12
+ D10
+ D11
+ AS
+ D2
+ D4
+ D6
+ D8
+ D0
+ D9
+ D3
+ D5
+ D1
+ D7
+ 9 68 61
+ DTACK 10 1 60 D13
+ BG D14
+ CLK A23
+ GND A22
+ GND A21
+ MODE 18 MC68HC001 52 VCC
+ HALT A20
+ VMA A18
+ E A17
+ VPA A16
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ BERR A15
+ IPL2 A14
+ IPL1 26 44 A13
+ 27 35 43
+ FC1
+ A6
+ IPL0
+ FC2
+ A7
+ NC
+ FC0
+ A1
+ A8
+ A2
+ A5
+ A10
+ A11
+ A12
+ A4
+ A3
+ A9
+ Figure 11-3. 68-Lead Quad Pack (2 of 2)
+ FC1
+ IPL0
+ FC0
+ FC2
+ A6
+ A2
+ A1
+ A7
+ A3
+ A4
+ A0
+ A5
+ A8
+ 7 52 47
+ A9 8 1 46 IPL2
+ A10 IPL1
+ A11 BERR
+ A12 VPA
+ A13 E
+ A 21 RESET
+ A14 MC68008 HALT
+ A15 CLK
+ A17 BG
+ A18 20 34 DTACK
+ 21 33
+ AS
+ D7
+ D3
+ D0
+ D4
+ R/W
+ D5
+ D1
+ DS
+ D2
+ D6
+ A20
+ A19
+ Figure 11-4. 52-Lead Quad Pack
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ A3 1 48 A2
+ A4 2 47 A1
+ A5 3 46 A0
+ A6 4 45 FC0
+ A7 5 44 FC1
+ A8 6 43 FC2
+ A9 7 42 IPL2/IPL0
+ A10 8 41 IPL1
+ A11 9 40 BERR
+ A12 10 39 VPA
+ A13 11 38 E
+ A14 12 MC68008 37 RESET
+ VCC 13 36 HALT
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ A15 14 35 GND
+ GND 15 34 CLK
+ A16 16 33 BR
+ A17 17 32 BG
+ A18 18 31 DTACK
+ A19 19 30 R/W
+ D7 20 29 DS
+ D6 21 28 AS
+ D5 22 27 D0
+ D4 23 26 D1
+ D3 24 25 D2
+ Figure 11-5. 48-Pin Dual In Line
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ D10
+ D11
+ AS
+ D8
+ D9
+ D1
+ D7
+ D0
+ D2
+ D3
+ D6
+ D4
+ D5
+ 64 49
+ R/W 1 48 D12
+ D13
+ D14
+ BG
+ D15
+ BR
+ A23
+ A22
+ A21
+ MC68EC000 A20
+ A19
+ A18
+ A17
+ A16
+ IPL2
+ A15
+ IPL1
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ IPL0 A14
+ FC2 33 A13
+ 16
+ 17A1 32
+ A11
+ FC1
+ A12
+ FC0
+ A0
+ A3
+ A5
+ A6
+ A10
+ A4
+ A8
+ A9
+ A2
+ A7
+ Figure 11-6. 64-Lead Quad Flat Pack
+ Case Package 68000 68008 68010 68HC000 68HC001 68EC000
+ 740-03 L Suffix ✔
+ 767-02 P Suffix ✔
+ 746-01 LC Suffix ✔ ✔ ✔
+ 754-01 R and P Suffix ✔ ✔ ✔
+ 765A-05 RC Suffix ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
+ 778-02 FN Suffix ✔
+ 779-02 FN Suffix ✔ ✔
+ 779-01 FN Suffix ✔ ✔ ✔
+ 847-01 FC Suffix ✔
+ 840B-01 FU Suffix ✔
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 64 33 L SUFFIX
+ 746-03
+ B
+ 1 32
+ A
+ F C
+ N
+ M
+ J
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ D
+ T K
+ G L
+ 2. POSTIONAL TOLERANCE FOR LEADS: A 60.36 61.56 2.376 2.424
+ 0.25 (0.010) M T A M B 14.64 15.34 0.576 0.604
+ 3. -T- IS SEATING PLANE C 3.05 4.32 0.120 0.160
+ 4. DIMENSION "L" TO CENTER OF LEADS D 3.81 0.533 0.015 0.021
+ F 0.030 0.055
+ ANSI Y14.5m, 1982. G 2.54 BSC 0.100 BSC
+ J 0.204 0.330 0.008 0.013
+ K 2.54 4.19 0.100 0.165
+ L 15.24 BSC 0.600 BSC
+ M 0 10 0 10
+ N 1.016 1.524 0.040 0.060
+ Figure 11-7. Case 740-03—L Suffix
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ R
+ 767-02
+ 48 25
+ B
+ 1 24
+ C L
+ N
+ T
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ K M J
+ H G F D
+ -T- IS BOTH A DATUM AND SEATING PLANE A 61.34 62.10 2.415 2.445
+ 2. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE FOR LEADS 1 AND B 13.72 14.22 0.540 0.560
+ 48. C 3.94 5.08 0.155 0.200
+ 0.51 (0.020) T B M R D 0.36 0.55 0.014 0.022
+ POSITIONAL TOLERANCE FOR LEAD F 1.02 1.52 0.040 0.060
+ PATTERN; G 2.54 BSC 0.100 BSC
+ 0.25 (0.020) T B M H 1.79 BSC 0.070 BSC
+ 3. DIMENSION "A" AND "B" DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, J 0.20 0.38 0.008 0.015
+ MAXIMUM MOLD FLASH 0.25 (0.010). K 2.92 3.81 0.115 0.135
+ PARALLEL. 15.24 BSC 0.600 BSC
+ 6. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH. N 0.51 1.02 0.020 0.040
+ Figure 11-8. Case 767-02—P Suffix
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 64 33 L SUFFIX
+ 746-01
+ B
+ 1 32
+ A
+ F C
+ N
+ M
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ J
+ D
+ T K
+ G L
+ 2. POSTIONAL TOLERANCE FOR LEADS: A 80.52 82.04 3.170 3.230
+ 0.25 (0.010) M T A M B 22.25 22.96 0.876 0.904
+ 3. -T- IS SEATING PLANE C 3.05 4.32 0.120 0.160
+ 4. DIMENSION "L" TO CENTER OF LEADS D 0.38 0.53 0.015 0.021
+ WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. F .76 1.40 0.030 0.055
+ ANSI Y14.5, 1973. G 2.54 BSC 0.100 BSC
+ J 0.20 0.33 0.008 0.013
+ K 2.54 4.19 0.100 0.165
+ L 22.61 23.11 0.890 0.910
+ M 0 10 0 10
+ N 1.02 1.52 0.040 0.060
+ Figure 11-9. Case 746-01—LC Suffix
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+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 64 33
+ 754-01
+ B
+ 1 32
+ A
+ C L
+ F
+ N
+ T
+ K J
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ M
+ D G
+ 3. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE FOR LEADS A 81.16 81.91 3.195 3.225
+ (DIMENSION D): B 20.17 20.57 0.790 0.810
+ 0.25 (0.010) M T A M B M C 4.83 5.84 0.190 0.230
+ D 0.33 0.53 0.013 0.021
+ PARALLEL. G 2.54 BSC 0.100 BSC
+ 6. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5, 1982. J 0.20 0.38 0.008 0.015
+ K 3.05 3.55 0.120 0.140
+ L 22.86 BSC 0.9 00 BSC
+ M 0 15 0 15
+ N 0.51 1.02 0.020 0.040
+ Figure 11-10. Case 754-01—R and P Suffix
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+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Figure 11-11. Case 765A-05—RC Suffix
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+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ In the loop mode of the MC68010, a single instruction is executed repeatedly under
+ control of the test condition, decrement, and branch (DBcc) instruction without any
+ instruction fetch bus cycles. The execution of a single-instruction loop without fetching an
+ instruction provides a highly efficient means of repeating an instruction because the only
+ bus cycles required are those that read and write the operands.
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ The DBcc instruction uses three operands: a loop counter, a branch condition, and a
+ branch displacement. When this instruction is executed in the loop mode, the value in the
+ low-order word of the register specified as the loop counter is decremented by one and
+ compared to minus one. If the result after decrementing the value is equal to minus one,
+ the result is placed in the loop counter, and the next instruction in sequence is executed.
+ Otherwise, the condition code register is checked against the specified branch condition. If
+ the branch condition is true, the result is discarded, and the next instruction in sequence is
+ executed. When the count is not equal to minus one and the branch condition is false, the
+ branch displacement is added to the value in the program counter, and the instruction at
+ the resulting address is executed.
+ Figure A-1 shows the source code of a program fragment containing a loop that executes
+ in the loop mode in the MC68010. The program moves a block of data at address
+ SOURCE to a block starting at address DEST. The number of words in the block is
+ labeled LENGTH. If any word in the block at address SOURCE contains zero, the move
+ operation stops, and the program performs whatever processing follows this program
+ fragment.
+ LEA SOURCE, A0 Load A Pointer To Source Data
+ LEA DEST, A1 Load A Pointer To Destination
+ MOVE.W #LENGTH, D0 Load The Counter Register
+ LOOP MOVE.W (A0);pl, (A1)+ Loop To Move The Block Of Data
+ DBEQ D0, LOOP Stop If Data Word Is Zero
+ Figure A-1. DBcc Loop Mode Program Example
+ The first load effective address (LEA) instruction loads the address labeled SOURCE into
+ address register A0. The second instruction, also an LEA instruction, loads the address
+ labeled DEST into address register A1. Next, a move data from source to destination
+ (MOVE) instruction moves the number of words into data register D0, the loop counter.
+ The last two instructions, a MOVE and a test equal, decrement, and branch (DBEQ), form
+ the loop that moves the block of data. The bus activity required to execute these
+ instructions consists of the following cycles:
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+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ 1. Fetch the MOVE instruction.
+ 2. Fetch the DBEQ instruction.
+ 3. Read the operand at the address in A0.
+ 4. Write the operand at the address in A1.
+ 5. Fetch the displacement word of the DBEQ instruction.
+ Of these five bus cycles, only two move the data. However, the MC68010 has a two-word
+ prefetch queue in addition to the one-word instruction decode register. The loop mode
+ uses the prefetch queue and the instruction decode register to eliminate the instruction
+ fetch cycles. The processor places the MOVE instruction in the instruction decode register
+ and the two words of the DBEQ instruction in the prefetch queue. With no additional
+ opcode fetches, the processor executes these two instructions as required to move the
+ entire block or to move all nonzero words that precede a zero.
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ The MC68010 enters the loop mode automatically when the conditions for loop mode
+ operation are met. Entering the loop mode is transparent to the programmer. The
+ conditions are that the loop count and branch condition of the DBcc instruction must result
+ in looping, the branch displacement must be minus four, and the branch must be to a one-
+ word loop mode instruction preceding the DBcc instruction. The looped instruction and the
+ first word of the DBcc instruction are each fetched twice when the loop is entered. When
+ the processor fetches the looped instruction the second time and determines that the
+ looped instruction is a loop mode instruction, the processor automatically enters the loop
+ mode, and no more instruction fetches occur until the count is exhausted or the loop
+ condition is true.
+ In addition to the normal termination conditions for the loop, several abnormal conditions
+ cause the MC68010 to exit the loop mode. These abnormal conditions are as follows:
+ • Interrupts
+ • Trace Exceptions
+ • Reset Operations
+ • Bus Errors
+ Any pending interrupt is taken after each execution of the DBcc instruction, but not after
+ each execution of the looped instruction. Taking an interrupt exception terminates the loop
+ mode operation; loop mode operation can be restarted on return from the interrupt
+ handler. While the T bit is set, a trace exception occurs at the end of both the looped
+ instruction and the DBcc instruction, making loop mode unavailable while tracing is
+ enabled. A reset operation aborts all processing, including loop mode processing. A bus
+ error during loop mode operation is handled the same as during other processing;
+ however, when the return from exception (RTE) instruction continues execution of the
+ looped instruction, the three-word loop is not fetched again.
+ Table A-1 lists the loop mode instructions of the MC68010. Only one-word versions of
+ these instructions can operate in the loop mode. One-word instructions use the three
+ address register indirect modes: (An), (An)+, and –(An).
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+ Go to: www.freescale.com
+ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ Table A-1. MC68010 Loop Mode Instructions
+ Opcodes Applicable Addressing Modes
+ MOVE [BWL] (Ay) to (Ax)
+ (Ay) to (Ax)+
+ (Ay) to –(Ax)
+ (Ay)+ to (Ax)
+ (Ay)+ to –(Ax)
+ –(Ay) to (Ax)
+ –(Ay) to (Ax)+
+ –(Ay) to –(Ax)
+ Ry to (Ax)
+ Ry to (Ax)+
+ ADD [BWL] (Ay) to Dx
+ AND [BWL] (Ay)+ to Dx
+Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
+ CMP [BWL] –(Ay) to Dx
+ OR [BWL]
+ ADDA [WL] (Ay) to Ax
+ CMPA [WL] –(Ay) to Ax
+ SUBA [WL] (Ay)+ to Ax
+ ADD [BWL] Dx to (Ay)
+ AND [BWL] Dx to (Ay)+
+ EOR [BWL] Dx to –(Ay)
+ OR [BWL]
+ ABCD [B] –(Ay) to –(Ax)
+ SBCD [B]
+ CMP [BWL] (Ay)+ to (Ax)+
+ CLR [BWL] (Ay)
+ NEG [BWL] (Ay)+
+ NEGX [BWL} –(Ay)
+ NBCD [B]
+ ASL [W] (Ay) by #1
+ ASR [W] (Ay)+ by #1
+ LSL [W] –(Ay) by #1
+ LSR [W]
+ ROL [W]
+ ROR [W]
+ ROXL [W]
+ NOTE: [B, W, or L] indicate an operand size of byte, word, or long word.
+ For More Information On This Product,
+ Go to: www.freescale.com
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+ x="0 5.1546001 8.6261997 12.342 14.5002 16.302 17.622 21.337799 26.0172 27.819 32.2542 35.970001">Overflow Set</tspan></text>
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+ x="0 5.3987999 9.4709997 13.1868 18.948601 23.0208 27.093 28.8948">Mnemonic</tspan></text>
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+ x="0 4.4418001 8.5139999 12.5862 15.1074 18.8232 22.539 26.254801 28.056601 32.128799 36.201 38.0028 43.4016 47.473801 51.546001">Addressing Mode</tspan></text>
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+ x="0 4.7916002 8.5073996 10.3092 14.025 15.8268 17.985001 21.7008 25.416599 26.736601 30.089399 31.891199 35.606998">Data register</tspan></text>
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+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.4352002 8.151 11.8668 14.025 17.740801 21.093599">Address</tspan></text>
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+ x="0 4.4352002 8.151 11.8668 14.025 17.740801 21.093599 24.4464 26.248199 30.927601 32.247601 34.0494 37.765202 39.567001 44.002201 47.717999 51.070801 52.872601 54.1926 57.908401 61.2612 63.419399 67.135201 72.771599 76.487396 80.203201">Address with Postincrement</tspan></text>
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+ id="g7756"><text
+ id="text7764"
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+ x="0 4.4352002 8.151 11.8668 14.025 17.740801 21.093599 24.4464 26.248199 30.927601 32.247601 34.0494 37.765202 39.567001 41.368801 45.084599 48.8004 52.516201">Address with Index</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,588.19,426.67)"><tspan
+ id="tspan7774"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.4352002 6.5934 10.3092 14.025 16.183201 19.899 25.5354 27.3372 32.128799 35.844601 39.560398 43.276199 45.077999 48.7938 50.952 52.753799 57.433201 58.753201 60.555 64.270798 66.072601 70.864197 72.184196 75.537003 79.2528 80.5728 84.288597 87.641403 91.357201 96.993599 100.7094 104.4252">Program Counter with Displacement</tspan></text>
+ id="g7778"><g
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+ id="g7780"><text
+ id="text7788"
+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:6.5999999px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:Arial;writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,94.8,100.22)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.8000002">D0</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,114.72,100.22)"><tspan
+ id="tspan7798"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002">D1</tspan></text>
+ id="g7802"><g
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+ id="g7804"><text
+ id="text7812"
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,134.64,100.22)"><tspan
+ id="tspan7810"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002">D2</tspan></text>
+ id="g7814"><g
+ clip-path="url(#clipPath7820)"
+ id="g7816"><text
+ id="text7824"
+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:6.5999999px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:Arial;writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,154.56,100.22)"><tspan
+ id="tspan7822"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002">D3</tspan></text>
+ id="g7826"><g
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+ id="g7828"><text
+ id="text7836"
+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:6.5999999px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:Arial;writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,174.5,100.22)"><tspan
+ id="tspan7834"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002">D4</tspan></text>
+ id="g7838"><g
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+ id="g7840"><text
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+ id="g7850"><g
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+ id="g7852"><text
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,214.34,100.22)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002">D6</tspan></text>
+ id="g7862"><g
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+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:6.5999999px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:Arial;writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,234.26,100.22)"><tspan
+ id="tspan7870"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002">D7</tspan></text>
+ id="g7874"><g
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+ id="g7886"><g
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+ id="g7922"><g
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+ id="g7958"><g
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,333.89,108.38)"><tspan
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,353.81,108.38)"><tspan
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,30.36,263.45)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.7916002 8.5073996">CLR</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,30.36,255.29)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.8000002 9.2370005">NEG</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,30.36,247.13)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002 9.9695997">NOT</tspan></text>
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+ id="g9280"><text
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,146.64,304.25)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
+ x="0">S</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,169.82,304.25)"><tspan
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,97.44,491.98)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.4352002 6.237 9.5897999">Size</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,776.62,475.66)"><tspan
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,698.74,336.91)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.7916002 8.5073996 12.2232">Cond</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,309.26,336.91)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.7916002 6.5934 11.0286">DIVS</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,309.26,328.73)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.4400001 9.243">SUB</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,713.26,476.26)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
+ x="0 1.7952 3.5904 7.3127999 10.53888">-(An)</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,706.42,443.47)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
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+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-size:3.48000002px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:'Arial Bold';writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,711.46,442.51)"><tspan
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+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-size:5.28000021px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:'Arial Bold';writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,715.3,443.47)"><tspan
+ id="tspan9558"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 1.44144 2.88288 6.6052799 9.8313599">, An)</tspan></text>
+ id="g9562"><g
+ clip-path="url(#clipPath9568)"
+ id="g9564"><text
+ id="text9572"
+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-size:5.28000021px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:'Arial Bold';writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,702.58,435.31)"><tspan
+ id="tspan9570"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 1.80004">(d</tspan></text>
+ id="text9576"
+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-size:3.48000002px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:'Arial Bold';writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,707.62,434.35)"><tspan
+ id="tspan9574"
+ y="0"
+ x="0">8</tspan></text>
+ id="text9580"
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,709.54,435.31)"><tspan
+ id="tspan9578"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 1.44144 2.88288 6.6052799 9.8313599 11.2992 12.7248 16.204321 19.430401">, An, Xn)</tspan></text>
+ id="g9582"><g
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+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-size:6.5999999px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:'Arial Bold';writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,560.11,491.98)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.7916002 8.5073996 10.6656">Data</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,714.46,377.71)"><tspan
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+ x="0 2.1582 5.8740001">reg</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,748.9,491.98)"><tspan
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+ id="g9714"><g
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+ x="0 1.7952 4.6728001 7.5503998 10.428 12.2232 13.66464">(xxx).W</tspan></text>
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+ x="0 1.7952 4.6728001 7.5503998 10.428 12.2232 13.66464">(xxx).L</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,709.78,394.63)"><tspan
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+ x="0 2.8776 4.3190398 9.1132803">#imm</tspan></text>
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+ id="tspan9758"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.4352002 8.5073996 10.6656 12.8238 14.6256">Suffix</tspan></text>
+ id="g9762"><g
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,509.83,402.19)"><tspan
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+ x="0">M</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,538.39,402.19)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.2002001">Xn</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,538.15,385.87)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002">Dn</tspan></text>
+ id="g9798"><g
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,538.39,410.35)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.2002001">Xn</tspan></text>
+ id="g9810"><g
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,448.61,426.67)"><tspan
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+ x="0">M</tspan></text>
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+ x="0 4.2002001">Xn</tspan></text>
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+ id="tspan9854"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 5.3987999 9.4709997 13.1868 18.948601 23.0208 27.093 28.8948">Mnemonic</tspan></text>
+ id="g9858"><g
+ clip-path="url(#clipPath9864)"
+ id="g9860"><text
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+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:6.5999999px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:Arial;writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,309.26,483.82)"><tspan
+ id="tspan9866"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.7916002 8.7516003">RTE</tspan></text>
+ id="g9870"><g
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,706.3,427.15)"><tspan
+ id="tspan9878"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 1.80004">(d</tspan></text>
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+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-size:3.48000002px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:'Arial Bold';writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,711.34,426.19)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
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+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-size:5.28000021px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:'Arial Bold';writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
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+ id="tspan9886"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 1.44144 2.88288 6.3624001 10.19568">, PC)</tspan></text>
+ id="g9890"><g
+ clip-path="url(#clipPath9896)"
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+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-size:5.28000021px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:'Arial Bold';writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,702.46,418.99)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
+ x="0 1.80004">(d</tspan></text>
+ id="text9904"
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,707.5,418.03)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
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+ id="tspan9906"
+ y="0"
+ x="0 1.44144 2.88288 6.3624001 10.19568 11.63712 13.07856 16.558081 19.784161">, PC, Xn)</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,588.19,328.73)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
+ x="0 3.96 6.1181998 9.8339996">True</tspan></text>
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+ style="font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:6.5999999px;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:Arial;writing-mode:lr-tb;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,662.14,296.09)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.8000002">CC</tspan></text>
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,662.26,287.93)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002">CS</tspan></text>
+ id="g9946"><g
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,662.26,279.77)"><tspan
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+ y="0"
+ x="0 4.8000002">NE</tspan></text>
+ id="g9958"><g
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,662.14,271.61)"><tspan
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,662.26,263.45)"><tspan
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+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,662.5,255.29)"><tspan
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+ x="0 4.4352002 8.151 11.5038 15.2196 16.5396 20.2554 22.057199 25.773001 27.5748 32.009998 35.7258 39.441601 41.5998">Absolute Short</tspan></text>
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+ d="m 687.1,285.41 h 38.52 v 0.59998 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14036"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,277.25 h 38.52 v 0.60001 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14038"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,269.09 h 38.52 v 0.60001 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14040"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,260.93 h 38.52 v 0.60001 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14042"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,252.77 h 38.52 v 0.60001 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14044"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,244.61 h 38.52 v 0.60001 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14046"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,236.45 h 38.52 v 0.60001 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14048"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,228.29 h 38.52 v 0.60001 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14050"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,220.13 h 38.52 v 0.59998 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14052"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,211.97 h 38.52 v 0.60001 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14054"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 587.47,203.42 h 139.46 v 1.32 H 587.47 Z" /><path
+ id="path14056"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 707.02,195.26 h 69.72 v 1.32 h -69.72 z" /><path
+ id="path14058"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 707.02,187.1 h 69.72 v 1.32 h -69.72 z" /><path
+ id="path14060"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 746.86,179.3 h 28.56 v 0.60001 h -28.56 z" /><path
+ id="path14062"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 746.86,171.14 h 28.56 v 0.60001 h -28.56 z" /><path
+ id="path14064"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 746.86,162.98 h 28.56 v 0.60001 h -28.56 z" /><path
+ id="path14066"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 707.02,154.46 h 69.72 v 1.32 h -69.72 z" /><path
+ id="path14068"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 587.47,146.3 h 109.58 v 1.32 H 587.47 Z" /><path
+ id="path14070"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,138.14 h 79.68 v 1.32 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14072"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,129.98 h 79.68 v 1.32 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14074"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 756.82,122.18 h 8.64 v 0.59998 h -8.64 z" /><path
+ id="path14076"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 687.1,113.66 h 79.68 v 1.32 H 687.1 Z" /><path
+ id="path14078"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 418.13,105.5 h 159.38 v 1.32 H 418.13 Z" /><path
+ id="path14080"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"
+ d="m 29.64,97.344 h 378.53 v 1.32 H 29.64 Z" /></g></g><g
+ id="g14082"><g
+ clip-path="url(#clipPath14088)"
+ id="g14084"><path
+ id="path14090"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.14;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="m 287.96,473.44 h -0.36 l -8.64,-7.8 v -0.36 h 0.36 l 8.64,7.8 z" /><path
+ id="path14092"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.14;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="m 287.96,448.93 h -0.36 l -8.64,-7.8 v -0.36 h 0.36 l 8.64,7.8 z" /><path
+ id="path14094"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.14;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="m 287.96,440.77 h -0.36 l -8.64,-7.8 v -0.36 h 0.36 l 8.64,7.8 z" /><path
+ id="path14096"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.14;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="m 287.96,432.61 h -0.36 l -8.64,-7.8 v -0.36 h 0.36 l 8.64,7.8 z" /><path
+ id="path14098"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.14;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="m 287.96,408.13 h -0.36 l -8.64,-7.8 v -0.36 h 0.36 l 8.64,7.8 z" /><path
+ id="path14100"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.14;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="m 287.96,399.97 h -0.48 l -8.52,-6.84 v -0.36 h 0.48 l 8.52,6.84 z" /><path
+ id="path14102"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.14;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="m 705.4,374.53 h -0.36 l -7.68,-6.84 v -0.36 h 0.36 l 7.68,6.84 z" /><path
+ id="path14104"
+ style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.14;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="m 776.08,163.28 h -1.2 l -27.72,-6.96 v -0.24 h 1.2 l 27.72,6.96 z" /></g></g></g></svg>
diff --git a/src/Commands.hs b/src/Commands.hs
index 6d99b00..e22981e 100644
--- a/src/Commands.hs
+++ b/src/Commands.hs
@@ -1,74 +1,69 @@
+-- This module describes the semantics of machine commands.
module Commands where
-import Control.Lens
+import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Machine
import Utils
+import Data.IORef
-doNothing :: Machine -> Machine
-doNothing m = Machine (Registers (pc r + 2) (sr r) (drs r)
- (ars r) (usp r) (ssp r))
- (ram m) (rom m)
- where r = regs m
-_doUnlink :: Int -> Machine -> Machine
-_doUnlink 7 m = let r = regs m in if isSupervisor m
- then Machine (Registers (pc r + 2) (sr r) (drs r) (ars r)
- (usp r) (getLong m (fromIntegral $ ssp r) + 4))
- (ram m) (rom m)
- else Machine (Registers (pc r + 2) (sr r) (drs r) (ars r)
- (getLong m (fromIntegral $ usp r) + 4) (ssp r))
- (ram m) (rom m)
-_doUnlink a m = let
- r = regs m
- av = getLong m (fromIntegral (ars r !! a))
- newars = ars r & element (fromIntegral a) .~ av
- in if isSupervisor m
- then Machine (Registers (pc r + 2) (sr r) (drs r)
- newars (usp r) (av + 4))
- (ram m) (rom m)
- else Machine (Registers (pc r + 2) (sr r) (drs r)
- newars (av + 4) (ssp r))
- (ram m) (rom m)
-doUnlink :: [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+doNothing :: Emulator ()
+doNothing = with pc $ \pc -> do
+ pcval <- readIORef pc
+ writeIORef pc (pcval + 2)
+_doUnlink :: Int -> Emulator ()
+_doUnlink a = do
+ addr <- readA a
+ val <- getLong addr
+ with pc $ \pc -> do
+ pcval <- readIORef pc
+ writeIORef pc (pcval + 2)
+ isSupervisor >>= \sup -> if sup
+ then with ssp $ \sp -> do
+ writeIORef sp (val + 4)
+ else with usp $ \sp -> do
+ writeIORef sp (val + 4)
+doUnlink :: [Int] -> Emulator ()
doUnlink = _doUnlink . fromBits
-doReset :: Machine -> Machine
-doReset = id
+doReset :: Emulator ()
+doReset = return ()
-doStop :: Machine -> Machine
-doStop = id
+doStop :: Emulator ()
+doStop = return ()
-doRTE :: Machine -> Machine
-doRTE = id
+doRTE :: Emulator ()
+doRTE = return ()
-doRTS :: Machine -> Machine
-doRTS = id
+doRTS :: Emulator ()
+doRTS = return ()
-doTrapV :: Machine -> Machine
-doTrapV = id
+doTrapV :: Emulator ()
+doTrapV = return ()
-doRTR :: Machine -> Machine
-doRTR = id
+doRTR :: Emulator ()
+doRTR = return ()
-doIllegal :: Machine -> Machine
-doIllegal = id
+doIllegal :: Emulator ()
+doIllegal = return ()
-_doTAS :: Int -> Int -> Machine -> Machine
-_doTAS _ _ = id
-doTAS :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+_doTAS :: Int -> Int -> Emulator ()
+_doTAS _ _ = return ()
+doTAS :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Emulator ()
doTAS = args2 _doTAS
-_doTST :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Machine -> Machine
-_doTST _ _ _ = id
-doTST :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+_doTST :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Emulator ()
+_doTST _ _ _ = return ()
+doTST :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Emulator ()
doTST = args3 _doTST
-_doTrap :: Int -> Machine -> Machine
-_doTrap _ = id
-doTrap :: [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+_doTrap :: Int -> Emulator ()
+_doTrap _ = return ()
+doTrap :: [Int] -> Emulator ()
doTrap = _doTrap . fromBits
-_doLink :: Int -> Machine -> Machine
-_doLink _ = id
-doLink :: [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+_doLink :: Int -> Emulator ()
+_doLink _ = return ()
+doLink :: [Int] -> Emulator ()
doLink = _doLink . fromBits
diff --git a/src/Machine.hs b/src/Machine.hs
index 5e6256f..06860bf 100644
--- a/src/Machine.hs
+++ b/src/Machine.hs
@@ -1,38 +1,192 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+-- This module describes the basic types and operations for our machine.
module Machine where
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
-import Data.Word
-import Data.Bits
-data Registers = Registers {
- pc :: Word32,
- sr :: Word16,
- drs :: [Word32], -- d0 to d7
- ars :: [Word32], -- a0 to a6
- usp :: Word32, -- this is a7 in user mode
- ssp :: Word32 -- this is a7 in supermode
+import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VM
+import Prelude hiding (Word)
+import Data.Word (Word32, Word16, Word8)
+import Data.Bits (testBit)
+import Data.IORef
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, ask)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO)
+import Utils
+-- Base Types
+type Long = Word32
+type Word = Word16
+type Byte = Word8
data Machine = Machine {
- regs :: Registers,
- ram :: V.Vector Word8,
- rom :: V.Vector Word8
+ pc :: IORef Long,
+ sr :: IORef Word,
+ drs :: IORef (Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long),
+ ars :: IORef (Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long),
+ usp :: IORef Long, -- this is a7 in user mode
+ ssp :: IORef Long, -- this is a7 in supermode
+ ram :: VM.IOVector Byte,
+ rom :: V.Vector Byte
-isSupervisor :: Machine -> Bool
-isSupervisor m = testBit (sr $ regs m) 2
+-- Emulator is a monad which contains Machine and allows easy change of it.
+newtype Emulator a = Emulator (ReaderT Machine IO a)
+ deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor, MonadIO, MonadReader Machine)
+with :: (Machine -> b) -> (b -> IO a) -> Emulator a
+with field f = do
+ m <- ask
+ liftIO $ f (field m)
+-- Data and Address Registers Access
+readD :: Int -> Emulator Long
+readD 0 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (r,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 1 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,r,_,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 2 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,r,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 3 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,r,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 4 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,r,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 5 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,r,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 6 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,_,r,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 7 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,_,_,r) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD _ = return $ error "Incorrect Data register read"
+readA :: Int -> Emulator Long
+readA 0 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (r,_,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 1 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,r,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 2 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,r,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 3 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,r,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 4 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,r,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 5 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,r,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 6 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,_,r) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 7 = isSupervisor >>= \sup -> if sup
+ then with ssp $ \sp -> readIORef sp
+ else with usp $ \sp -> readIORef sp
+readA _ = return $ error "Incorrect Address register read"
+-- Status Register Access
+isTracing :: Emulator Bool
+isTracing = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 0
+isSupervisor :: Emulator Bool
+isSupervisor = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 2
+interruptLevel :: Emulator Int
+interruptLevel = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ extractBits sr [5, 6, 7]
+isExtend :: Emulator Bool
+isExtend = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 11
+isNegative :: Emulator Bool
+isNegative = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 12
+isZero :: Emulator Bool
+isZero = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 13
+isOverflow :: Emulator Bool
+isOverflow = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 14
+isCarry :: Emulator Bool
+isCarry = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 15
+-- Memmory Access
+getByte :: Long -> Emulator Byte
+getByte a | a < 0x8 = with rom $ \rom -> return $ rom V.! fromIntegral a
+ | a < 0x7e0000 = with ram $ \ram ->
+ if VM.length ram >= fromIntegral a
+ then VM.unsafeRead ram (fromIntegral a)
+ else return 0xff
+ | a < 0x800000 = with rom $ \rom ->
+ return $ rom V.! (fromIntegral a - 0x7e0000)
+ | otherwise = return 0xff
+ -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
+getWord :: Long -> Emulator Word
+getWord a = do
+ g <- getByte a
+ l <- getByte (a + 1)
+ return $ (fromIntegral g) * 256 + (fromIntegral l)
+ -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
+getLong :: Long -> Emulator Long
+getLong a = do
+ g <- getWord a
+ l <- getWord (a + 2)
+ return $ (fromIntegral g) * 256 * 256 + (fromIntegral l)
-getByte :: Machine -> Int -> Word8
-getByte m a | a < 0x8 = rom m V.! a
- | a < 0x7e0000 = if V.length (ram m) >= a then ram m V.! a
- else 0xff
- | a < 0x800000 = rom m V.! (a - 0x7e0000)
- | otherwise = 0xff
+setByte :: Long -> Byte -> Emulator ()
+setByte a b | a < 0x8 = return ()
+ | a < 0x7e0000 = with ram $ \ram ->
+ VM.write ram (fromIntegral a) b
+ | otherwise = return ()
-getWord :: Machine -> Int -> Word16 -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
-getWord m a = (fromIntegral $ getByte m a) * 256 +
- (fromIntegral $ getByte m (a + 1))
+ -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
+setWord :: Long -> Word -> Emulator ()
+setWord a w = do
+ setByte a (fromIntegral (rem (fromIntegral w) 256))
+ setByte (a + 1) (fromIntegral (div (fromIntegral w) 256))
-getLong :: Machine -> Int -> Word32 -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
-getLong m a = (fromIntegral $ getWord m a) * 256 * 256 +
- (fromIntegral $ getWord m (a + 2))
+ -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
+setLong :: Long -> Long -> Emulator ()
+setLong a l = do
+ setWord a (fromIntegral (rem (fromIntegral l) 256 * 256))
+ setWord (a + 2) (fromIntegral (div (fromIntegral l) 256 * 256))
diff --git a/src/Suem.hs b/src/Suem.hs
index fe73a1e..0207a91 100644
--- a/src/Suem.hs
+++ b/src/Suem.hs
@@ -1,28 +1,23 @@
+-- This module organizes Emulator execution.
module Suem (Config(..), ConfigSocket(..), suem) where
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
+import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VM
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Data.Word
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Foldable
+import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
import Machine
import Commands
import Utils
-data ConfigSocket = ConfigInet String | ConfigUnix String
+-- Main loop and command deciphering.
-data Config = Config Int -- frequence
- Int -- size of RAM
- FilePath -- path to ROM
- (Maybe ConfigSocket)
- (Maybe ConfigSocket)
- (Maybe ConfigSocket)
- (Maybe ConfigSocket)
- (Maybe ConfigSocket)
- (Maybe ConfigSocket)
- (Maybe ConfigSocket)
- (Maybe ConfigSocket)
-doCommand :: [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+doCommand :: [Int] -> Emulator ()
doCommand [0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0, 0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0] = doReset
doCommand [0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0, 0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1] = doNothing
doCommand [0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0, 0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0] = doStop
@@ -38,18 +33,58 @@ doCommand [0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0, 0,1,0,1,1,a,b,c] = doUnlink [a,b,c]
doCommand [0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] = doTST [a,b] [c,d,e] [f,g,h]
doCommand _ = error "Bad command."
-runMachine :: Machine -> IO ()
-runMachine m = do
- runMachine $ doCommand (toBits $ getWord m $ fromIntegral $ pc $ regs m) m
+runMachine :: Emulator ()
+runMachine = forM_ [0..] $ \_ -> do
+ pc <- with pc $ \pc -> readIORef pc
+ cmd <- getWord $ fromIntegral pc
+ doCommand (toBitsWhole cmd)
+-- Config and start of execution based on the config.
+data ConfigSocket = ConfigInet String | ConfigUnix String
+data Config = Config Int -- frequence
+ Int -- size of RAM
+ FilePath -- path to ROM
+ (Maybe ConfigSocket)
+ (Maybe ConfigSocket)
+ (Maybe ConfigSocket)
+ (Maybe ConfigSocket)
+ (Maybe ConfigSocket)
+ (Maybe ConfigSocket)
+ (Maybe ConfigSocket)
+ (Maybe ConfigSocket)
+makeMachine :: VM.IOVector Byte -> V.Vector Byte -> IO Machine
+makeMachine ramData romData = do
+ pc <- newIORef pcval
+ sr <- newIORef 0x2700
+ drs <- newIORef (fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral 0,
+ fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral 0,
+ fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral 0)
+ ars <- newIORef (fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral 0,
+ fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral 0, fromIntegral 0,
+ fromIntegral 0)
+ usp <- newIORef 0
+ ssp <- newIORef sspval
+ return $ Machine pc sr drs ars usp ssp ramData romData
+ where pcval = (fromIntegral $ romData V.! 4) * 256 * 256 * 256 +
+ (fromIntegral $ romData V.! 5) * 256 * 256 +
+ (fromIntegral $ romData V.! 6) * 256 +
+ (fromIntegral $ romData V.! 7)
+ sspval = (fromIntegral $ romData V.! 0) * 256 * 256 * 256 +
+ (fromIntegral $ romData V.! 1) * 256 * 256 +
+ (fromIntegral $ romData V.! 2) * 256 +
+ (fromIntegral $ romData V.! 3)
-makeMachine :: V.Vector Word8 -> Int -> Machine
-makeMachine romData ramSize = Machine rs rd romData
- where rd = V.replicate ramSize 0
- rs = Registers (getLong m 0x7e0004) 0x2700 (replicate 8 0)
- (replicate 7 0) 0 (getLong m 0x7e0000)
- m = Machine (Registers 0 0 [] [] 0 0) V.empty romData
+runEmulator :: Emulator a -> Machine -> IO a
+runEmulator (Emulator reader) m = runReaderT reader m
suem :: Config -> IO ()
suem (Config _ ramSize romPath _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = do
romData <- B.readFile romPath
- runMachine (makeMachine (V.fromList $ B.unpack $ romData) ramSize)
+ ram <- VM.replicate ramSize 0
+ m <- makeMachine ram (V.fromList $ B.unpack $ romData)
+ runEmulator runMachine m
diff --git a/src/Utils.hs b/src/Utils.hs
index 345b085..475821a 100644
--- a/src/Utils.hs
+++ b/src/Utils.hs
@@ -1,32 +1,46 @@
+-- This module describes utility functions.
module Utils where
-import Data.Word
+import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Data.Bits
-import Machine
-boolToInt :: Bool -> Int
-boolToInt True = 1
-boolToInt False = 0
-toBits :: Word16 -> [Int]
-toBits x = map (boolToInt . testBit x) [0..(finiteBitSize x-1)]
+-- Bitwork
+toBit :: Bool -> Int
+toBit True = 1
+toBit False = 0
+toBits :: Bits a => a -> [Int] -> [Int]
+toBits x r = map (toBit . testBit x) r
+toBitsWhole :: FiniteBits a => a -> [Int]
+toBitsWhole x = toBits x [0..(finiteBitSize x - 1)]
fromBits :: [Int] -> Int
fromBits = foldl (\a b -> 2 * a + b) 0 . reverse
-args2 :: (Int -> Int -> Machine -> Machine) ->
- [Int] -> [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+extractBits :: Bits a => a -> [Int] -> Int
+extractBits x r = fromBits $ toBits x r
+-- Transformers for commands arguments
+args2 :: (Int -> Int -> t) ->
+ [Int] -> [Int] -> t
args2 f a b = f (fromBits a) (fromBits b)
-args3 :: (Int -> Int -> Int -> Machine -> Machine) ->
- [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+args3 :: (Int -> Int -> Int -> t) ->
+ [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> t
args3 f a b c = f (fromBits a) (fromBits b) (fromBits c)
-args4 :: (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Machine -> Machine) ->
- [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+args4 :: (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> t) ->
+ [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> t
args4 f a b c d = f (fromBits a) (fromBits b) (fromBits c) (fromBits d)
-args5 :: (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Machine -> Machine) ->
- [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Machine -> Machine
+args5 :: (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> t) ->
+ [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> t
args5 f a b c d e = f (fromBits a) (fromBits b) (fromBits c)
(fromBits d) (fromBits e)