path: root/src/Machine.hs
diff options
authorAleksey Veresov <aleksey@veresov.pro>2021-02-16 13:11:37 +0300
committerAleksey Veresov <aleksey@veresov.pro>2021-02-16 13:11:37 +0300
commit7f59fd16534fc4fe417640130c415107008a638c (patch)
treeb1dd2f6954f6590c3cd546c5548b26ab3ec1f105 /src/Machine.hs
parent97bbb430e4f1460858b2f1baaffc2ef804c63086 (diff)
Now Machine is in Emulator which is a monad. =)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Machine.hs')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/Machine.hs b/src/Machine.hs
index 5e6256f..06860bf 100644
--- a/src/Machine.hs
+++ b/src/Machine.hs
@@ -1,38 +1,192 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+-- This module describes the basic types and operations for our machine.
module Machine where
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
-import Data.Word
-import Data.Bits
-data Registers = Registers {
- pc :: Word32,
- sr :: Word16,
- drs :: [Word32], -- d0 to d7
- ars :: [Word32], -- a0 to a6
- usp :: Word32, -- this is a7 in user mode
- ssp :: Word32 -- this is a7 in supermode
+import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VM
+import Prelude hiding (Word)
+import Data.Word (Word32, Word16, Word8)
+import Data.Bits (testBit)
+import Data.IORef
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, ask)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO)
+import Utils
+-- Base Types
+type Long = Word32
+type Word = Word16
+type Byte = Word8
data Machine = Machine {
- regs :: Registers,
- ram :: V.Vector Word8,
- rom :: V.Vector Word8
+ pc :: IORef Long,
+ sr :: IORef Word,
+ drs :: IORef (Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long),
+ ars :: IORef (Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long),
+ usp :: IORef Long, -- this is a7 in user mode
+ ssp :: IORef Long, -- this is a7 in supermode
+ ram :: VM.IOVector Byte,
+ rom :: V.Vector Byte
-isSupervisor :: Machine -> Bool
-isSupervisor m = testBit (sr $ regs m) 2
+-- Emulator is a monad which contains Machine and allows easy change of it.
+newtype Emulator a = Emulator (ReaderT Machine IO a)
+ deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor, MonadIO, MonadReader Machine)
+with :: (Machine -> b) -> (b -> IO a) -> Emulator a
+with field f = do
+ m <- ask
+ liftIO $ f (field m)
+-- Data and Address Registers Access
+readD :: Int -> Emulator Long
+readD 0 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (r,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 1 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,r,_,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 2 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,r,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 3 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,r,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 4 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,r,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 5 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,r,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 6 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,_,r,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD 7 = with drs $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,_,_,r) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readD _ = return $ error "Incorrect Data register read"
+readA :: Int -> Emulator Long
+readA 0 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (r,_,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 1 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,r,_,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 2 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,r,_,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 3 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,r,_,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 4 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,r,_,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 5 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,r,_) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 6 = with ars $ \rs -> do
+ (_,_,_,_,_,_,r) <- readIORef rs
+ return r
+readA 7 = isSupervisor >>= \sup -> if sup
+ then with ssp $ \sp -> readIORef sp
+ else with usp $ \sp -> readIORef sp
+readA _ = return $ error "Incorrect Address register read"
+-- Status Register Access
+isTracing :: Emulator Bool
+isTracing = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 0
+isSupervisor :: Emulator Bool
+isSupervisor = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 2
+interruptLevel :: Emulator Int
+interruptLevel = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ extractBits sr [5, 6, 7]
+isExtend :: Emulator Bool
+isExtend = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 11
+isNegative :: Emulator Bool
+isNegative = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 12
+isZero :: Emulator Bool
+isZero = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 13
+isOverflow :: Emulator Bool
+isOverflow = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 14
+isCarry :: Emulator Bool
+isCarry = with sr $ \sr -> do
+ sr <- readIORef sr
+ return $ testBit sr 15
+-- Memmory Access
+getByte :: Long -> Emulator Byte
+getByte a | a < 0x8 = with rom $ \rom -> return $ rom V.! fromIntegral a
+ | a < 0x7e0000 = with ram $ \ram ->
+ if VM.length ram >= fromIntegral a
+ then VM.unsafeRead ram (fromIntegral a)
+ else return 0xff
+ | a < 0x800000 = with rom $ \rom ->
+ return $ rom V.! (fromIntegral a - 0x7e0000)
+ | otherwise = return 0xff
+ -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
+getWord :: Long -> Emulator Word
+getWord a = do
+ g <- getByte a
+ l <- getByte (a + 1)
+ return $ (fromIntegral g) * 256 + (fromIntegral l)
+ -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
+getLong :: Long -> Emulator Long
+getLong a = do
+ g <- getWord a
+ l <- getWord (a + 2)
+ return $ (fromIntegral g) * 256 * 256 + (fromIntegral l)
-getByte :: Machine -> Int -> Word8
-getByte m a | a < 0x8 = rom m V.! a
- | a < 0x7e0000 = if V.length (ram m) >= a then ram m V.! a
- else 0xff
- | a < 0x800000 = rom m V.! (a - 0x7e0000)
- | otherwise = 0xff
+setByte :: Long -> Byte -> Emulator ()
+setByte a b | a < 0x8 = return ()
+ | a < 0x7e0000 = with ram $ \ram ->
+ VM.write ram (fromIntegral a) b
+ | otherwise = return ()
-getWord :: Machine -> Int -> Word16 -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
-getWord m a = (fromIntegral $ getByte m a) * 256 +
- (fromIntegral $ getByte m (a + 1))
+ -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
+setWord :: Long -> Word -> Emulator ()
+setWord a w = do
+ setByte a (fromIntegral (rem (fromIntegral w) 256))
+ setByte (a + 1) (fromIntegral (div (fromIntegral w) 256))
-getLong :: Machine -> Int -> Word32 -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
-getLong m a = (fromIntegral $ getWord m a) * 256 * 256 +
- (fromIntegral $ getWord m (a + 2))
+ -- TODO: only even addresses are allowed
+setLong :: Long -> Long -> Emulator ()
+setLong a l = do
+ setWord a (fromIntegral (rem (fromIntegral l) 256 * 256))
+ setWord (a + 2) (fromIntegral (div (fromIntegral l) 256 * 256))